Posts Tagged “JLA: Cry for Justice”

I’ve been a comics fan since the ’70s - and I know that the spandex set has never been all that enlightened when it comes to its treatment of women. Pretty much the closest we’ve come to putting them on the same level or greater than male heroes was the creation of Wonder Woman, and she was invented by a pervy mad psychologist who actually believed in a Utopian society in which benevolent Amazonian women ruled over a populace of happily bound male subjects. No, seriously.

And I am a happy reader of the excellent Power Girl series, so seeing super spandex mega-boobery is not a shock to my delicate sensibilities.

But between this cover to Action Comics #881, and her famous “Headless Boob Creature” intro panel in JLA: Cry for Justice, I have to wonder if there isn’t some edict at DC Editorial that all Supergirl appearances outside of her own mag must justify their existence with some sort of major mammary action, such as the “Kandor Boob Slam”, the ultimate Kryptonian girl-on-girl dis, which Kara receives here courtesy of her ex-homegirl Flamebird.

© 2009, Comics Cavern. All rights reserved.

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After this scene in Justice League: Cry for Justice #3, I’m pretty sure that from this day forward every time I read a product solicitation for a “Supergirl bust”, this is going to be the first image to pop into my mind.

© 2009, Comics Cavern. All rights reserved.

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