Saturday, November 27, 2010

My Steve Ditko Moment

No, it wasn't the brilliant co-creator of Spider-Man and Doctor Strange (and Ayn Rand enthusiast), but I did just have a comics creator, who I will not name, tell me, "thanks for the praise and promotion - now go eff yourself."

This biz makes for embittered folks, I guess.  Click the Cinchcast to hear me pontificate, if you like.

New Family Guy: It's a Trap trailer brings the funny

The original trailer for the third and final Family Guy Star Wars Parody, Family Guy: It's A Trap! eschewed laughs for the awesome trick of pulling off a nearly shot-by-shot remake of the original promo for Return of the Jedi.  Well there's a new clip, and this one highlights the goofy side of the Force.


Family Guy: It's A Trap! will be released on DVD, Blu-ray and digital download on December 21.

Plot Synopsis For DOCTOR WHO Christmas Special

via GeekTyrant

BBC America has posted a synopsis for this year's Doctor Who Christmas special, "A Christmas Carol".

Amy and Rory are trapped on a crashing space liner, and the only way the Doctor can rescue them is to save the soul of a lonely old miser, in a festive edition of the time-travelling adventure, written by Steven Moffat. But is Kazran Sardick, the richest man in Sardicktown, beyond redemption? And what is lurking in the fogs of Christmas Eve?

Matt and Karen return for an all-new Christmas special, along with Arthur Darvill and guest stars Michael Gambon (Harry Potter) and Katherine Jenkins.


Grant Morrison To Write You, Frank Quitely To Draw You

via Bleeding Cool

The Comic Book Alliance, basically the UK equivalent of the CBLDF and HERO with a proactive role improving the lot of the comics, has got a huge amount of very desirable material up for auction.


Why Is Cthulhu on This 300-Year-Old Gravestone?

via Neatorama

Jess Nevins of io9 has pictures of the tombstone marking the grave of Rev. Ichabod Wiswall (1637-1700) in Duxbury, Massachusetts. Though largely forgotten today, Wiswall was a prominent political figure in 17th Century Massachusetts. It is unclear why his grave bears the image of cosmic entity Cthulhu ...


First ‘Twilight Saga: Breaking Dawn’ Photo Leaves A Lot To The Imagination

via Geeks of Doom

As a Thanksgiving gift to fans, Twilight Saga: Breaking Dawn director Bill Condon posted the first photo from the two-part film through the official Twilight Twitter account.


Friday, November 26, 2010

Learn your videogame alphabet right here

via The Inquisitr

So how many can you identify? I’m stuck on that damn ‘U’ Pokémon.

[Maicon MCN, via Kotaku]

Exclusive: Casting update for Superman, plus we speak to one possible contender

via Coventry Telegraph - The Geek Files

ZACK SNYDER'S new Superman movie is understandably generating intense interest and gossip, especially with no cast yet announced and the story details a mystery.


Spider-Man:Turn Off The Dark TV commercial

Well like a date with a hot moron, this certainly looks like an extravagantly beautiful, yet painful, way to spend two or more hours of your life. ♫ How I love my clones of many colors ♫ ...

via Bleeding Cool.

Santa Cthulhu

via Super Punch

Santa Cthulhu figurine by Amy Rawson on sale at Etsy.

Original big-screen Buffy hopes to be part of Whedon-less reboot

via Blastr

Neither Joss Whedon nor Sarah Michelle Gellar will be involved with the upcoming big-screen Buffy reboot, but one alum still hopes to be a part of the project— Kristy Swanson, who was the first to bring Buffy Summers to life way back in the original 1992 film.


Rip M.D.: graphic novel about a kid who solves problems for hurt/neurotic monsters

via Boing Boing

Freakazoid producer Mitch Schauer's debut graphic novel RIP M.D. is a warm and spooky tale for monster kids of all ages. Ripley Plimpt is a monster-obsessed 11-year-old who sneaks out of bed every night to see if he can find any monsters to befriend in the nearby cemetery. Then, one night, he gets his wish: a friendly zombie follows him home from the graveyard.


Comparing Famous Robots [Pic]

Back To The Future DeLorean Hard Drive

via The Inquisitr

With external hard drives becoming common in many homes and offices these days, you don’t stand out from the crowd, unless of course you go for a hard drive that’s a little different.

Take for example the Back To The Future DeLorean 500GB external hard drive from Flash Rods.


Steam deals today include Batman, Audiosurf, Deathspank, Kane & Lynch 2

via Joystiq

Steam has a big "Give and Get" sale going on throughout the weekend, with a couple of daily deals mixed in for good measure (and your post-download pleasure). Musical racer Audiosurf is a steal at $2.50, and we can't imagine hiring better heroes than DeathSpank and Batman for just over $10 each.


Thursday, November 25, 2010

boba font: the one star wars font print to rule them all

via technabob

After those great Star Wars font posters, Fabian Gonzalez came up with his own version with one of the coolest characters in Star Wars, Boba Fett. The poster is complete with his blaster and jet pack, created entirely out of typography.


Doctor Who stars take to the airwaves for Christmas

via Coventry Telegraph - The Geek Files

DOCTOR WHO stars Matt Smith and Karen Gillan are to become Radio 1 DJs.

The pair will step in for a guest presenting slot next month.


This Is The Star Wars Sandtrooper Helmet You’re Looking For

via FashionablyGeek

I keep trying to figure out what I want to write about the Star Wars Sandtrooper Helmet Precision Cast Replica by EFx and I keep getting distracted when I look at it. There’s something about the tint of the eye lenses and the scoring of the sand that just has me mesmerized.


The Backlot: FRINGE Gets Frakked!

via the TV addict

World of Warcraft's Cataclysm: Ars tours the new Azeroth

via Ars Technica

World of Warcraft's grip on the way things used to be has slipped again, down to a couple of fingers. What is possibly the last major patch before the next expansion, World of Warcraft: Cataclysm, went live on Tuesday night, implementing many small changes that set the game up for the impending apocalypse.


Doctor Who: Mazes of Time coming to iPhone, iPad this holiday

via Joystiq

Doctor Who, the lonely lord who taught us that time is "wibbly wobbly," is heading to iOS devices with an app titled Mazes of Time. The game, based on the popular BBC show, is expected before Christmas and will be developed by Dundee, Scotland-based developer Tag Games.


Wednesday, November 24, 2010

The Many Faces Of Super Mario Mushrooms

via Geekologie

Graphic artist Mathijs Sterrenburg (whose favorite video game is Legend of Zelda, FTW!) went and created 120 different variations of the power-up mushroom from the Super Mario franchise.


star trek-themed home automation center: bridge to geeks, energize!

via technabob

Are you planning on spending a couple of grand on installing home automation systems in your house? Then you should most definitely look at these cool Star Trek-themed screens and interfaces that were recently created by Pascal.


Horrifying Muppet Illustrations - Rhys Cooper Re-Imagines Sesame Street (GALLERY)

via TREND HUNTER - The Latest Trends

Rhys Cooper, a poster artist for rock bands such as ‘Queens of the Stone Age’ and ‘The White Stripes,’ has given a dark twist to the classic fun-filled ‘Sesame Street.’


Warner Bros. Has Trademarked Quidditch Lingerie

via Geekosystem

With the Harry Potter movies soon coming to an end, Warner Bros. needs to find new ways to milk the franchise for money, and that might very well be all things Quidditch. The Hollywood Reporter points out that Warner Bros. has been trademarking just about everything under the sun in regards to Quidditch over the years. However, neatly tucked away in the paragraphs and paragraphs of trademarked Quidditch items, lies one simple crazy word: Lingerie.


Create a comic book character for the Stan Lee Foundation

via Coventry Telegraph - The Geek Files

HERE'S your chance to create a new superhero.

The Stan Lee Foundation and Prismacolor are inviting artists, illustrators and graphic designers to come up with an original, unique character.


Spider-Man: Turn Off the Dark Includes Pivotal Ted Turner Impersonation

via Vulture

Today, the Times performs what has become an almost daily ritual: checking in with Julie Taymor's troubled production of Spider-Man: Turn Off the Dark, which is scheduled to have its first performance this Sunday. Though full of "can they pull this off?!" anecdotes (and seriously, can they pull this off? "'Take the ending of the show,' Ms. Taymor explained. 'We’re going for what will be an intimate moment, but also one that will reflect some of the technical spectacle, and we will need to figure out how to stage that.' Bono murmured, 'Figure out how to stage that?' He barked out a series of coughs for comic effect: 'Nine days!' He coughed. 'First preview!' Cough. 'Nine days!'”), the best tidbit is about how in this mythic version of Spider-Man, the Green Goblin is based on Ted Turner... Read More >>

What the BBC wouldn't let Michael Moorcock do with Doctor Who

via Blastr

Michael Moorcock, the author who created Elric of Melniboné, that albino sword-and-sorcery antihero, recently wrote a Doctor Who novel titled The Coming of the Terraphiles—and you'll never guess what the BBC stopped him from doing in the book.


Your daily dose of awesome: Superman vs. Goku!

Tuesday, November 23, 2010

Cookie Monster Want To Host 'Saturday Night Live'

via TV Squad

Using the power of the Internet worked for fans of Betty White when they wanted her to host 'Saturday Night Live.' Can the same work for Cookie Monster?


'Superman' Rumors: Anne Hathaway as Lois Lane and Plot Revealed?

via Cinematical

With 'Superman' returning (again), the superhero rumor mill has been in overdrive with many far-out notions that have no semblance of truth and some toeing a much closer line to reality. Everyone from professional wrestlers to Matthew Goode (the less-than-stellar Ozymandias in 'Watchmen') has been linked to the gig, though young folks might soon be considered since Zack Snyder has been quoted as saying that his flick will focus on "the early days of Superman."


You will not be taken for a ride by a Marvel vs. Capcom 3 demo

via Joystiq

We're pretty sure if we were given only a handful of characters and stages from Marvel vs. Capcom 3: Fate of Two Worlds in a free trial, we could stretch out our enjoyment of it for an awfully long time. We won't get the opportunity, however: In a recent post on the Capcom Unity forums, VP of Strategic Planning Christian Svensson confirmed to anticipatory fans that, "As with Street Fighter IV, there will be no demo of MvC3."


The Dark Knight Rises will be Christian Bale's last Batman film

via Blastr

After shooting the third Caped Crusader flick for Christopher Nolan next year, Christian Bale will hang up the cape and cowl for good.

While out doing press for The Fighter—which also gave us the "Mark Walhberg hates The Happening" nugget from yesterday—Bale let slip that The Dark Knight Rises will be his final go-round as the protector of Gotham City: "I believe, unless Chris (Nolan) says different, this will be the last time I'm playing Batman."


The Shattering: Major World of Warcraft Update Coming Today

via Geekosystem

If you don’t play World of Warcraft, the phrase “Patch 4.03a” probably doesn’t do much for you, but if you do, it most likely makes you gooey with delight and anticipation. For Patch 4.03a marks The Shattering, the most portentous in-game change until Cataclysm drops on December 7th.


Talking Tron with Disney editor Nachie Castro

As we wait out the December 17 premiere of Tron: Legacy, the film is already making its presence felt on the bookshelves, with the recently released Tron: Betrayal graphic novel, and The Art of Tron: Legacy, in stores today.

Tron: Betrayal tells an important story that bridges the gap between the events of the original Tron and Legacy, and Disney editor Nachie Castro had a road map going into it, courtesy of Starlight Entertainment:

"Not all of the precise continuity, but all of the important dates and the paths that the characters went along were provided for us in a larger-than-normal story bible, which was necessary for a movie of this size.  They really wanted to make it feel like a world that was continuous for people that were fans of the original, and for the rest of the company to be able to expand the universe in a way that it is entertaining on its own, but that still plays really well with the events of Tron and Tron: Legacy."

This book of Fllynn, as it were, was given to Castro during an on-set visit in Vancouver in Summer 2009.  With the movie slated for a December 2010 release, this gave him a nice head start on the book.

It wasn't long before Castro knew that he wanted the creative team of writer Jai Nitz and artist Andie Tong on the project: "I always had them in mind.  It was nice because we were starting so far ahead, so we could bring anyone to the table but we knew we'd have to run them by the studio.  And I've worked with - actually, everyone who worked on the book, I've worked with Jock who did the cover, and Jeff Matsuda who illustrated the introduction, and I've worked with  both Jai and Andie on a handful of projects over the past couple of years.  I really thought that they could do a good job together with the 100+ pages of story that they had to work with, and that they'd be able to get a good feel for the world of Tron while making it really exciting and interesting to die-hard fans and newcomers alike."

"I knew that Jai could create a book that would be exciting for hardcore Tron people who knew the history, and the details, and theh characters, but also book that a complete stranger to the franchise could pick up, look at and say 'wow, this is a great sci-fi action/adventure story.  And on the art side we knew that we needed someone who would have a good eye for detail and who wouldn't shy away from architecture, or drawing eight million cubes or someone derezzing, if that's what the shot requires, and someone who could capture wild, kinetic energy on the printed page.  I think that Andie did a really good job of doing that."

Castro acknowledges the fact that the legacy of the original Tron can be seen in which we live, compared to 1983 when it first hit theaters and Compuserve was a luxury for the rich and tech-savvy few, and the very first 512k Mac was still 2 years away from being released,.

"I think it's been very subtly ingrained in lots of things over the course of the last almost three decades now. The ideas that were brought about in the first film - the merging of man and machine, and what it means to have a presence in a world without  a physical real-world existence - i don't think that the creators of Second Life, for example said 'let's rip off Tron,' but I do think that Tron introduced that concept to a large portion of the world.  It ingrained whole new ways of looking at ourselves and the way we interact with computers into the mass subconsciousness."

In addition to Betrayal, Nachie, in his capacity as editor for Disney Press, oversaw the creation of the breathtaking The Art of Tron: Legacy.  The book is a science-fiction/graphic design/computer animation tour de force, showcasing everything from thumbnail sketches to fully rendered stills from both Legacy and the original Tron.  As a lifelong fan of the original Tron, seeing such iconic visuals as the light cycle from its earliest concept sketches to through to the final shots in both films was a thrill for him.

"It was my favorite part of the visuals from the original movie, and in The Art of Tron: Legacy, seeing some of those notes from the original designers, and the notes from the designers of the 2010 model for Legacy, on how they wanted to evolve it but still stay true to the original version, was really really great.  There's something about the way they went in and created something that feels new but still is of the Tron world, is just awesome.  There's a quote from Joseph Kosinski has in the book where he's talking about how some things are so iconic that you can look at them throughout time, say Porsches, from every decade - and you can see that they streamline, they evolve, but going all the way back to the very first model they're all identifiable as Porsches.  That look may change and grow but its always true to that classic, iconic original. It's the same with tthe light cycle, where even some of the earliest sketches, black and white pencil work - it's clearly a  light cycle, and in some ways, the new light cycles you see in legacy, are a more fully realized interpretation of those original concept sketches by Syd Mead.  The artists and the effects team did a spectacular job of modernizing what was already there.  The same is true for the world of the grid, the outfits worn by Clu and the Black Guard, and the new vehicles like the light runner.  They modernized what was already there.  I love that they took something that was so futuristic 28 years ago, and modernized it so that it's instantly recognizable, but its once again a completely new, modern, virtual world.  This sequel takes place in real time, nearly three decades after the original.  Our world has changed dramatically, but its still the same world.  The same is true of the new grid."

Tron; Betrayal is a great graphic novel by any standards, and for fans of Tron who want the full story of the 28-year gap between the two films, it's essential reading.  The Art of Tron: Legacy, which arrives in stores today,  is a beautiful, informative book, that will marvel fans of both movies and in addition to all those awesome pictures features a narrative by Justin Springer that illuminates the production process and really brings the reader inside the production process. Both books are must-haves for Tron fans and will help ease the wait until December 17 when Tron: Legacy arrives in theaters.

Joss Whedon responds to ‘Buffy’ news with ‘strong, mixed emotions’

via Hero Complex - Los Angeles Times

We broke the news Monday that “Buffy the Vampire Slayer” was being revived as a feature film without Joss Whedon’s involvement, and now Whedon has responded, via an e-mail sent to E! Online.


Dark Horse teases new 'Conan' series

via Digital Spy

Dark Horse Comics has released a preview for the first issue of Conan: Road Of Kings.

Written by Roy Thomas with artwork from Mike Hawthorne and John Lucas, the comic sees the iconic barbarian take to the high seas in search of adventure.


Monday, November 22, 2010

You're Barely Super!: Minimalist Superheroes

via Geekologie

This is a bunch of superheroes minimalized to their bare identification necessities. Can you name them all? I couldn't. I'm still convinced half of them are breakfast cereal mascots. I SEE YOU, COUNT CHOCULA! You too, Quaker Oat-man.


Warner Bros Reboots 'Buffy The Vampire Slayer' Without Joss Whedon


But where is Joss Whedon? Atlas Entertainment is announcing today it is rebooting Buffy the Vampire Slayer, with Warner Bros Pictures. Atlas’ Charles Roven and Steve Alexander will produce the feature film alongside Doug Davison and Roy Lee of Vertigo EntertainmentBros. Whit Anderson is writing the script after she approached Roven and others with an idea how to update Buffy. "While this is not your high school Buffy, she’ll be just as witty, tough, and sexy as we all remember her to be,” an insider says.


Why Fantastic Four made Jessica Alba want to 'stop acting'

via Blastr

We're all for actors being candid—see our Mark Wahlberg bit from earlier today—but delusional is something else. The actress blames "first-time directors" for her flops and calls Fantastic Four: The Rise of the Silver Surfer the film that made her want to "stop acting."


Time is running out for your chance to own Zoe's Caprica Dress

SyFy is holding another of their weekly auctions in conjunction with new episodes of Hollywood Treasure, to raise money for kids in need.  This week's hot item is the ultimate in authentic cosplay awesome - Zoe Graystone's purple dress from Caprica!  The auction closes Wednesday (November 24) at 8:00 p.m./9:00 p.m. Central so bid now at, and check out the clip below for more info.


Green Lantern Movie Images - Including First Look At Parallax?

via Bleeding Cool

Here’s a rapid roundup of some Green Lantern images to have made it online in the last few days - including what might well be our first look at the movie version of Parallax. Or not.


The death of a meme: Donald Glover calls a truce with the new Peter Parker [Spider-man]

via io9

We've followed the Donald Glover 4 Spider-Man campaign since the beginning. The new Spider-Man, Andrew Garfield, came across Glover in real life, and they had a meeting of the minds.


Jericho to continue in comics…again!

via The Blog From Another World

IDW Publishing and CBS Consumer Products are continuing the comic book series based on the cult favorite television show that the fans would not let die-Jericho! Continuing directly from the finale of CBS’s post-apocalyptic drama, IDW will offer the complete Jericho comic series from the original creative team behind the TV show. Debuting in 2006, CBS’s Jericho aired for two seasons, following residents of a fictional, post-apocalyptic town.


Epic Fail: Comic-Con registration closes down again due to technical glitches

via Robot 6 @ Comic Book Resources

Technical difficulties this morning once again forced Comic-Con International organizers to close online membership sales.


‘Harry Potter And The Deathly Hallows’ To Air On ABC Family In 2013

via Screen Rant

ABC Family has acquired the TV Broadcast rights to 'Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows: Part 1 and 2'. However, you'll have to wait until 2013 to see them.


Peter Chung Takes ‘the Big Risk’ With CGI-Animated Firebreather

via Underwire

Infamously risky but rewarding animator Peter Chung has finally made a film for everyone in Firebreather. If his new all-CGI movie is a hit on Cartoon Network, the Aeon Flux creator hopes it will reassure Hollywood that the time is right to pull the trigger on other adult-oriented animated movies.


Lovecraftian Tintin adventures

via Boing Boing

I'd love to read the H.P. Lovecraft-Tintin crossovers behind the covers expertly painted by Murray Groat.

Half a Harry Potter Movie Takes Almost the Whole Box Office

via Vulture

The Weekend's Winners: There was Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows: Part 1 — with its $125 million haul — and then there was everything else.


Sunday, November 21, 2010

Hardcore Harry Potter Hogwarts Costumes

via FashionablyGeek

This Gryffindor school robe isn’t a cheap replica you might wear on Halloween—it’s for hardcore fans like this guy who demand the best.


'Lost' Co-Star Jorge Garcia Cast In J.J. Abrams' Fox Drama Pilot 'Alcatraz'


EXCLUSIVE: Big news for Lost fans: series co-star Jorge Garcia has joined another J.J. Abrams drama about an island. Garcia is set to play a lead on the Fox pilot Alcatraz, which is executive produced by Lost co-creator/executive producer Abrams. The project, described to be "about secrets and the most infamous prison of all time," centers on a group of missing Alcatraz prisoners and guards who reappear in the present day. It chronicles the efforts of a team of FBI agents to track them down and unravel the mystery behind their disappearance thirty years prior. Garcia will play the hippy geek Dr. Diego Soto, the world's foremost expert on Alcatraz.


Canned Unicorn Meat Hits Market

via The Consumerist

Just in time for an unforgettable Thanksgiving, canned unicorn meat is here. Yes, this is a real product which you can purchase and open.


Teresa Palmer Keen on Playing 'Talia Al Ghul' in The Dark Knight Rises!

via Comic Book Movie

Speaking with Movie Web, actress Teresa Palmer, who recently appeared in The Sorcerer's Apprentice and was attached to George Miller's now-delayed Justice League of America movie, revealed that she remains interested in her JLA role, Talia Al Ghul—but in Chris Nolan's long awaited Dark Knight Rises.