Venture Bros. Season 4 Premiere: No Hitlers or Comics Were Harmed During the Filming of this Episode
Posted by Matt in Adult Swim, Marvel Comics 70th Anniversary, Venture Bros.The Venture Bros. Season premiere exceeded all expectations - and expectations were pretty damn high. In Venture tradition, Doc Hammer and Jackson Publick took every plot thread left hanging from the previous season’s cliffhanger finale, and threw them out the window. They just love leaving you hanging, and then returning with more questions than answers. It’s an awesome technique that, like Hank and Dean’s clone slugs, keeps the show from ever getting old.
Er… not that the boys have their clones anymore. Yeah, I was pretty amazed that they made it through a single episode without dying grizzly deaths. I can’t imagine how they’re going to survive the rest of the season, let alone the rest of their lives.
All bets are off, everything’s new and different. Hank’s ditched the Neckerchief for long-ish hair and Brock’s old denim jacket. H.E.L.P.eR. has a new look that could be described as either cool or horrific - it’s all in the (walking) eye of the beholder. Henchman No. 21 is is trying to overcome his grief at the loss of No. 24 with LARP therapy.
For those of you who haven’t seen the episode (which apparently includes the entire West Coast, where according to news sources, half of the episode didn’t air!), that’s all I’m going to say about the episode, other than this: Jackson and Doc have clearly enjoyed Marvel’s endless 70th anniversary shenanigans as much as I have. Let this serve as a warning to comic publishers everywhere: if you spend an entire year making a fuss about a single comic book - even if it is one of the most important comic books of all time - don’t be surprised if said comic turns up on Adult Swim, being used to house-train Hitler and wipe Sargent Hatred’s ass. After this episode, I’ll never read the Golden Age classics, or cool new takes on the era like the Marvels Project, the same way again.
Happy Anniversary! Marvel #1 was released mid-October, 1939. 70 years almost to the day later, it lives on as a poop-stained chew toy for Dog Hitler.
If you missed it, or if like me, you just want to watch the Venture premiere again and again until your eyes get all glassy, it’s already available for download from iTunes. Next week - we finally get to meet Captain Sunshine, and see him replace his fallen sidekick with a brand new Wonderboy… Hank!
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