Archive for the “Comic Book Video Games” Category

It’s been a helluva year for Batman video games, albeit a year of extremes. First came the fun and addictive Lego Batman, which was a lot less “I am vengeance - the night is mine!”, and a lot more “Let’s smash the bad guys into little bricks and rivets, and use them to build a helicopter”.

One of my favorite games of the past year, especially for the PSP and, better still, the Nintendo Wii – so cool to actually throw a Batarang, even if it is made of Lego.

More recently of course, came the awesome Batman: Arkham Asylum – the game that put the “dark” back into “Dark Knight”. As of this writing, I’m pretty sure there are statistics to prove its the highest-reviewed Superhero game of all time, and I can back the hype up with way too much hands-on experience. I’ve been playing the game so much, my wrists sound like cement mixers. So where’s the middle ground for Bat-gamers? What if I’m not feeling like playing with blocks, but I’m not quite in the mood to watch a security guard have his throat slit by Zsasz if I press one wrong button?

Suppose I feel like being the scourge of Gotham City’s criminally insane, but in a light-hearted kind of way?

Inspired by the throwaway “Li’l Gotham” mini from Batman Annual #27, allow me to present my proposal for a can’t-miss superhero video game franchise: Arkham Kart – Race Against Crime!

Seriously, how fun would this be? It would rule on the PSP, and probably make a sweet iPhone app. Maybe get a little bat-shaped steering wheel controller…

Come on! DC, Eidos, Warners, whoever – call me, we have a winner on our hands here!

GHTime Code(s): 2a9c7 a04ff 

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