Posts Tagged “Archangel”

A tip of the hat, and a great big “thanks” to the terrific new blog Marvel Smart Ass, who in addition to providing some awesome humor and design to this comics blog world of ours, made me this supercool Twitter badge!

Look at little Archangel - he looks so welcoming, as opposed to scary deformed. We should all be so lucky.

Those of you who have been following my blogging exploits for a while know that I’ve had some issues with the tendons in my hands for some time now. Well, it’s gotten much worse since the release of Batman: Arkham Asylum - these days I look like the cover illo for “What If “Lady Deathstrike Were an Unattractive Man?”

I’d like a Twitter badge that puts a positive spin on that! Or some surgery.

GHTime Code(s): 7c8d9 

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