Archive for the “Wolverine” Category

  • Wow, I just got a classic spam DM from a follower who specializes in fitness (but not spellcheck): ‘GET RAPED IN 4 WEEKS - MY PERSONAL GUARANTEE!’ #
  • Here he is - #smallville’s Hawkman, as portrayed by Michael Shanks. Very “Village People”. #
  • #starwarsbandnames John Cafferty and the Cantina Brown Band. “On the Dark Side”, no less! #
  • #starwarsbandnames Fett Boy Slim #
  • #starwarsbandnames Tag & Bink-182 #
  • Why do all junior #xmen wear giant gloves? Is it a fashion thing, or does crime-fighting give you carpal tunnel? #
  • Namor + Namora = creepy. Atlantean hillbilly inbred extra-retard babies in their future. #
  • Namor: Whats that word the surface dwellers use? Ah, yes - “badunkadunk”. #
  • Wolverine: he’s the best there is at what he does - and what he does is make up with Mommy. #
  • TUAW: Star Wars Trench Run - For the $5.00 Jedi In Us All. #
  • Dreamland: the new Doctor Who animation - #

Namor: Cousin, shmousin. It’s international waters baby, anything goes. What, incest is weirder than being a fish-person? Get over yourself!

© 2009, Comics Cavern. All rights reserved.

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Damned if Daken isn’t the darkest little Mousketeer. Still, how about let’s play it safe, and even though Marvel is super-edgy-rebellious, we keep Dark Wolverine #78 out of all the boardrooms, lest it be read by the wrong people - say, our new owners? Awk-ward!

© 2009, Comics Cavern. All rights reserved.

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