Posts Tagged “YouTube”

Recent issues of Incredible Hercules saw a new twist on the ages-old rivalry between Marvel Super-Deities Hercules and Thor.

See, now that there is an unpleasent new twist.

But really, it is a battle that has existed between the God of Thunder and the Prince of Power for decades, and as the Thorcules vs. Hercuthor denouement poignantly notes, it’s always been about two demigods whose fathers treat them like red-headed stepchildren. And it is has always been true, ever since the two first met on the battlefield – back in the ancient times, when Marvel animation essentially consisted of Flo Steinberg holding up old stock Kirby panels, while in the background low-priced voice actors breathed (some) life into the very slow-moving action for what was almost certainly below AFTRA scale.


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With the super-kickass 3D releases of Toy Story and Toy Story 2 just around the corner, Disney COO John Lasseter has started a series of YouTube videos showing off the new line of amazing Toy Story, uh, toys.

And the thing of it is - as much as Disney in general is an evil corporate monolith - when I watch this first video, I truly believe that, although Lasseter is doing the job he is paid for, promoting Disney stuff, he is not in the least bit insincere or pretending to have fun - he is playing with toys and having a blast.

Now if you’ll excuse me, I have to go spend my hard-earned life savings - as a fully grown Jewish adult - to bankroll a company founded by a well-known outspoken anti-Semite, so that I can populate my home office with toys, and wonder why I don’t get more of teh sex.

I have a strange life.

© 2009, Comics Cavern. All rights reserved.

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