Posts Tagged “Silver Age Comics”

“Doctor’s Notes: When my unscheduled, unidentified patient leapt through the window of my 14th-story office in his Underoos, my initial impression was that he was a perfectly normal teenager. He seems to have all the typical problems of his peers in these groovy, “hep” times - he is plagued by giant rhinos, lizards, and - is it octopusses? Octopi? Note to self - look that up. Patient is also drowning in a sea of gorgeous women fighting for his affections, despite an obvious lack of social skills of any kind. That all checks out as normal in my book.

However, he has begun gesticulating dramatically. Sadly, I can only conclude that he must be hopelessly insane, and condemn him to a life in the sanatorium, where hopefully a good drill to the skull will release the demons in his head. Thank goodness for modern, swinging ’60s science.”

GHTime Code(s): 04dbb 48e66 3b88b 7252d 

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