Enter the Court of the Crimson King - If You Dare!
Posted by Matt in Adult Swim, Dethklok, Metalocalypse, Venture Bros.Before you watch tonight’s new Venture Bros. episode, you may want to get your science on. And as we all learned from last week’s instant classic “Perchance to Dean”, nothing inspires super-scientific breakthroughs- such as re-growing lost hair by baking it like a shrinky-dink - quite like Progressive Rock.
Bearing that in mind - and with the caveat that prog rock of this caliber could turn you into an evil scientist if you’re not careful - I invite you to enjoy the monument to ponderousness that is King Crimson’s “Court of the Crimson King.”
Enjoy, and don’t go inventing any monstrous hunchback clones. See ya tonight at midnight, for “Return to Malice”.
Plus: Metalocalypse Season Three premiere at 12:30!
GHTime Code(s): ed4f0 3443d