Archive for the “Hulk” Category

  • Stan Sakai: Samurai Hulk Slash! #
  • Psyched for the return of Vic Sage Question - hope Ditko doesn’t write it, who needs a lecture on Ayn Rand from a zombie? #
  • The Legion of Super-Heroes has got to recruit a member named Balloon Boy, it’s a great name that’s just going to waste on this sleazy family. #
  • The Complete Underworld TPB: #
  • R2-D2 Caught In Transformers 2: #
  • Doc & Jackson/ Pete & Billy - separated at birth? #
  • 2 errors in 1 week - DC might want to hire some editors who passed 2nd grade English: #
  • - 5 Reasons It Sucks Being a Joss Whedon Fan: (Cracked is still around? As a website? Who knew?) #

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Zombie Hulk having traumatic flashback to when he lost black cherry at YMCA!  This alarmingly similar!  Leave Hulk be, puny humans!  Hulk all about the ladies!  Sure, there was that one time Hulk experiment at summer camp with Red Hulk… and that other time after watching Battlestar Galactica, when Hulk was “strangling Puny Banner” and accidentally pictured Edward James Olmos - but only for a second!  Then Hulk went back to thinking about Starbuck!  Why Hulk always attract the dudes?

That was not a tiara!!   That was World War Hulk battle-crown!  OK, the armband was admittedly a bit “Village People”… but still!  It not Hulk’s fault Hulk a metrosexual!


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Wow, this is really creepy - extra creepy since, for some reason, Doc Banner appears to be drawn to resemble Marvel’s then-EIC Jim Shooter. I actually have this corny “Wonder Years” halcyon memory of spending summers in the country (well, Connecticut, if that counts as country), buying the Rampaging Hulk mag at the Soder shop, and enjoying both the novelty of reading a comic-ish thing in Magazine size (I was like six, anything other than school was an interesting novelty), and getting off on some of the first-ever Moon Knight stories that were occasionally published as backups. Thank god my innocent mind somehow didn’t process this scene of David Banner (this was TV Hulk, remember) getting GANG-RAPED in the shower!

As far as I know, the incident was never referred to again, but the experience obviously had an impact on old Jade Jaws. Observe how, when up against Rulk, he seems to instinctively know to go for the crotch:

And as for Dr. Banner? He may pretend he’s over it, but he’s obviously still troubled - look how he tries to work out his inner demons by getting into the weird kinky stuff:


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This was the first year that Weeds, Showtime’s drama about a pot-dealing MILF, had a panel at SDCC, but obviously drugs and comic culture have a long mutual history.

Check out this Hulk panel from 1986 - the Nancy Reagan ‘say no to drug years’ no less, and even though at the time, continuity-wise, Hulk is supposed to be unable to think coherently whatsoever, he appears to be… umm… “opening the doors of the imagination” in this story, written and illustrated by John Byrne.

Funny sidebar: this story is actually a post-script to the story of Scourge, that killer of supervillains, many of whose victims are currently back from the dead, courtesy of the Hood, and doing a piss-poor job of trying to kill Frank Castle in the pages of recent issues of The Punisher.

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