Today’s Tweets From Comics Cavern: 2009-10-23
Posted by Matt in Batman, Comics, Smallville- New Smallivlle episode tonight - here’s the link to download last week’s episode from iTunes: http://5fmk1.tk #
- RT @BonnettsBooks: pricing original #EC_Comics #EC_Horror #EC_Crime #EC_SciFi #EC_Weird #EC_Funnies #EC_Humor #EC_Romance #EC_Western #
- Ker-FLOP! Indian Comics Fall Flat: http://p082n.tk #
- Alice Cooper lends likeness to comic (Headline should end with word ‘again’- Neil Gaiman wrote a Cooper comic in the ’90s): http://3dvym.tk #
- R. Crumb takes on the Bible: http://mpq7t.tk (writer uses ‘ribald’ and ‘bawdy’ in first sentence - someone is having fun with his Thesaurus!) #
- I wonder if Gina Gershon is still hot? I preferred her subtle brand of skankiness over today’s “hello, look at my girl parts” ingenues. #
- Props to Peter Milligan for his work in Batman Confidential - he’s on a mission to make people take a villain named “KGBeast” seriously. #
- Lynn Cheney: Waterboarding isn’t torture, but paying for and reading the “Final Crisis Aftermath” minis - yeah, that’s torture. #
- Enemy combatants will now be allowed to choose between a stint in a secret prison, or reading the Japanese Justice Teens mini. #
- Here’s hoping the Space Ace comic is better than the game. The game was like dating a beautiful woman with an unbearable personality. #