Saturday, December 11, 2010

Internet rallies behind teased Star Wars girl - Yahoo! News

In the sort of heartwarming storyline one might expect from an elementary-school-style episode of "Glee," a 7-year-old girl has attracted an outpouring of support from Star Wars enthusiasts who read that she was being teased for her fandom.

Katie Goldman's mother, Carrie,">wrote on her blog that first-grade boys at Katie's school in Evanston, Ill., were teasing her over her Star Wars water bottle because "it's only for boys." Katie (whose Star Wars enthusiasm has earned her the nickname "Little Jedi") already felt different for being adopted and for having to wear an eye patch. In response to the bullying, she asked her mother if she could bring a pink water bottle to school instead -- and then cried when her mom asked her why she wanted to switch.

[Where are they now:">The 'Star Wars' kid resurfaces after lightsaber routine]

Katie's story zoomed around several Star Wars message boards and sites the past month, picking up momentum as fans on Twitter sent messages of support and photos with the hashtag">"May The Force Be with Katie." On Friday, 30,000 people on Facebook say they are wearing Star Wars-themed clothing">in support of Katie. Even the cast of "Star Wars: The Clone Wars" took notice, and sent Katie light sabers and other gear,">according to CNN.

Goldman asks that supporters donate the toys to needy kids, and wrote that they are "overwhelmed" with the outpouring of support. Katie will read the comments a few at a time, her mom tells Jenna Busch in an interview published on the Huffington Post,">so she can appreciate them.

[Video:">Dancing child takes over serious interview]

In Katie's own interview with the Huffington Post, she said her favorite character is Princess Leia. "I like her because her and Luke are adopted. Leia and Luke are adopted. That's why I like Leia," she said. She also said she thinks the people encouraging her are "really cool" and says she's happy "so many people are standing up for me."

(Photo of Star Wars fans: AP)

Matt sez:

Uh yeah, because that is absolutely the worst thing happening to kids. Or even - like - in the top ten million things happening to kids.


I absolutely support Katie, and I certainly would have liked a bunch of self-styled "geek champions" to rally around me when I used to get beat up for reading comics, but this is just transparent, rather gross self-promotion for self-styled celebrity bloggers, and for Katie's mom.

I'm very happy for the good that has come about of what is at heart a very cynical campaign, but Katie is being used to create a feel-good narrative and to plug Star Wars toys. Better than being bullied by far, but let's not pretend this is a bunch of altruists looking to make the world a better place.

It's time to stop pretending that "geek" is rebellious, its become a brand name like "grunge", for people who want to have their cake and eat it too - to pretend to be individualists while embracing conformity, groupthink and above all a desperate desire to be special - to be famous.

I was recently asked if I knew of any beautiful geek girls, and the answer was an unequivocal "hell yes" - but I also know a lot of opportunists who wear the geek badge like a Gap label, and who are cheapening the culture and themselves.

To be professional supergeeks.

It's a nice dream, and it's nice that something good came out of it in this instance - but seriously, "We Are the World" this ain't.

A pink cup instead of her Star Wars cup!! Quick, let's have a press conference!

I'm glad Katie's strong. She deserves the credit, not her mom and not a bunch of self-satisfied, self-styled geek divas.

On behalf of all the real beautiful geek girls, women - and men, and everyone - get over yourselves.

You're are the 21st-century Heathers.

Wearing t-shirts in support of one of the hundreds of billions of kids being lightly teased - rather than addressing the problem at large, focusing on one media-friendly story - in a world full of real social injustice, racism, poverty and war - is completely mental.

Can't get enough of that wonderful Duff

Looking for the perfect stocking stuffer for that Simpsons fan in your life? Your problems are officially solved.

Duff beer for me, Duff beer for you, I'll have a Duff, you'll have one too.

Get your officially licensed Duff - which, here in the real world is not a beer but rather an energy drink - at the Neatoshop.

If you want to try something a little more spicy, you could always go with the Flaming Moe instead.

KISS vs. Doctor Doom is the best and/or worst comic you'll read today [Comics]

via io9

In 1977, famed make-up rockers KISS teamed up with Marvel Comics to produce KISS, the only comic book in history to feature Paul Stanley psychoanalyzing Dr. Doom. Also, the comic was printed in the band's blood. Literacy, ahoy!


Let's see the new Narnia movie unless you've already reached your weekly quota of thinly veiled Christian propaganda.

'Inception' App Gives You a Free Soundtrack for Your Life

via Cinematical

Christopher Nolan's 'Inception' may have sparked more debate than any other film this year. If we weren't arguing about the relative merits of the film itself, we were discussing dream theories and disagreeing about the ending. The arrival of 'Inception' on DVD and Blu-ray earlier this week brought the arguments home, and now a super cool-sounding new app allows the movie's dream philosophy to invade your real life.


Insert bad Asgardian pun here

  • You're gonna be mighty Thor in the morning!
  • Hammer time!
  • Branagh muffin shows off rough-age!

Yeah, those will all induce vomiting, so if you've swallowed too many pills or something, keep those in mind.

In the meantime, here's the offical THOR trailer!


LoFi NES Guitar = awesome squared

Ohhhh the humanity! This super-sweet NES custom guitar from GetLofFi is sold out! Ah, well. I suppose it's for the best, and I had a whole crazy scheme in mind to abandon my writing career and hit the road within all game console-based rock band, and I can't imagine we would've pulled especially attractive groupies.

The dream is over.

Still, check out this masterpiece of innovation in action - tell me you wouldn't love to strum out the Super Mario Bros. theme on one of those bad boys!

Marvel President Kevin Feige gives Updates on New Film Projects

via GeekTyrant

Marvel Studios President Kevin Feige recently did a live chat session hosted by The LA Times' Hero Complex. I was an interesting little Q & A discussion where he revealed a few things regarding some upcoming Marvel film projects that I'm sure you'll be interested in hearing.


Wildstorm: Gen 13 #1 @ 299,000 Copies (1995)

via Comix 411

Wildstorm - the once-formidable imprint of DC Comics - is officially shutting down this month and that makes me sad.


Rumor of the Day: Glee star could be next big-screen Buffy

via Blastr

Glee star Heather Morris has impressed viewers with her spacey, deadpan expressions and ability to pull off lines like, "This room looks like the room on that spaceship where I got probed." But is she the next Buffy Summers?


Thor Trailer Hammers Home the Superhero-Stuffed 2010

via Vulture

The Thor footage from Comic-Con leaked a few months ago, but now we've got an actual trailer on our hands. If you saw the bootlegged clip, consider this the whittled-down, polished version: you've got Chris Hemsworth hitting stuff, Anthony Hopkins bellowing, and villains and locations that look plucked from the Super Nintendo game Earthbound.


Friday, December 10, 2010

Batman vs. Spider-Man: fight!

John Krasinksi as Spider-Man gets into a brawl with a bearded Batman, sporting classic Joel Schumacher Styrofoam six-pack abs.

Just another night in New York City. Actually, it's a bit from Jimmy Kimmel Live, but at long last we have the answer to who would win in a fight: Batman or Spidey?

The answer: they'd pretty much bitch-slap each other until cooler heads prevailed and separated them until they both calmed down.

About what I expected.

CinchCast: Comics on the brink of a new era

Well, the year 2010 is almost behind us, and comics have most certainly come a long way since the year 2000.

Now, we stand on the verge of a new decade, and it seems appropriate to reflect on the successes and failures that brought us where we are today, while looking ahead at what the future holds for this medium that we all love so much - not to mention the attendant games comics movies, etc. that together make this increasingly multimedia comics landscape.

Feel like hearing me talk about it for 20 minutes or so? Well, have I got the CinchCast for you!


Futurama Meets The Simpsons [Mashup]

via Geekosystem

Inspired by the above illustration by Kate Yampolskaya, a bunch of creative (and anonymous) people on the Internet Photoshopped some more awesome Futurama/Simpsons crossovers in the same vein.


See the First, Extremely Familiar Poster for Thor

via Vulture

Does the back-to-the-camera, clutching-a-weapon pose remind you of anything? Say, every cowboy poster ever?

CNN poopie pants news FAIL

Wow. And we wonder why American journalism is a laughingstock.

Keep in mind this is the not crazy-pants "the President is a Muslim socialist Antichrist" network.

Sadly, when it comes to news coverage, our choices are - wait for it - dumb and dumber.

via Mediaite.


Gorillaz to Release FREE Album on Christmas Day, Entirely Recorded on iPad

via SlashGear

What in the world?! Gorillaz, basically the greatest cartoon band of all time, are planning on releasing an album recorded entirely on an iPad FOR FREE on Christmas day.


Correction: X-Men Arcade coming to PSN in North America on Dec. 14, XBLA on Dec. 15

via >Joystiq

Konami representatives confirmed with Joystiq tonight that X-Men Arcade will be arriving in North America on PlayStation Network next week on December 14, while Xbox Live Arcade gets it the next day. We originally reported that the game had a two-month window of exclusivity on Xbox Live Arcade, per Konami reps speaking with Eurogamer. It appears that this report is not the case, at least for the game's North American release -- US-based Konami reps couldn't confirm European release dates for X-Men Arcade as of publishing.


Thursday, December 9, 2010

And now for the best Pete White cosplay you'll see all day...

Just because. Here you go, fella!

New Photos from the Set of X-MEN: FIRST CLASS

via GeekTyrant

Some spoilerish set photos have surfaced from Matthew Vaughn's upcoming film X-Men: First Class. These pics come from a set being built on Jekyll Island, Georgia.


Dark Horse Comics’ Digital Initiative Promises Innovative Ideas, Lower Prices

via Underwire

Dark Horse's digital comics evolution unfolds on iPads and iPhones everywhere in January.

Dark Horse Comics is going digital with a slick e-comics reader that will work on any smartphone or computer. An added bonus: By handling sales through Dark Horse’s web store rather than Apple’s payment channel, the Hellboy publisher will gain increased flexibility while keeping prices at $1.50 per issue.Read More >>

New Venom series to blend hardcore violence with international intrigue

via Robot 6 @ Comic Book Resources

Venom, Marvel’s salivating alien symbiote, will lay claim to a new ongoing series, and a new host, in March, the publisher announced this morning.


Trailer Description for THOR

via Collider

The trailer for Kenneth Branagh’s Thor is expected to go online tomorrow, but it’s already been released to theaters so it can be attached to prints of this weekend’s new releases.  Since the film is being released in 3D (post-converted, ugh), the print will most likely be attached to The Chronicles of Narnia: The Voyage of the Dawn Treader.


8-bit safe sex PSA

See, the British know how to get their message across to the kids. And the adults.

'Cause when you get right down to it, most of life's problems can be explained by illustrating how Super Mario would handle it.

Hence "Game On", a safe-sex PSA that drives home the all-important message that while we all want to rescue the Princess, you got to avoid those crabs. Also, you want to grab a lot of coins. By which I mean condoms.

Uncharted 3 revealed, with details on story and structure

via Ars Technica

Some of the first details on the Uncharted series' third installment, Uncharted 3: Drake's Deception, have begun to trickle out. Entertainment Weekly spent some time at the developer Naughty Dog's offices recently and came away with some updates on how the third part is taking shape.


Spider-Man Set Pics!

via Big Shiny Robot!

So, we’ve seen Emma Stone as a blonde in preperation for her role as Gwen Stacy in Marc Webb’s Spider-Man reboot, but now we have pictures of her actually as Gwen Stacy from the set! . . . There’s not much of a difference.


Walking Dead writer shambles over to POWERS

via The Beat

So what is relaly going on at The Walking Dead? Josef Adalian has rounded up all the dirt on the matters of The Walking Dead’s fired writers, and despite protestations from producers Gale Ann Hurd and Robert Kirkman, Adalian’s version is that Frank Darabont wants to have a hand in writing the whole 13-episode Season Two.


Wednesday, December 8, 2010

Smallville: Here comes the bride?

Lois, how would you like to follow in the footsteps of God-awful syndicated shows from the '90s and be my wife?

Clark gets down on bended knee in this clip from this week's episode of Smallville, "Icarus".


Plus: Hawkman, Stargirl and Slade!

Here's the official description of the episode, courtesy of the CW:

The VRA (the Vigilante Registrations Act) is in full effect and things take an unfortunate turn of events after the Green Arrow (Justin Hartley) tries to stop a mugging but is attacked by citizens for being a super hero. Clark (Tom Welling) discovers that the civilians who attacked Oliver were all marked with a darkness tattoo. Carter Hall (guest star Michael Shanks) and Star Girl (guest star Britt Irvin)return to help Clark deal with Slade’s (guest star Michael Hogan) re-emergence after he kidnaps Lois (Erica Durance).

CinchCast: comics creators - you're not rock stars

The wonderful Gail Simone recently inquired, in a thread on the JinxWorld forums,"What's up with the new trend of fandom being shitty to creators?"

It was a very valid question, in the thick of a series of heated exchanges during the controversial discussions pertaining to anti-piracy legislation.

I've got another question, one that doesn't apply to Gail who I kinda think is awesome, but does apply to a disturbingly large plurality of the industry:

What's the deal with comics creators, publicity people, editors and freelancers being so far up their own ass?

Not all.  Not even most.  But enough that I've taken notice. 

It's worth noting that Ego the Living Planet seems to have made a big comeback as a comic book baddy, in every "Astonishing" title save for the X-Men and in other titles as well.  It's a good time to be Ego, and I can't help but note that his rise coincides with a disturbing trend in comics creators, staffers, and even prominent cosplayers behaving like rock stars, basking in self-love that directly or indirectly also comes off as contempt toward the readership at large.

I did a CinchCast about it.  Wannna hear it? Here it goes.


‘Star Wars’ scandal: What the Wookiee knew [updated]

via Hero Complex - Los Angeles Times

There’s interesting online chatter going on about WookieeLeaks, the “Star Wars” equivalent of WikiLeaks, and the stream of classified information being strewn about.  Were these secrets, given to the public regardless of rebel or Imperial affiliation, the real reason that a lone X-wing pilot was able to blow up the mighty Death Star?


Azeroth burns, we play in the ashes: World of Warcraft Cataclysm is here

via Ars Technica

World of Warcraft: Cataclysm is upon us, and Azeroth is not wanting for turmoil. The entire landscape and structure of the original game launched in 2004 has been changed, the level cap has been raised, and new races have been added. There is a lot to see and do.


X-Men Arcade coming to XBLA on Dec. 15 as two-month exclusive

via Joystiq

Following October's announcement of Xbox Live Arcade and PlayStation Network versions of X-Men Arcade, many of you had just one question for publisher Konami: "When do we get to play it?" (Two if you count, "Did anyone pick Dazzler yet?")


Sound and vision - Tron: Legacy and Daft Punk light up London

A super-crazy-cool Tron: Legacy sci-fi light show with a Daft Punk soundtrack presented on the roof of a London hospital? Here's hoping there weren't any seizure patients inside.

Seriously, this looks and sounds like one of the coolest things ever; here's how it all went down in the words of the agency behind it all, Guided Collective:

The full projection mapping sequence from the HP ePrint & TRON: Legacy Experience on the the roof of the QEH on London’s Southbank, late Nov/early Dec 2010.

An immersive visual spectacle augmented with snippets from Daft Punk's soundtrack and orignal sound FX from the film... in no way enhanced by the bitterly cold weather.

See for yourself:

Via Underwire, io9.

Tuesday, December 7, 2010

Being Human in the States - vampires and ghosts and werewolves, oh my!

You've probably heard by now that the excellent British supernatural dramedy Being Human is being adapted for American television by SyFy.

From everything I've seen to date, this show has something to offer everyone who enjoys quality genre TV with a twist; I'm sure that for many this will be their first exposure to the show, and speaking as a fan of the BBC original it looks to me as if they preserved everything great about the program, while tailoring it to American audiences without losing any of what makes it special - in fact, creating something unique and new.

No easy task. Kudos to SyFy for importing a favorite of mine, and a reminder to everyone that Being Human premieres January 17 at 9:00 PM/8:00 PM Central.

Oh yeah, and I've got a new trailer for ya too.  Here's a sneak peek at the series premiere episode, "Harder Than It Looks".

The best gaming tattoo you’ll see this week

via The Inquisitr

Portal, Duck Hunt, Super Mario Galaxy, Metal Gear Solid, Fallout, Mass Effect, Assassin’s Creed, Pac-Man: so much gaming awesomeness on only one arm.


Definitely The Droids You Were Looking For

via Geekologie

Remember Black Milk's series of geeky swimwear, including the R2-D2 suit? Well they're back with a $85 C-3PO model to complement the trashcan one. No wonder Luke was always tinkering around with those droids.


Cate Blanchett Back To Middle Earth For 'The Hobbit'


Cate Blanchett is returning as Galadriel in The Hobbit, which Peter Jackson directs in February. Jackson has also set Ken Stott (Charlie Wilson's War) to play Dwarf Lord Balin, Sylvester McCoy (Dr. Who) to play the wizard Radagast the Brown, and Swedish actor Mikael Persbrandt (Day and Night) to play shape-shifter Beorn. Ryan Gage (Outlaw) will play Drogo Baggins and Jed Brophy (who appeared in the original The Lord of the Rings) will play the dwarf Nori, and William Kircher will play the dwarf Bifur.


Sexy Power Girl Cosplay is Sexy at Geeks are Sexy

Oh, and did I mention sexy? Juuuust makin' sure. The good people at Geeks are Sexy have compiled a gallery of lovely fangirls dressed in that iconic PeeGee costume that protects everything. Except the face, legs, ass, and like 70% of the boobs.

Exclusive: Julie Taymor Calls 'Spider-Man' Shakespearean, Russell Brand Calls Musical 'Phenomenal'

via Cinematical

Amidst reports of production snafus, cast injuries, and swirling rumors about the most expensive budget Broadway has ever seen, stage and film director Julie Taymor has been understandably tight-lipped about her upcoming 'Spider-Man' stage adaptation. Lucky for her, she found herself facing press Monday alongside the musical's first, highly enthusiastic, celebrity critic: Russell Brand.


Scientists Using Ultrasonic Waves to Move Small Objects, Sonic Screwdriver Style

via SlashGear

There’s no hiding the fact that several ideas that we see every day in the real world, have stemmed from concepts thought up within that of a science fiction-based reality. While time travelling may not be happening right now, scientists are still working hard on the idea, trying to make it real. But, what about something like the sonic screwdriver, which has become a standard utensil used by The Doctor, from Doctor Who? According to a professor from Bristol, UK, it looks like the sonic screwdriver may become a reality sooner than later.


Image of the Day: Superman: The Movie told in 6 comic-book panels

via Blastr Atom Feed

Image of the Day: Superman: The Movie told in 6 comic book panels Read More >>

Gift Guide: The 5 Best World Of Warcraft: Cataclysm Gifts

via CrunchGear

Not sure what to get that World Of Warcraft player in your life? Here’s a list of 5 items (good or bad) that that’ll make that WoW player in your life happy (or sad). Either way, here’s a few things you can wrap and put under the tree.


Monday, December 6, 2010

George Lucas invites ‘a select group’ of artists to create ‘Star Wars: Visions’

via Hero Complex - Los Angeles Times

What is “Star Wars: Visions” (Abrams: 176 pp., $40) all about? If you want, you can skip the prefaces by George Lucas, Sean McLain and J.W. Rinzler and go directly to Page 87. There you’ll find an answer suggested by Peter Ferk’s painting “The Stuff That Dreams Are Made Of.” It’s one of the book’s most emblematic images of fandom.


Titan returns to the House of Hammer with beautiful art book

For better or for worse, Hammer's groundbreaking horror and sci-fi classics had an immeasurable influence on the person I turned out to be. And for the record, Christopher Lee is Dracula. End of argument.

And what, you ask, lured a younger, more innocent Matt to these cinematic masterpieces?  Well, The Art of Hammer, which happens to be the title of the must-have poster collection Titan Books.  Written by Marcus Hearn, a name Hammer enthusiasts will recognize from Titan's previous books The Hammer Storry and Hammer Glamour, this oversized hardcover collection is an amazing journey through Hammer's history, from '50s femmesploitation masterpieces like "Bad Blonde", all the way through to the '70s,, by which point Hammer had become such masters of the genre filmmaking that they were churning out masterful mash-ups like "The 7 Brothers Meet Dracula" and "Frankenstein and the Monster from Hell", combining action chicks with kung fu with monsters, decades before the world at large was hip to such concepts.

Through the years, Hammer produced some of the finest movies featuring big-name marquee monsters like Frankenstein, the Mummy and the aforementioned Christopher Lee Dracula of the 20th century. They also had hot-chicks galore, in films such as "Slave Girl", "Death is a Woman", and Raquel Welch's 1966 stunner Death is a Woman.

These movies, and many more from the Hammer vaults, make up some of my all-time favorite pleasures in life. It's entirely possible I would never have discovered them without the groundbreaking designs of Hammer's poster art, so iconic and eye-catching that I couldn't help but wander down the aisles of the video store and pick up masterpieces such as "Frankenstein Must Be Destroyed" and "Dracula Has Risen From the Grave".

Clever, creepy, and more than a little funny, Hammer's poster art played a huge role not only in filling theater seats, but as revealed in The Art of Hammer's introduction, these beauties also often helped in getting the movies made.

Hammer was not your average production house, and these are not your average posters. Like the movies they were made to promote, they are simultaneously great works of art and straight-up, sexy scary awesome.

Invite some friends over, pop "Dr. Jekyll and Sister Hyde" in the DVD player, and proudly display The Art of Hammer on your coffee table.

The Art of Hammer is in stores now. 

Almost Human -- The 9 Laziest Attempts at Aliens in the Multiverse

via Asylum

Science-fiction has given us classic characters, amazing monsters and the pseudo-scientific gibberish we love. But for every visually amazing interstellar stranger (Jabba the Hutt, Dr. Zoidberg), there's another one that basically looks like a human but, you know, tweaked.


Unexplored Worlds Delves Into Steve Ditko’s Sci-Fi Roots

via Underwire

Eight years before he teamed with Stan Lee to create Spider-Man, Steve Ditko nearly died at age 27. Stricken with tuberculosis, the artist spent a year recovering at his family's home in Pennsylvania, then embarked on an astonishing creative spree at Charlton Comics, where he cranked out nearly 500 pages of action-saturated science fiction, fantasy, Western and suspense stories in a single year.


American Psycho: The Musical, Coming To Broadway!

via The Consumerist

American Psycho, the dark murder-satire flick starring Christian Bale where he assumes the identity of a rival Wall Street banker and commits a series of decadent killings, is coming to Broadway!


Season one of Walking Dead is over; where did it get us?

via Ars Technica

Warning: this post contains heavy spoilers and speculation

here is a moment in the comic book version of Walking Dead where you realize that not only is no one safe, the rules about where and when violence can occur are being changed. Walking Dead creator Robert Kirkman is gifted at creating what looks to be straight genre fiction, before turning expectations around on the reader like a weapon. There are few such moments of power in the television show of the same name, and last night's finale seemed to think that an explosion is the same thing as a satisfying conclusion.


Image of the Day: Batman vs. WikiLeaks

20 Doctor Who Characters Who Desperately Need Their Own Action Figures

via Topless Robot

Before Character Options' started their line of Doctor Who toy line a few years back, fans of the long-running British series had to settle for Dapol's crappy action figures if they wanted to have their own adventures in time and space.


Sunday, December 5, 2010

More Lenore

OK, here's something that would make a great Christmas, Hanukkah, or Life Day gift for pretty much everyone I know - but I'm keeping it for myself hehehe - another collection of Roman Dirge's gothalicious ghoulie girl Lenore's adventures.

Lenore: Cooties, the latest Lenore compendium from Titan Books, begins with her pal Ragamuffin summoning the titular undead girl from the grave/Heck, and after he sprays her down with a little pesticide the fun begins in earnest.

Heck wants Lenore back, but do even the most fearsome demonic hordes have what it takes to get the job done? Hint: probably not, but you'll have fun watching them try.

Cooties includes Lenore #9-12, digitally remastered with shiny new color, collected in a sweet hardcover  with an introduction by Neil Gaiman. Watch for witches, vampires, and a real-life demon toilet. No, seriously.

Lenore: Cooties is in stores now,  and it rules.

Merry Hecksmas!




Djimon Hounsou keen to star in Marvel's Black Panther movie

via Coventry Telegraph - The Geek Files

MARVEL has long been saying it intends to make a movie based on its African superhero Black Panther, with president of production Kevin Feige confirming at San Diego Comic-Con that the film would arrive sometime after 2012's The Avengers.


Disney Celebrates 100 Million Facebook Fans

via Mashable!

The Walt Disney Company hit a major marketing milestone at around 8 p.m. PT Saturday night: 100 million Facebook Likes across its more than 200 official brand, property and character Pages.


Desecrating Childhoods: Muppet Burlesque

via Geekologie

Who knew Sesame Street was in the red light district? I did not. I'm kind of wishing I still didn't.


Oswald the Rabbit returns: Walt Disney’s lost bunny hops into 21st century

via Hero Complex - Los Angeles Times

Epic Mickey, the much-anticipated new video game from Disney, has two venerable characters sharing the spotlight at the center of its tale — Mickey Mouse and Oswald the Rabbit. That first little guy needs no introduction, of course, but who exactly is Oswald and what is his history with Walt Disney, the American entertainment icon who was born 109 years ago today?


The Simpsons Go All Puppety With Katy Perry

via Bleeding Cool

Tonight’s the night for The Simpsons‘ Christmas episode, and it’s the one with the live-action segment in which the characters are puppets and Katy Perry turns up in the sort of dress that she and the media have conspired to use as a proxy for her actual personality.