Archive for the “Giant-Man” Category

Call him Ant-Man, Yellowjacket, Giant-Man, or - creepiest of all - The Wasp. In fact, kill him and let him live on the moon as an undead flesh-eater for a thousand years. Whatever the costume, whatever the name, dead or alive, he will always be Hank Pym: douchebag. Observe!

Still incompetent and passive aggressive.

Still so mentally unbalanced, even the Sentry is disgusted by him!

And let’s not even start with the psychological issues implied in a character who beats his wife, and whose brilliant scientific mind is wasted by a neurotic obsession with shrinkage.

OK, so he does have a pretty cool moment later on in this book (Marvel Zombies Return #5) - but a zombie by any other name is still a tool.

GHTime Code(s): 43ef8 

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