Saturday, August 28, 2010

The Call: Future Batman Goes Beyond Mini-Series Status

You enjoying the Batman Beyond mini-series?

Did you get a kick out of Terry's team-up with Superman in Superman/Batman Annual #4?

Excited about the upcoming DVD box set?

Well good news from Baltimore Comic-Con today courtesy of, who got the scoop that Terry McGinnis is poised to join the DC Universe on a full-time basis:

Baltimore Comic-Con 2010 DC Nation Panel
At today’s DC Nation Panel at the Baltimore Comic-Con, DC Comics Senior Story Editor Ian Sattler told a fan who asked about Batman: The Animated Series that a Batman Beyond ongoing series was launching soon. The fan-favorite character, who has a DVD box set upcoming, is currently being featured in a miniseries that makes his adventures canonical within the DC Comics Multiverse for the first time. 
While the fast-paced nature of a convention panel moved moved right along to the next subject, Sattler’s response piqued Lucas Siegel’s interest and he talked to DC, who verified exclusively to Newsarama that Batman Beyond will be an ongoing monthly series after the current mini is over.

Scooby-Doo'ed Lost Finale

Best. Alternate Lost ending. Ever.

The Last 10 Seconds of Lost
Tags:,Atom Originals,Atom Blog,Upload Videos

This Groovy Mystery Bunch awesomeness was created by Team Tiger Awesome of Atom.

Catwoman in Arkham City: Whips n' Chains!

Courtesy of, by way of GameInformer, I present two sexy Batman/Catwoman wallpapers for the upcoming Batman: Arkham City.

Catwoman: "Tie me up, tie me down!" 

The Weekly Whedon

HIghlights of what Joss had to say this past week about all things Avengers, courtesy of (and a whole bunch of other media outlets, all cited below).

"The Avengers" director Joss Whedon told the Australian paper The Sunday Herald-Sun (via Movieline) that although Scarlett Johansson will be the only female Avenger in the film, Black Widow won’t be the only female character that features in the film:

"It is true that the movie is only going to have one female avenger", Whedon said of Johansson’s part. "But she will not be the only female character".

Whedon also briefly touched on the story of the film:

"It will be a new story that has many things from different arcs of the comics in it. There is no one Avengers story that you can just do the way that you can do the origin of Spider-Man. You really have to cull from the original and The Ultimates, which is one of The Avengers titles."

In a separate interview with the Syndey Morning Herald (via CBM), Whedon discussed writing the high-profile project:

"Right now I’m working on a movie that’s got enormous stipulations and is going to be changing and fluid every second. I’ve come up with dozens of scenes and lines and exchanges and monologues that I adore that are not going to be in it…But while I’m writing them they feed me, excite me and they ultimately inform the character. It all goes in."

Whedon is in Australia this week as a guest of the Sydney Opera House where he will speek about his past and future projects this Sunday, August 29. The event is sold out. "The Avengers" is scheduled to hit conventional and 3D theaters on May 4, 2012.

Klingon Opera Ramps Up for Earth-Bound Premiere

via Wired

That sound you're hearing is me frantically counting my airline miles to see if I can make it to the Hague - which, by the way, isn't that like where they try international war criminals?
And hold Klingon operas apparently?

X-Men First Class Swallows Up Magneto Movie

According to X-Men: First Class producer Lauren Shuler Donner, the often rumoured Magneto origins movie will not be happening. 
Instead, the producer claims that much of the content for the standalone Magneto movie has been swallowed up by Matthew Vaughn’s upcoming X-Men: First Class.

I noticed that there hasn't been a lot of online rage these past 40 hours or so around the upcoming X-Men: First Class, so I thought I'd toss this little tidbit out there, and sit back and watch the fireworks.

Seriously, this, like much X-Men movie news of late, does rather suck.

Not that I had a whole lot of confidence in a well-scripted Magneto movie, but ya know - Ian McKellen. Instead, we're getting Kevin Bacon.

Happy Birthday Jimmy Palmiotti!

Just found out it was the the spectacularly talented Jimmy ("Jonah Hex", "Power Girl, "Time Bomb" and like a billion other credits) Palmiotti's birthday.

Happy B-day, and many happy returns, J-dawg!

Who Wears The Watchmen?

Apparentkly today is Wear Comics In Public Day. Sneaker design by BrassMonki. Oh and these aren’t bad either.

I gotta gets me some Air Rorschachs! Those Batman shoes on the other hand - swellegantly designed though they may be - conjure terrible memories of the days of the first Batman movie, '89 or so, and the terrible moment in fashion that was the high-top fade with the Bat symbol carved in the back.

The Damian shoes are kinda nice, though. Wouldn't ming using 'em to give that little punk a swift kick in the ass every now and then.

Vincent Price's the Raven: Leave Nothing to the Imagination

Like many others, I'm (cautiously) optimistic about the announcement that John Cusack will be portraying Edgar Allen Poe in "The Raven", a film which is not actually an adaptation of the classic Poe-m.

That news - along with the fact that one of my favorite under-the-radar comics of the moment, Vincent Price Presents, will be released in deluxe omnibus format, set for an October (of course) release, reminded me of one of my favorite things ever:

Vincent Price's ten minute, way over-the-top reading of The Raven, the origin of which escapes me but it lives on forever in my heart and on YouTube.

Lest you miss a single subtle moment of the events of Poe's epic, Vincent does you the hilariously campy courtesy of acting out every. single. word.

Classic stuff, not to be missed by fans of Poe, Price, or all things awesome.

John Cusack to play Edgar Allen Poe in 'The Raven'


John Cusack will portray Edgar Allen Poe in “The Raven,” a fictional thriller being directed by James McTeigue, the Wachowskis protege who last helmed “Ninja Assassin.”

Aaron Ruder and Glen Basner of FilmNation are producing.

The story is set in the last five days of Poe's life in which he is forced to partner with a detective in search of a serial killer who has kidnapped Poe's fiancé and has gone on a spree of murders that mimics the author's work.

The project begins shooting on Oct. 25, with Budapest and Serbia standing in for 1849 Baltimore.

The project has been in the works for a while and has had to contend with several acting reversals. Joaquin Phoenix and Ewan McGregor were in talks to play Poe at several points in “Raven’s” development. Jeremy Renner had been attached since last year as the detective but just this week bolted to “Mission: Impossible 4.”

Cusack, repped by CAA, last starred in “Hot Tub Time Machine.”


Here's our MEGA movie preview of fall's 25 hottest sci-fi trailers

via Blastr

Summer movie madness may be over, but that doesn't mean there won't be more awesome films coming your way. From Resident Evil: Afterlife to the latest Harry Potter installment, here are trailers for the sci-fi, fantasy and horror flicks yet to premiere this year.


Quinlan Vos on Clone Wars?

Yakface is a website that gives news and images of the new Star Wars toys coming out in the future. Club Jade pointed out that there was one very curious addition on the site.

Quinlan Vos.

Vos has been a mainstay in the Expanded Universe for quite some time, originating in a very compelling and well written comic from Dark Horse. He was name checked in Revenge of the Sith when Obi-wan recaps the briefing that Anakin missed. “Master Vos has moved his troops to Boz Pity.”

When asked at Celebration V about Vos’ inclusion in the Clone Wars series, Supervising Director Dave Filoni was very cagey and offered no definitive answers. And while this action figure isn’t proof that Vos is on Clone Wars in the upcoming season, it is a very compelling argument that says it’s very possible. Perhaps his scenes will get cut, but a model was made anyway?

Who knows?

What we do know is that it looks like we’re getting a Quinlan Vos action figure. What we don’t know is whether or not he’ll end up on the TV show in the next year.

In any case, it’s nice to think about.

via Big Shiny Robot!

Futurama Gets Syndicated

Twentieth Century Fox has signed a deal with the Tribune Company that will result in the syndication of the animated Futurama TV series in major urban markets including New York (WPIX), Los Angeles (KTLA), Philadelphia (WPHL), Houston (KIAH), Dallas (KDAF), and Chicago (WCIU).  The Matt Groening-created animated science fiction satire will be broadcast on these stations, which reach about 30% of all U.S. households, on weekends starting in the fall of 2011.

Futurama, which aired on Fox from 1999-2003 and was then rerun on the Cartoon Network’s Adult Swim from 2003-2007, was revived in 2007 in a series of four direct-to-DVD films, that were later cut into 16 half-hour episodes that aired on Comedy Central.  Futurama remains a key element in the Comedy Central lineup.  In 2009 the cable channel ordered 26 new half-hour episodes of the series, which began airing on June 24th, 2010.  So far there are 99 episodes of Futurama, which are enough to insure wide syndication, which in turn means that it should be available on various TV outlets for years to come.

Over the years Futurama has spun-off all sorts of merchandise including action figures, tin signs, and comic books and graphic novel collections from Bongo.  This spring Abrams Comic Arts published a deluxe hardcover edition of The Simpsons/Futurama Crossover Crisis.  
Amazing - a too-short run on Fox more than a decade ago with zero network support, ten years in cancellation limbo, and Futurama suddenly has a bright -uh -future!

Couldn't happen to a better show, a more talented voice cast, or a more awesome merchandisable property (I love my Bender toys)!

Congrats on the much-deserved, hard-earned success to all involved.

Atomic Robo: Last Stop Teaser!

A while back, the creative team behind Atomic Robo- Writer Brian Clevinger and artist Scott Wegener, announced that they had an animated short in the works, to be called Atomic Robo: Last Stop.

A lot has happened since that announcement, including major gigs for both Clevenger - he's joined the writing staff of the upcoming Captain America: The Fighting Avenger animated series, while Wegener has joined the art team of Avengers: Earth's Mightiest Heroes.

But none of this has prevented production of the Atomic Robo short - Last Stop is officially scheduled for release in late 2010.  Exact dates, and distribution methods, have yet to be announced.  But we got a teaser!  And it looks super-sweet.  If, like me, you're an Atomic Robo fan, I think you're really gonna like this.

Friday, August 27, 2010

Cooking With Doctor Doom

If you’re anything like Doctor Doom, you already know that when unexpected super-villain company pops up at your castle, sometimes it falls to you to feed them. And, like Doom, you’re not going to serve them some dish fit for filthy Latverian peasants… only the most epicurean of delights deserve a place at your table.

But where are you going to find recipes fit for the kingly tastebuds of you and your fellow megalomaniacs? And what if you’ve just been too busy with those long hours of tyranny and of conquering far-off lands to actually learn how to prepare such a feast? That’s where Cooking With Doom comes in!

When he’s not out-smarting his arch-nemesii or writing his next best-selling book, Doom will teach you to cook his favorite meals. Including such wonders as Steak au Pauvre and his Chicken Scallopini. Doom commands you point your browsers this direction:

Cooking With Doctor Doom

(and don’t forget to offer tribute!)

via isotope

There's Something Drooling Under the Death Trap

via Topless Robot

If you've already bought Superman/Batman #75, you've already seen this and can carry on. If you haven't bought Superman/Batman #75, then you should probably be aware that there's an insanely wonderful Calvin and Hobbes parody strip in it, starring Joker and Lex Luthor, by Brian Azzarello and Lee Bermejo. It's so well done I'd swear Bill Watterson drew it, except he totally didn't. My only question is this -- does this make Spaceman spiff Darkseid or Brainiac?

Top 10 Toys of the Summer of 2010

The summer is officially over for your Toy Maniac. I know that Labor Day is a few days away yet the summer movies are done and now we can turn our attention to the fall. It started off great with plenty of Iron Man 2 toys and some new Star Wars figures here and there. Some of you rushed out for those The Last Airbender toys and well… All I can say is if you loved the series they are now on sale. August was an awesome month as finally most of what debuted at Toy Fair 2010 finally hit the shelves. Without further eloquence here is Mania’s Top 10 Toys of the Summer of 2010.

The Boy's A Time Bomb

In this clip from Comic-Con International, Jimmy Palmiotti discusses Time Bomb (issue No. 1 in stores now), the book he co-wrote with frequent partner Justin Gray and featuring the always stunning art of Paul Gulacy.

Friday Flashback: MICRONAUTS Toys & Comics

I have to admit, I had this one in the back of my mind when I did last week’s installment about toys of the late ‘70s. Clearly, this topic was big enough to do on its own, particularly because it involved an intersection of comics and toys that still resonates with fans. Of course, we’re talking Micronauts. Though the concept was born in Japan in 1974 under the Microman name, the U.S. arrival, via Mego, didn’t happen until 1976. Therefore . . .


State Sen. Nancy King: Reading Comics = Uneducated

Maryland State Senator Nancy King is running for reelection on a platform of education reform, and her ill-thought out direct mailer is slightly confusing for a moment, and then, once its meaning is fully grasped, starts raising the blood pressure of anyone who has ever worked in or enjoyed the fruits of sequential art. 
It implies, for the record, that if children don’t have teachers to educate them, they will start reading comic books.

Fortunately, our incoherent rage has been preceded by some very coherent people.
Like the Maryland Comic Book Initiative, a partnership between the Maryland State Department of Education and Diamond distributors that aims to “introduce and encourage the use of award-winning and other credible graphic novels and comic book materials in classroom instruction… to enhance reading instruction by motivating students to read more and better.” 
Or this open letter to Senator King by comic writer and artist Dean Trippe, which can only be described (by this product of New Jersey schools) as an “Oh SNAP” moment.
Attacks on my industry have always come from those who haven’t picked up a comic, and the policies that have damaged our educational system always come from those who haven’t set foot in a classroom in decades. So let me recommend to you the anthology Reading with Pictures, part of a non-profit effort to offer students and teachers comics specifically suited to lesson plans on variety of subjects. Comics combine art and literature to create an incredible new art form. And in fact, telling stories in pictures predates the written word and is used in safety instruction labels precisely because of its ability to simply convey ideas and actions. Your offensive mailer is just another wrong-headed generalization, attacking a genre that gives children heroes that don’t kill (like Superman, seen in the image you used, likely without the rights to do so) and fight against intolerance (like the X-Men, also featured in your mailer, presumably without permission), as well as a medium that anyone, including children, can tell stories in with tools as simple as a pencil and paper.
The problem with the mailer is not simply that King has clearly never given a comic book serious consideration, but that she seems to have lost touch with the teachers she hopes to represent.  I would guess that most teachers, when looking at the image above, don’t see children whose minds are atrophying.  They see kids who, though they are not being taught, are still reading, and enjoying it.  Any educator worth their salt won’t turn up their nose at that. 
Besides, we all know that if kids didn’t have school they’d just sit around playing video games all day, amirite?  Get with the times, Senator. 
And hey!  If this pisses you off as much as it does us, go read a comic book in public tomorrow
(story via Comic Book Resources, image via Bleeding Cool.)
You know, it was maybe two hours ago I was reading about how the Fed was saying "if the economy gets worse, we're totally gonna step in and fix things", and I'm going "how in the hell does it possibly get worse than this outside of third-world countries?"

I'm bemoaning the fact that once again Democrats have some power for what looks to be a very short lifespan as they fumble, stumble, guffaw and faill while the psycho-fringe-look-out-they're-gonna-nuke-the-world Glenn Beck extremists are soaring in popularity and poised to take over this country very, very soon.

Then this dumb bitch does this dumb thing and, while I despair for the future of our country, I wish that the party upon which we place our hopes to save us from an uber-conservative future weren't so full of dumbasses.

The notion that this uneducated, fear-mongering moron, who channels the ghost of Wertham for campaign advisement, is the lesser of two evils, is heartbreaking.

Batman and Robin Get Medieval in Knight and Squire

The Dark Knight’s across-the-pond iteration gets goofy with silly villains and gay jokes in the first issue of DC Comics’ hilarious Knight and Squire.
Previewing Friday on DC’s blog The Source and due in October, writer Paul Cornell and artist Jimmy Broxton’s London-based Batman and Robin are quite a hoot. The original Knight and Squire appeared in the ’50s. But after disappearing for the better part of five decades, the heroic British duo was eventually rebooted by — who else? — makeover maestro and comics god Grant Morrison.
But the task of reinventing the derivative supers is now left to Cornell and Broxton, who are probably having more fun than they should stuffing the pages of the Knight and Squire series with riotous heroes and rogues like The Milkman, Double Entendre and, of course, British Joker.

Isn't it about time we add Paul Cornell's name to our list of "buy-it-if-his-name-is-in-the-credits" list?
He's the next generation of crazy-talented, not afraid to have a huge ego about it, badass comics writer bringing new, Eurocentric ideas to our stagnant, American comics heroes.

And he's decades away from growing a scraggy beard, donning creepy biker rings, and practicing magic in the forests of England like the original British Invasion comics god whose name we dare not speak lest we risk invoking his wrath (no, seriously, Alan Moore thinks he's magic!).

Heroes and villains of imaginary worlds: A quick primer [Scifi 101]

via io9

Why does science fiction have so many heroes and villains? Why are some heroes so much cooler than others, and why can't villains be ruthless and competent? Here's our introductory guide to the eternal struggle of good versus evil.

Original Kermit the Frog donated to Smithsonian

The original version of Kermit the Frog, created by Jim Henson out of a green coat and pingpong balls, is being donated to the Smithsonian, USA Today is reporting. The puppet is one of ten characters from the 1950s TV show Sam and Friends that is being given to the museum by Jim’s widow Jane Henson. Apart from Kermit, the puppets include characters who would later become the inspiration for Sesame Street Muppets Oscar the Grouch and Cookie Monster, along with Jim’s oldest surviving creation, Pierre the French Rat. “It certainly shows the Muppets at the beginning of the career of a large family of entertainers,” said Smithsonian curator Dwight Blocker Bowers. “More than anything, I think it shows the genius of Jim Henson.”

Security personnel are advised to be on the lookout for thieves dressed in fluffy pink dresses, with large hooves and snouts, whom they have reason to believe may seek to retrieve the artifact for purposes involving inter-species puppet mating rituals.

This "person of interest" is instantly identifiable by her chilling cry of "Kermyyyyyy!" which she howls into the night light a dog baying at a full moon.

Marvel Changes 'Runaways' Casting Call - 'Nico' Now Specified as 'Asian-American'

Nico Minoru
In response to an online campaign, Marvel Studios has changed its casting call announcement for the character of Nico Minoru in its upcoming production of Runaways.  In the original casting call announcement, no mention of Nico’s ethnicity was included—a default setting, which is generally used to designate parts for white actors.  In contrast, the casting breakdown for Runaways character Alex Wilder, which was issued at the same time, clearly indicated that the character was African American.

Alex Wilder, an online organization founded in the wake of Paramount’s decision to cast a non-Asian as the lead in the big screen adaptation of Avatar: The Last Airbender, and members of the Asian American community complained to Marvel Studios about the casting notice for the character of Nico, and Marvel responded with a message to the online site: “To address your concern over casting for the role of Nico, as we do with all of our films, we intend to stay true to the legacy and story of the comic when casting these parts. Thus, our goal is to cast an Asian American actress as depicted in the comic series and the casting notice will be adjusted accordingly.”

The amended casting announcement now reads: “Uniquely beautiful, nurturing but guarded Female, Asian-American, must play 16-18.  Must be at least 16 by January 2011.”  The casting notice confirms the previously reported January start of production on the film.
You just know they were gonna put Hannah Montana or some equally icky pre-hab kid in there - well done, Racebending! That's one abomination successfully prevented.

Now if we can just hire somebody to watch the writers and make sure they don't turn this comic masterpiece into a freakin' Elektra, we'll be good to go!

Small Press Expo announces 2010 programming

via Robot 6 @ Comic Book Resources
The Small Press Expo, or SPX, has announced programming for their show on Saturday, Sept. 11-12 at the Bethesda North Marriott Hotel & Conference Center in Bethesda, Md.


Swamp Monsters and Stoners: When Mainstream Comics Tuned In, Turned On and Dropped Out

The head-trip starts with a jar of peanut butter in 1973. Young Andy Kale is having a late-night snack, and even though he knows his older sister has some kind of superpower (she shared a “psychic bond” with a creature known as the Man-Thing some time back), he wonders if she’s “going ga-ga” following her recent bout of night terrors.

When Andy goes to bed, the knife he used to spread the peanut butter begins to glow and transform, until “a Kathartan war sword rests beside the jar of peanut butter, or is it a jar…of man?” Then what must be one of the strangest moments in mainstream comics takes place, as the peanut butter oozes out and eventually takes the shape of “Korrek—warrior prince of Katharta!”

A few pages later, while Korrek attempts to discuss the nature of absurdity with his new-found companions, they are joined by a cigar-smoking, suit-wearing duck named Howard, who lectures them on the word’s true meaning (and who would go on to star in his own cult classic series of comics, and a very odd movie).

At this point, readers of Adventure Into Fear #19 may have begun to wonder what the creative teams at Marvel comics were smoking. A mainstream publisher was embracing decidedly trippy storylines and elements not only inspired by the counter-culture but apparently aimed directly at it.


Because you can only get so much mileage out of "Giant-Size Man Thing" jokes - an excellent article on the era when comics fans joined the rest of the world in turning away from the mainstream and found they better related to muck-monster comics, and like-minded writers such as the incomparable Steve Gerber, the better to let their freak flag fly.

Free 'Lady Death' issue hits stores

Boundless Comic has a launched a free Lady Death issue to promote the character's long-awaited return.

Following its unveiling at Wizard World Chicago Comic Con, Lady Death Premier is now available in selected comic book stores.

Ed Asner Back As Granny Goodness for Superman/Batman: Apocalypse

Ed Asner, who voiced Jack Kirby's superbitch headmistress-from-hell Granny Goodness on Superman: The Animated Series, is reprising his role for DCU Animation's next DVD release, Superman/Batman: Apocalypse.

The former Lou Grant told Digital Spy,

"I don't think I have played any other female characters before... But if I did, she'd have more balls than any of them."

And if that imagery wasn't sufficiently cringe-inducing, I've gone ahead and created the above mash-up to help drive the point home.

You're welcome.

Tomorrow is Read Comics In Public Day

via Geekosystem

Tomorrow isn’t just Saturday, and it isn’t just the birthday of Jack Kirby, creator of nearly everything about Silver Age Marvel and DC comics that was off its rocker.  It’s also the the first annual International Read Comics In Public Day.


Image of the Day: Leonard Nimoy getting his Spock haircut

via Blastr

"I'm-a be beating off go-go groupies with both hands.  My vulcan pimp hand is strong!"

Power Girl: Nurturing Team Leader

Way to encourage the 14-year-old trying to save the life of the other 14-year-old: just be like a total super-bitch for no reason, without pausing to consider the fact that you're the adult who put both of them at risk by dragging both their asses onto a battleground and into the line of fire.  

I've been giving this book a bit of a hard time this week - but kidding aside, the one truly legit beef I have have with this title is that Power Girl's portrayal is completely out of character with ever other book she appears in, including her own.

Oh, and the normally excellent Jen Van Meter is just killing me with the ponderous back-up stories. 

But that aside - seriously - I do, for the most part, like this book.  Maybe it's just 'cause Cyclone reminds me of every girl I dated between the ages of 12 and 19.  

Oh, and this one girl who was way too old to rock the Pat Benatar leggings, when I was like 25 or so.  

'Machete' - Hollywood's first Latino super-hero?

Texas-based film director Roberto Rodriguez burst on the scene with his first movie El Mariachi in 1992. Since then he has gone on to direct the Spy Kids movies. His new film, 'Machete' is set on the U.S.-Mexico border. Co-directed with Ethan Maniquis, the film stars Danny Trejo, Michelle Rodriguez, Cheech Marin, Steven Seagal, and Robert De Niro, Jessica Alba, Don Johnson and Lindsay Lohan. In opens in movie theatres Sept 3.


Off-tah. Looks like his complexion was carved with a machete. Still, looks like a good old fashioned, goofy-fun action flick.

Read the full interview with Rodriquez here.

7 stunning new promo pics from Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows

via Blastr Atom Feed

Seven new promotional images from Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows: Part I were just released, and in addition to getting us excited about the penultimate installment in the film franchise, seeing Harry all grown up also reminds us of how far we've come since we first saw the boy wizard on screen in 2001.


'Mad' Cartoon Series

Mad - Alfred E. Neuman

The new cartoon series based on Mad Magazine, Mad debuts on the Cartoon Network on Monday September 6th at 8:30 pm (ET, PT).  The usual gang of idiots takes their parody-heavy satire to TV with features like “Avaturds,” “CSICarly,” and “Toys4Brats,” plus such Mad Magazine staples as “Spy vs. Spy,” Alfred E. Neuman, and cartoons by Don Martin and Sergio Aragones brought to life.

via ICv2

Digital Comics now iPad-Native!

Press Release
San Diego, California, 08/26/10 - 
Madcap Studios, creators of Digital Comics for the iOS, made a series of announcements today:

First, their automated iPhone comic book app "Digital Comics" received a major update featuring a stunning new iPad-native user interface, as well as general user interface improvements, and bug fixes. For a full list of changes visit:!getit

Second, all iPhone 4s and iPads now feature higher resolution comics at a higher color depth, resulting in a much improved experience on devices that are able to take advantage of it.

Finally, Madcap Studios announced that Aspen Comics are on board and will be working to bring their comics, including titles such as Fathom, Soulfire, and Shrugged, to Digital Comics shortly.

App Reviews

"With Digital Comics, Madcap Studios has developed a fantastic comic book reading experience for the iPad and iPhone." -

"Madcap Studios' Digital Comics app enriches your comic-reading experience with features like automated panel-by-panel reading and action animations." -

5/5 - "Digital Comics is a great app that does exactly what it says it does!" -

5/5 - "One of the coolest apps I've ever used!" - Random App Store Review

About Madcap and Digital Comics

Madcap Studios, creator of Digital Comics for the iOS, is a small software company specializing in Mobile Development, Web Applications, and cutting-edge User Interface Experiences.

Digital Comics is a free app offering users an improved viewing experience over similar apps with features such as automated panel-by-panel viewing, and a highly refined user interface. It features an in-app book store with books priced competitively at $0.99, as well as several free titles.

For more on Digital Comics of Madcap Studios:


I got them used to be Anakin, now I'm a-dyin' old Sith Blues...

God bless YouTube and Star Wars fans with talent and lots of spare time.  I have yet to see a "remix", "remaster", or "Directors' Cut" of the Star Wars trilogy that holds a candle to Darth Vader playing some  good ol' Delta blues on his Sith harmonica.

Thursday, August 26, 2010

Toy Story Inception!

To think, Google could have destroyed YouTube just 4-5 years ago.

Thank the one true Cylon god that they bought 'em instead, or we would be the almighty mash-ups like perhaps the greatest invention since the Polio vaccine.

JLA #50 Hides Message From Ethan Van Sciver To His Readers

Ethan Van Sciver is a right-wing, independent minded, forceful person who never shies away from  controversy. And we wouldn’t want it any other way. He also gained infamy for, at Grant Morrison’s request, hiding the word SEX in a number of panels in New X-Men.

Well now he’s at it again. The DC Source blog was proud to show off his cover for JLA #50 earlier today.

Except… wait… those letters…

Stuf? What kind of commentary is tha... oh, I get it!

Ethan you rascal you!

The Art Force Is Strong With Alamo’s ‘Great Warrior’ Yoda

via Underwire
Yoda is literally one with the planet Dagobah’s lush natural environment in the fourth poster from the Alamo Drafthouse Cinema’s Star Wars poster series.


Doctor Who police box appears on top of MIT building

via Blastr

What's the Time Lord up to between the end of his latest season and the events of the upcoming Doctor Who Christmas Special? Based on the location of the TARDIS this week, he's heading back to school!

M. Night Shyamalan joins rest of world in goofing on himself

Hey, wouldja look at that! M. Night Shyamalan finally went and got a sense of humor about himself!

Well, sorta. I mean, he's willing to laugh at himself (along with the rest of the world), but it's not actually all that funny. Does that count as a sense of humor?

Food for thought.

Anyway, M-Dawg mocks his upcoming film about being stuck in the elevator with the devil (how in the f**k is this guy getting work?) with this parody - on an escalator!

A true twist, in the classic M. Night manner!

I give you - Escalation, featuring an MTV News dude-of-the-day ,a porno chick, and of course the obligatory M. Night self-casting.

Baphomet is in Flavor Country

Or possibly Alive With Pleasure©.

Up 'till now I was so busy marveling at the fact that they let Kevin Smith write comics (or movies, post '96 for that matter), that I didn't even notice that Baphomet has total Joe Camel penis-face!

See, a second read-through, even of trash like Batman: The Widening Gyre, can be very illuminating!

It's NOT Tentacle Porn!

It's computer cable porn! There is a huge difference!

25 classic science fiction movies that everybody must watch

Ghost In The Shell (1995, dir. Mamoru Oshii) Like Akira, this is one of the first anime films to hit the U.S. and make a big impact, and impress on U.S. fans how powerful anime film-making was becoming. It's spawned a huge franchise, which for the most part hasn't diluted the awesomeness of the concept at all — Stand Alone Complex is considered one of the greatest science ficiton anime shows, and it wouldn't exist without this film. With its theme of possibly false memories and cyber-weirdness, it had a huge influence on both cyberpunks and memory-altering works like Dark City and Dollhouse, but it turns into an amazing examination of the theme of sentience and the definition of life.

Naw, but seriously, Ghost in the Shell really is a modern classic, and it was very nice to see it on io9's list of 25 classic science fiction movies that everybody must watch, and to see that the list was made up of more than the usual suspects.

It's a well put-together list of the best of the best, and even hardcore fans may find a flick or two that they haven't yet seen, fallen in love with, and bought all of it's import action figures online.