Ego trips are the stupidest thing on the planet. That’s if you’re actually some sort of semi-accomplished celebrity, with enough fans and paparazzi up your ass to even give you cause to have an ego trip. The second you buy into your own hype, you are destined to live the rest of your life one just one misstep - one out-of-date fad, one out-of-context quote, one bad review, one messed-up lip-synch performance - from a lifetime spent as a punchline. You don’t recover from that.
You go from this:
To this…
So fast that it will make your head spin.
But when you are a comics fan, whose hobbies include reading comics and blogging about said comics - and THAT gives you an ego trip - that makes you the sorriest ass to ever crawl the earth. Leif Garrett laughs at you. I’m referring to a VERY select few here - if you have to ask yourself if I’m talking about you, I’m not talking about you. I have, however, noticed for the first time, a very small group of my “peers” deciding that their ReTweet and link aggregator pages - hardly even blogs, by definition - have made them rock stars. I suppose it’s preferable think of yourself as a star as opposed to an obnoxious, delusional and pathetic loser - and we comics fans are experts at escapism, so we’re well practiced at the art of make-believe.
You’re as ugly on the inside as Barry Allen, right after Big Sir smashed his face into so much Speed Force pudding. You’re also ugly on the outside. Rethink your life. It’s sad.
I believe it was Mahatma Gandhi who said “The secret to inner serenity and oneness with the world is simple - don’t be a dick.” He may not have used those exact words, but he certainly lived by them, and it’s sad when people who participate in “social media” of all things, lose the path. Oh well. Maybe I’m mistaken. Maybe I’m not mistaken, but the aforementioned peers will come around. Or maybe they’ll just f**k off, and I’ll be secure in the knowledge that I said my peace. Whatever.
Now for the cool stuff - I haven’t mentioned this before, but you should really take a second and check out on your iPhone, iPod Touch, Google Phone, or whatever the hell that thing is in your pocket. Comics Cavern is super-optimized for handhelds and phones and the like - you wouldn’t think so, what with all the bells and whistles that show up on the full-sized web version of the site, but trust me: load it on your mobile (you don’t have to muck about with settings or whatever - it automatically loads the optimized mobile page).
All modesty aside, the iPhone-etc optimized Comics Cavern is sexy as hell. If you’re out on a date with a chick who likes smartphones and comics - trust me, loading up the old Cavern on your phone is the equivalent of 10 scented candles, oysters for dinner, and taking her shoe-shopping. You, my friend, are gonna score.
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