Archive for the “Family Guy” Category

  • Robocop Returns + Robocop Book & Figure Set Exclusively at #
  • Dane Cook wants to be in a Batman movie - this is news? Every non-talent wishes they could rise above their station. #
  • Dr. Strange loves the ’90s: the former sorcerer Supreme, is now dedicating his life to his true passion: vogue-ing. #
  • FYI - all my previous tweets were perpetrated by my well-meaning but misguided fans, the Wonder Twins. #smallville #
  • Rocket and sunchoke (sp?) tastes like burning soap! #venturebros #
  • #venturebros - RT @_spell: ’sunchoke’ could be sun choke, sun-choke, Sauncho, Sancho, Sauncho’s, Sunshine, sunshine, Sancho’s or sunshade. #
  • Captain Kirk Joins Madame Tussauds Hollywood: Save $8! #
  • Well, X-Man’s back; and he appears to be shooting a music video for a power ballad. #
  • Call Dr. Mid-Nite - Green Arrow’s right ’stache handlebar has become sentient, and melded itself to his costume! #
  • Damn, but I’m psyched for Tony Hawk: Ride ( - should be a billion times better than the excellent Shaun White Wii game. #
  • Almost said “Shaun Ryder” Wii game. Somebody’s delirious and thinks he’s in Manchester circa 1991. #
  • Is it just me, or is Flamebird sporting a Corky-esque “happy retard” grin on the cover of Action Comics No. 883? #
  • Damn you Firefox, you crash more often than an entire cardiac ward! #
  • Ohhh shaving I love you! I was looking like f$&king Lion-O for a while there. #
  • Now my face is naked as - I dunno, Megan Fox at a film studio party? And I didn’t even nick myself. So proud. Pop-pop gets a treat! #
  • Damn I wish this wasn’t so lo-res: #metalocalypse cosplay and I’m pretty sure that’s a woman dressed as Murderface! #
  • Check it - the Family Guy Microsoft ad that was gonna run on that variety show: - but MS pulled out. hehehe “pulled out”. #


“And I-ee-I-ee-I will always love yewww….”

© 2009, Comics Cavern. All rights reserved.

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Counting the days ’til December 22nd, and the release of the second Family Guy Star Wars spoof - Something, Something, Something Dark Side, on DVD and Blu-ray! Oh yeah, and Christmas and Hanukkah and all that. Plus, New Year’s Eve is my birthday. Seriously.

But I cannot wait for this - Blue Harvest was such a great Star Wars parody, and - I don’t want to start any fights or anything but - Empire Strikes Back is, was and forever shall remain the greatest Star Wars movie ever. And it’s been Family Guy-cized! And at long last - we have a trailer. Take a sneak peek at the dark side! You’ll love it! I’m your fa- I mean, I’m Hayden Christensen!

© 2009, Comics Cavern. All rights reserved.

