Archive for the “Marvel Zombies” Category

Call him Ant-Man, Yellowjacket, Giant-Man, or - creepiest of all - The Wasp. In fact, kill him and let him live on the moon as an undead flesh-eater for a thousand years. Whatever the costume, whatever the name, dead or alive, he will always be Hank Pym: douchebag. Observe!

Still incompetent and passive aggressive.

Still so mentally unbalanced, even the Sentry is disgusted by him!

And let’s not even start with the psychological issues implied in a character who beats his wife, and whose brilliant scientific mind is wasted by a neurotic obsession with shrinkage.

OK, so he does have a pretty cool moment later on in this book (Marvel Zombies Return #5) - but a zombie by any other name is still a tool.

GHTime Code(s): 43ef8 

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Zombie Hulk having traumatic flashback to when he lost black cherry at YMCA!  This alarmingly similar!  Leave Hulk be, puny humans!  Hulk all about the ladies!  Sure, there was that one time Hulk experiment at summer camp with Red Hulk… and that other time after watching Battlestar Galactica, when Hulk was “strangling Puny Banner” and accidentally pictured Edward James Olmos - but only for a second!  Then Hulk went back to thinking about Starbuck!  Why Hulk always attract the dudes?

That was not a tiara!!   That was World War Hulk battle-crown!  OK, the armband was admittedly a bit “Village People”… but still!  It not Hulk’s fault Hulk a metrosexual!

GHTime Code(s): 98cbe 257d4 c9ece 


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