Posts Tagged “Norman Osborn”

The blogroll here at the Cavern has been down for a while, for what TV Network execs would call “re-tooling”. No, I’m not writing in an evil twin or a cute nephew to boost ratings, but I do have to make some changes.

A few of the great stalwart bloggers woke up and realized that we’re living with an economy that almost qualifies us as a third-world country, and had to put blogging on hold in favor of activities more suited to ensuring they would be able to keep their homes and feed their families.

A few others simply moved on to other endeavors, like becoming World of Warcraft addicts or - in a few, very rare cases - getting laid.

And - I’m not going to name names, but I’m not going to sugarcoat it either - a few of my colleagues in the comic-blog game turned into gigantic douchebags.

All of these issues combined meant that I couldn’t just make a few changes to the old blogroll on the fly - this was too big for that. I had to take it down and start from scratch.; remove about 60% of my links, add some new ones from some great blogs I’ve recently discovered, and now, the fun part: discover even more cool blogs to link to, finish my list, and put my blogroll back up.

So, I’m on the lookout: it seems every time I go online I’m finding some great new comics blog or website I’ve never noticed, or just-launched sites that are making the comics web a better place. I’m opening my doors, and sending out an open invite: put yourself on my blogroll! I want people to come to Comics Cavern, and find a big fat list of great comics resources all over the Internet, including yours.

I’m not asking for reciprocity, although if you want to put me on your ‘roll then of course that’s just super. If not, that’s cool. The only thing I ask is that you don’t tell me you’re putting me on your blogroll because you’re excited for a link, and then not do it. That’s douchebag behavior. That’s one of the reasons I took my blogroll down in the first place.

So come on all you bloggers and webmasters, you web comics you print publishers large and small, you online comic shops and you wiki people - I’m sorry I don’t know what technical term you use to describe yourselves, but I love your wikis - whatever you’re doing on the web that has to do with comics, please send me a link and, if you’d be so kind, a short (one or two sentences is fine) description of what you’ve got going on, so I can promote you on Comics Cavern.

Either send me an e-mail, or just leave a comment. It’s the social web, people - let’s get social!

© 2009, Comics Cavern. All rights reserved.

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Damned if Daken isn’t the darkest little Mousketeer. Still, how about let’s play it safe, and even though Marvel is super-edgy-rebellious, we keep Dark Wolverine #78 out of all the boardrooms, lest it be read by the wrong people - say, our new owners? Awk-ward!

© 2009, Comics Cavern. All rights reserved.

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“Ha ha! Yes, you see, it’s funny because - you know, I hate my kids. I’m pretty sure they were making the sex with each other, and, well - that’s no way to produce a master race. That’s how you make a George Bush, am I right? Thank you! We’ll be here all weekend! Try the veal, and remember to tip your waitresses generously. OK, so it’s fashion week in New York, right? Lotta macho men at that event. OK, So Iron Fist, the Human Flame, and the Rawhide Kid walk into a bar…”

© 2009, Comics Cavern. All rights reserved.

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