Archive for the “Incredible Hercules” Category

A few weeks back I commented on the ages-old feud between Marvel’s demigods Thor and Hercules, and noted that, at their fathers’ behest, the two had been at one another’s throats -

or other body parts -

from the day they met.

I underscored my point with a video clip of the Titan’s first clash, back when Thor was part of Marvel’s line-up of televised stills shown in slow succession that could generously be referred to as animation.

We’ve come a long way since then - Thor and Herc have (for now) reached peace and even a mutual admiration of sorts, and after one kick to the Golden Apples too many they have come to accept that their rivalry is irrational and needs to be worked out through self-understanding and perhaps some assistance from the Greek god of therapy, Lexaprosis. And Marvel’s animation is now powered by billion-dollar Disney computers and a legion of writers, who somehow make shows which are far less entertaining than the old shoestring budget ‘toons of the ’60s. Huh. Well.

Anyway, I only showed the first half of the battle, thinking it would help to illustrate my point. Little did I guess that the people would be left clamoring for more - for hot god-on-god battle action, for the second half of the episode.

Verily, ’tis my bad. I grant thee they request, fair mortals. Gaze in wonder upon the epic battle of Thor vs. Hercules - Part 2!

© 2009, Comics Cavern. All rights reserved.

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Recent issues of Incredible Hercules saw a new twist on the ages-old rivalry between Marvel Super-Deities Hercules and Thor.

See, now that there is an unpleasent new twist.

But really, it is a battle that has existed between the God of Thunder and the Prince of Power for decades, and as the Thorcules vs. Hercuthor denouement poignantly notes, it’s always been about two demigods whose fathers treat them like red-headed stepchildren. And it is has always been true, ever since the two first met on the battlefield – back in the ancient times, when Marvel animation essentially consisted of Flo Steinberg holding up old stock Kirby panels, while in the background low-priced voice actors breathed (some) life into the very slow-moving action for what was almost certainly below AFTRA scale.


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© 2009, Comics Cavern. All rights reserved.

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I have a great time rambling about comics, cartoons, pop culture, and myself - but another thing I love about this blog is checking out the search queries that deliver you lovable readers to the Cavern.

It’s totally anonymous, I don’t know who is Googling “full frontal Ghost Rider”, unless they e-mail me or leave comments claiming credit. But it’s fun to see the weird things we’re searching for, and wondering why Google or Bing or whoever decides to rank my site highly for the bizarre queries.

I had a couple of fun ones on October 14, so on the 15th I started polling to pick an audience favorite. Well, the polls are closed, the results are in.

Congratulations, “boob comic” searcher! You took two-thirds of the vote, beating out “power girl headless” and winning Best Search Query.

If the searcher(s) for boob comics would like to take credit and have their names (or online tags) mentioned, along with the prize of a free plug for their blogs, webcasts, or what have you (click here for guidelines), they can either send me an e-mail or just leave a comment.

If, however, they prefer superhero-like anonymity, searching for weird crap on the Web from the rooftops and the shadows, I respect that too.

In other weird search news, look what’s making a comeback:

Seriously, is there some picture or something featuring Teen Titans wedgies floating around on the Web? If so, would someone please send me a link?

For those of you searching the Cavern in vain for Wonder Girl whale tail, I hope this god-on-god superwedgie, delivered by Thorcules to Hercuthor, is an acceptable consolation prize.

© 2009, Comics Cavern. All rights reserved.

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Hercules’ (ex?) sidekick, Amadeus Cho, discovers both his amazing intellect powers and the kooky designs of M. C. Escher as he journeys through the wacky hyper-computer/town known as Excello in Incredible Hercules #135.

Escher’s lesser-known side career as a hip-hop artist was recently revealed on an episode of Family Guy (which premieres tomorrow night!!).

© 2009, Comics Cavern. All rights reserved.

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