Posts Tagged “Matt Fraction”

While Invincible Iron Man has had its ups and downs, despite the spectacular creative team of writer Matt Fraction and artist Salvador Larocca - I do find myself enjoying at least the idea behind the current, ridiculously drawn out storyline “World’s Most Wanted” (seriously - we’re up to chapter ELEVEN, and the story’s not over?!?). Yes, it’s been a waste of trees, of reader’s time and money, and of both Fraction and Larocca’s talents. But you’ve gotta love the basic story of a guy traveling the globe, accumulating as much hi-tech gadgetry as he can, in order to become increasingly stupid with each acquisition. There’s a parable for our times buried in those 50,000 pages of expositional monologues and bizarre sub-plots.

Just as my saint-like patience was running out, the cover to Invincible Iron Man #18 renewed my interest, when I couldn’t help noticing that Larocca appears to be turning to strange new sources for artistic inspiration - check out the cover art, and tell me if you don’t think Sal has been watching, and getting some creepy ideas from, the kinky (and super-gross) old-school Nine Inch Nails video for Happiness in Slavery.

GHTime Code(s): 512e3 505e9 6abec b8ee7 e4079 5f322 5295d b8dfd 4d4b8 

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