Comics Cavern: The Week in Review October 18-25
Posted by Matt in Adult Swim, Amazon Kindle, Batman, Blackest Night, Comics, Dark Horse Comics, Venture Bros.Sundays are great “wrap-up” days. The news takes a holiday from following current events to summarize the week in wars, health scares, and environmental disasters.
Or, switch the channel, and you’ll see a similar recap of the week in scores, wins and losses, and life-changing injuries from the week in sports.
Change the channel again, and you can enjoy the banter of doughy pundits, along with a token still-hot-but-not-for-much-longer female columnist from the Times, trading barbs about politics.
So, in lazy sunday “here’s what you missed” tradition, here are the highlights of the week that was at Comics Cavern.
- Venture Bros. Season 4 Premiere: No Hitlers or Comics Were Harmed During the Filming of this Episode
- Venture Bros. Season Four Premieres Tonight!
- Yes, that’s Comics Cavern in My Pocket – But I’m Also Happy to See You
- Post-New Comic Book Day Wrapup
- The Votes Are In: Best Search Query for 10/14
Don’t forget – new Venture Bros. tonight! We finally meet Captain Sunshine, who’s come back to avenge his fallen sidekick Wonderboy – and recruit Hank as his replacement! That usually goes well, take the second Robin for instance… oh. Maybe not so much.
Here’s hoping Hank doesn’t fall victim to the sidekick sophomore slump, Jason Todd-style.