Posts Tagged “Ra’s al Ghul”

I don’t know why everyone makes such a fuss over the League of Assassins - Batman proved long ago that their Achilles heel is the scrumptious - and probably carcinogenic - rich, creamy filling of a Hostess Twinkie. The above ad comes from New Teen Titans Vol. 1, #1, 1980. That’s right, I’ve got Old-Skool comics cred! I earned that cred the hard way - New Teen Titans #1 was published roughly 35 years before it was socially acceptable to be a comics fan, let alone before the Megan Foxes of the world were being churned out by the Hollywood skank-bot factory.

No, those of us who read this book when it was actually published paid the price for our cred in wedgies, swirlies, and all kinds of shit straight out of Oz.

But I digress - if you find yourself a target of Ra’s Al Ghul and his deadly subjects, just call ol’ Twinkie the Kid and he’ll save you in a jif.

GHTime Code(s): 452dd c71a2 9a2cf 49a3b 5216e 3ca1b 

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