Posts Tagged “Dark Reign”

Best. Surveillance camera footage. Ever.

Last Friday, two guys dressed in Spider-Man outfits actually pulled an armed robbery at a Texas branch of Bank of America.

Two of ‘em… that means at least one had to have been the Chamaeleon or something, right? Or maybe Hawkeye/Goliath/Ronin, trying on another identity and rasing funds for the upcoming Seige against Norman Osborn? Either way, I want to find out how to get the rights to this picture, so I can sell it at conventions. I’m not advocating bank heists - but come on! Real life Dark Spider-Man, that is badass!

The Iron Patriot was unavailable for comment on this story.

© 2009, Comics Cavern. All rights reserved.

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Here, we present an all-time classic: Ares, the GOD of war, vs. Nicholas Fury, a 100-something, crippled war veteran who has to air out his empty eye socket moisture at night. The terror of Mount Olympus goes toe-to-toe with the Polygrip commando for the fate of Phobos!

This is gonna be one for the ages, folks. I can’t wait to see how this turns out, when these two grizzled warriors go head-to-head in Dark Avengers #9.

© 2009, Comics Cavern. All rights reserved.

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This was the first year that Weeds, Showtime’s drama about a pot-dealing MILF, had a panel at SDCC, but obviously drugs and comic culture have a long mutual history.

Check out this Hulk panel from 1986 - the Nancy Reagan ‘say no to drug years’ no less, and even though at the time, continuity-wise, Hulk is supposed to be unable to think coherently whatsoever, he appears to be… umm… “opening the doors of the imagination” in this story, written and illustrated by John Byrne.

Funny sidebar: this story is actually a post-script to the story of Scourge, that killer of supervillains, many of whose victims are currently back from the dead, courtesy of the Hood, and doing a piss-poor job of trying to kill Frank Castle in the pages of recent issues of The Punisher.

© 2009, Comics Cavern. All rights reserved.

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