Posts Tagged “Superman”

The current incarnation of DC’s Outsiders comic couldn’t possibly get any worse – or so you would think. Like Marvel’s late Exiles books, the Outsiders has spent the last few years as an exercise in waste – waste of characters, waste of talent, waste of readers’ time and money.

Named after the once-great team helmed by Batman in the 1980s, the Outsiders was launched by Judd Winick some years back as a home for heroes who were too old to be Titans and too young to be Justice Leaguers. The book was no great shakes – in fact, in the post-Infinite Crisis One Year Later period, it was pretty god-awful.

Buh-buh-buh but wait it gets worse!

As part of the year-long experiment in pointlessness that was Countdown, the book was rebooted under the name and dynamic associated with the good old days: Batman and the Outsiders. Some of Winick’s Outsiders stayed, while others went on to become Justice Leaguers or (no-longer-teen) Titans.

Batman claimed to have a crucial reason to take over and rebuild the team, a grand covert mission to save the world. What actually happened was the book launched with several simultaneous confusing, boring and unresolved plots, and the team that Batman assembled with so much care changed rosters at least once per issue. This went on for a few issues, until disgruntled writer Chuck Dixon left the book, without making official statements but sending a general message to his fans and comics news sites that “DiDio is a retard, this book never had a chance and whether the perception is that I’m abandoning this sinking ship or that I’m being pushed, I’m just happy to get off.”

After a few more issues, Batman “died” and the book suddenly had a complete new roster, creative team, and was once again titled The Outsiders. For the first time in my life, I found myself thinking: “This book was better when Winick was in charge”.

The cancellation-waiting-to-happen known as the Outsiders is going through more changes, as announced yesterday at the Long Beach Comic Con. Starting in January 2010, the art will be handled by the excellent Philip Tan – but the writing chores will be handled by the master of disaster himself: Dan DiDio. That’s the creative team change. As for the plot, and the team roster? The promotional image accompanying the announcement would suggest that the Outsiders is now a Superman book.

This should be interesting… not an interesting comic, but interesting like a car wreck that’s so gruesome you’ve just got to stop and take a look.

© 2009, Comics Cavern. All rights reserved.

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It’s fair to say that - generally speaking - I have a pretty negative opinion the ’80s nostalgia movement which has been perpetuated in music and other pop culture for the past couple of decades. Aside from showing only the most superficial elements of a decade which wasn’t exactly bursting with substance to begin with - I got sick of the ’80s in 1988. 20+ years later, it’s time to embrace the future, or at least the present.

As far as the entertainment industry is concerned, a great deal of it boils down to laziness and greed. “Nostalgia”, to many, means “we stopped caring about creating original content sometime around the invention of talking pictures. These days, we’re more about finding ways to sue you for buying MP3s and listening to them on more than one iPod at a time. If you want music and movies, here’s the crap your parents were enjoying back in the days when our President was a zombie, we were convinced that the Russians were gonna bomb us into oblivion, and a man was judged by the cut of his mullet.”

So you can imagine how annoying it is that I can’t look at this cover to Supergirl #45 without hearing Duran Duran’s “Girls on Film” in the back of my mind. I hate the 80s! Good comic, though.

© 2009, Comics Cavern. All rights reserved.

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I’ve been a comics fan since the ’70s - and I know that the spandex set has never been all that enlightened when it comes to its treatment of women. Pretty much the closest we’ve come to putting them on the same level or greater than male heroes was the creation of Wonder Woman, and she was invented by a pervy mad psychologist who actually believed in a Utopian society in which benevolent Amazonian women ruled over a populace of happily bound male subjects. No, seriously.

And I am a happy reader of the excellent Power Girl series, so seeing super spandex mega-boobery is not a shock to my delicate sensibilities.

But between this cover to Action Comics #881, and her famous “Headless Boob Creature” intro panel in JLA: Cry for Justice, I have to wonder if there isn’t some edict at DC Editorial that all Supergirl appearances outside of her own mag must justify their existence with some sort of major mammary action, such as the “Kandor Boob Slam”, the ultimate Kryptonian girl-on-girl dis, which Kara receives here courtesy of her ex-homegirl Flamebird.

© 2009, Comics Cavern. All rights reserved.

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