Archive for the “The Flash” Category

It’s great to be fast, but you’ve gotta learn control - and you’ve gotta know when to slam on the breaks. It’s all well and good racing into battle, but it’s a lot less glamorous when you slam face first into the big red demon’s loincloth.

That looks like it hurts - I’m only grateful New Teen Titans Vol. 1 scribe Marv Wolfman spared us the description of the demonic aroma!

And yes, despite my distaste for ’80s nostalgia in general, I have indeed been re-reading the original Wolfman/ Perez New Teen Titans series that kicked off in 1980. Aside from the occasional dated references - such as Changeling’s comparison of Starfire to Loni Anderson - the series was a timeless classic, and a landmark career high point for both creators - and for creators of this high caliber that’s really saying something.

I should note, however, that Jerry Ordway Curt Swan provides the art for Kid Flash’s close encounter with Trigon’s nards depicted above – George was pencilling the Titans AND the Avengers at the time, the poor guy was bound to have deadline problems every now and then. And what a fortuitous deadline to miss – in an alternate universe, George drew this issue, and was doomed to spend the rest of his life at convention signings, begrudgingly fulfilling fans’ requests for sketches of his legendary “When Wally met Trigon” panel.

UPDATE/CORRECTION Sept. 26, 2009: I’ve been schooled on my comics history by no less than Mr. Wolfman himself, who pointed out that the artist on this issue (New Teen Titans Vol.1, #5) was not Jerry Ordway, but the legendary Curt Swan. Thanks for setting me straight, Marv!

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