
Saturday, September 11, 2010

Thank Rao This Didn't Happen - Tim Burton's Superman Concept Art

So I know this is super-old, but I've never seen it 'til today. Thanks to Madcap Studios, creators of the universal Digital Comics iDevice comics reader app, for pointing this out to me and reminding me of what could have been.

As if Nicolas Cage playing Superman, in a film directed by Tim Burton and written by Kevin Smith doesn't sound enough like a recipe for disaster, this is the concept art for the mid/late '90s Superman movie that actually almost happened. Wires. In. His. Brain WTF??

Fortunately, Smith and Burton couldn't stand one other, and so a project that might very easily have killed the comic movie renaissance in its cradle was aborted.

Huh. Lot of creepy metaphors there, sorry about that.

Moral Issues And Colourful Costumes In The First Clip From James Gunn’s Super

via Bleeding Cool

Finally, a look at Ellen Page in her girl wonder costume in the first clip from James Gunn’s Super. Page’s character is (while in costume, at least) called Bolty, and she’s the sidekick to Rainn Wilson’s The Crimson Bolt. She also appears to be slightly broken-minded.


Watch Now: ‘True Blood’ Season 3 Finale Previews

via Geeks of Doom

The Season 3 finale of HBO's True Blood airs this Sunday, September 12, at 9PM (8PM Central), and to get everyone ready for it, HBO has released a few clips from the final episode, along with a preview trailer.


Remender teases new 'X-Force' members

via Digital Spy

X-Men X-Force preview shot from marvel comics

Further details have been announced concerning the plot behind Marvel's newest X-Men ongoing series.

Uncanny X-Force will be written by Punisher scribe Rick Remender with artwork by Jerome Opena, and will continue a number of plot threads left open after the recent crossover Second Coming.

The series follows main character Wolverine as he goes against the wishes of X-Men leader Cyclops and reforms the lethal force black ops squad with a number of new members including the likes of Deadpool, Fantomex, and Psylocke.

When speaking with IGN, Remender confirmed reports that returning villain Apocalypse will bring with him four newly-created characters to act as his Four Horsemen.

"These are being referred to as the 'Final Horsemen'," Remender explained of the new arrivals. "This is Apocalypse's last big push to implement the Age of Apocalypse."

Apocalypse has been a mainstay villain of the X-Men since his creation in 1986, last appearing in Peter Milligan's 'Blood of Apocalypse' arc in X-Men.

"If left to his own devices, he's going to kill people," Remember said. "And there's no imprisoning him and these guys recognise that."

Remender went on to tease that the currently-announced roster for the team will not be its final membership.

"Axel [Alonso] and I are huge fans of the characters that are coming on," he said after confirming that new characters would be joining the team at some point.

Uncanny X-Force #1 is scheduled to be published October 6.

Please say Maggot, please say Maggot - I'm sorry I mean please for the love of god don't say Maggot!

Rick Remender's totally tasteful enough not to go there, but he has such fun watching fans get all pissy that its just a teensy bit possible, god help us all.

Venture Bros. Returns With Fresh Blast of Geek Satire

via Underwire
Quick! What's the most deranged fanboy toon on television? If you didn't answer Adult Swim's The Venture Bros., which returns Sunday to begin wrapping the rest of its transgressive fourth season, then you may need to seriously recalibrate your geek meter.


Friday, September 10, 2010

Update on THE FLASH and GREEN LANTERN 2 Films

via GeekTyrant

Warner Bros. hired Green Lantern screenwriters Greg Berlanti, Michael Green and Marc Guggenheim to write scripts for The Flash and Green Lantern 2. The studio obviously has a lot a faith in these guys and think they have the talent to bring these superheroes to the big screen.

Guggenheim recently did an interview with Newsarama in which he talks about the progress on these comic book projects and where they currently stand.


Billy Joel's 'We Didn't Start the Fire' on Google Instant

More than 20 years after it was recorded, Urlesque gives Billy Joel's "We Didn't Start the Fire" a purpose beyond making you want to hurl yourself off of a steep surface.

Marvel as they mash it up with Google Instant, and hilarity ensues.

The Evolution of Female Action Heroes

via Asylum

Well-behaved women rarely make history, but they once were in movies. From then, it's been a long, slow climb to today, where Hollywood actually allows women to blow things up on screen. Read More >>

The best moments from True Blood Season 3, measured by physical arousal [Vampiregasm]

via io9

Before the season finale this Sunday, let's take a look back on what this season of True Blood hath wrought. What was the best True Blood moment? The through-the-pants-vampire-head-twisty sex, vampire texting, or the vampire newscast?


Torchwood Writer reveals the reasons why Ianto Jones had to die

via Blastr

Writer John Fay (the only British writer who wrote for the magnificent Torchwood:
Children of Earth and was asked to write for the upcoming Torchwood: The New
World) had one of the most unenviable tasks EVER: killing off Ianto Jones, Captain
Jack's lover and one of Torchwood's most beloved characters.


Schwarzenegger Mocks Palin on Twitter - Subtle jab aimed at the woman who can see Russia

(Newser) - The Governator got in a subtle dig at Sarah Palin late last night. Headed for a trade mission in Asia, Arnold Schwarzenegger tweeted, "Over Anchorage, AK. Looking everywhere but can’t see Russia from here. Will keep you updated as search continues." He attached a picture of himself gazing out the window, presumably hoping to catch a glimpse of Putin rearing his head and coming into the airspace.

Inception A Capella

Make the music with your mouth, Inception re-dubbing guys!

Spider-Man musical song debuts on GMA (video)

Here it is, as uh, promised - Reeve Carney on Good Morning America, premiering "Boy Falls From The Sky" from the forthcoming musical Spider-Man: Turn off the Dark.

This was written by Bono and the Edge, who I've never wanted to punch so badly in my life.

I keep hoping that I'm gonna wake up and realize this is all just one long Seth McFarlane gag.

Marvel vs. Capcom 3: The roster grows

I love how they're building anticipation for Marvel vs. Capcom 3 - already one of the upcoming games I'm most excited about since like Maximum Carnage - by periodically announcing new members of the already huge roster, and giving a glimpse of the new fighters in action, as they recently did with Viewtiful Joe and Dormammu.

And now - a new fighter takes the stage: enter Tron Bonne!

Yup, Mega Man side player and star of the loved-by-some The Misadventures of Tron Bonne, is the latest in a long line of unexpected-but-awesome characters from the Capcom Universe to join the rumble.

And yes, there's a clip!

Marvel previews 'Enigma Force' #1

via Digital Spy

Marvel Comics has released a teaser for the first issue of Incredible Hulks: Enigma Force.

Written by Scott Reed and illustrated by Miguel Munera, the three-issue miniseries follows Commander Rann and the titular team as they do battle with the Hulk's evil offspring.


The most awesomely ridiculous science fiction/fantasy-themed wrestling "characters" [Top 10]

via io9

Remember when wrestling used to be filled with "Supermen"? Many of wrestling's craziest gimmicks have had a fantasy/scifi theme. From a Mortal Kombat rip-off to a man from the future, here are ten of wrestling's most way-out scifi characters.


Alan Moore says comics have been all downhill since Watchmen

via Blastr
Watchmen is considered one of the best comic books of all time and a seminal work in the field. We all know that. But according to author Alan Moore, the 1986 book was actually the pinnacle of an art form, and nothing as good has been published since then.


Thursday, September 9, 2010

Song from Spider-Man musical to debut on Good Morning America

via Robot 6 @ Comic Book Resources

Early design rendering for Oscorp Labs from "Spider-Man: Turn Off the Dark"

Reeve Carney, star of Spider-Man: Turn Off the Dark, will premiere a song from the $52-million musical Friday on ABC’s Good Morning America.

My god, Disney actually did it: they resurrected MC Escher, and commissioned him to design Oscorp.

Seriously, all love to Spidey, Marvel, and the dying art form that is the Broadway musical, but I forsee a disaster of epic proportions.

Batman Returns, This Time With Alien Face-Sucker Starro

via Underwire

First appearing in DC Comics’ The Brave and the Bold in 1960, the once-corny starfish supervillain Starro predates Ridley Scott’s 1979 sci-fi classic Alien by nearly two decades.


Photobucket: censoring Michelangelo to protect the puppies

Here's a little, hopefully self-explanatory look at how I've been spending my day with the good people at Photobucket to whom I pay $50.00 for the pleasure of being treated this way.  And no, they have not responded or taken any action and it's been all last night and all today with this.

I don't normally come out and ask, but if anybody wants to spread this around the Interwebs to call attention to - customer service and content issues aside - rampant arbitrary censorship, I'd really appreciate it and I'd like to think that maybe in the long run some good could come out of my annoying Thursday, which I'd hoped to spend reading the week's new comics.
Dear Photobucket: 
I'm still anxiously awaiting word from you and satisfaction on this issue: specifically why you flagged and removed several of my pictures in one fell swoop with no warning or notice, including "Michelangelo's Creation of Adam", a comic book illustration published in a DC Comics publication for all-ages featuring the characters Animal Man and Starfire, and a photo of a woman at a comic book convention dressed as Supergirl, a photo of Megan Fox that was published inVanity Fair and others. 
In the meantime, here are a few photos that I personally find shocking which are freely available to the public from Photobucket.  These feature scantily dressed women, or based on appearances, more likely underage girls.
In light of these, an explanation of your standards of what is and isn't decent and what if any of my content is safe from being arbitrarily removed without notice, and why Michelangelo, comic book panels, and adult non-nude cosplay is deemed "against your terms" and these are not, is certainly called for.

Oh, and here is the exact same Megan Fox photo you deleted from my account, freely available to the public from Photobucket:

Diiirty pitchers!
Please get back to me at your earliest convenience as this issue has impacted my Internet presence in a profound way and as a paying customer a modicum of customer service is to be expected, as frankly it would be for a non-paying customer who has been aggrieved in this manner.

I look forward to your prompt reply and a swift resolution to this, and an assurance that this isn't going to be a recurring event.

Sincerely Yours,

Matt Sager

Who do you think would win between Hulk and Superman?

Ooh - I suck at these. He'd definitely beat Red Hulk, and lecture him on good old fashioned American values while being enduring epithets such as "alien milksop".

He'd have a rough, 22-page fight but ultimately beat the real (Green) Hulk. 

And he'd spank Skaar but then in a plot twist Hiro would slip him some red K and they'd all have a crazy 6-month crossover.
Ask me anything

Watch Nathan Fillion and Alan Tudyk punk the Firefly cast

via Blastr

Nathan Fillion and Alan Tudyk couldn't make it to Dragon*Con, but that didn't stop them from calling in to the Firefly panel and harassing Summer Glau, Jewel Staite, Sean Maher and Morena Baccarin.

Click here to see the clips!

Hail to the Chief

That's right - Comics Cavern business cards!  Gonna be spreading these around like H1N1 at Wizard World NY.

Huh-huh I'm an EIC.

Parker! Get me stories about Spider-Man!

Brant!  Rub my feet!  What, again with the ERA?  Fine, a coffee then!

Dang blasted 21st century equal rights, that menace Spider-Man, oy where are my heart pills...

10 Marvel Star Wars Comic Characters Who Deserve Their Own Action Figures

​The recent release of the Celebration V Camie and Fixer two-pack marked the last of Hasbro's Star Wars comic figures. These offerings featured rare figures representing iconic moments from the saga's storied comic book history. The end of the line means that tons of characters will never get the opportunity to be immortalized in plastic. As you are doubtlessly aware, the Marvel comics were the first place that readers could experience new Star Wars stories off of the big screen. This is why it is especially sad that so many of the comics' characters got the shaft from Hasbro. As great as it is to have a Darth Vader figure with blue paint accents that reflect those of his comic doppelganger, it feels like an opportunity to make some fun new figures was missed. From a financial point of view it makes more sense for Hasbro to issue repaints than create new molds for niche characters from the various Marvel and Dark Horse books, but that doesn't mean we have to like it. So here's a list of folks from Marvel's sometimes silly, often sublime Star Wars comic that are more than worthy of their own action figures. For the most part, these entries are characters that have never been represented in toy form before. But there are some variations of fan favorites thrown in for good measure as well. As Chewbacca would say, "Gronk!"

Crazy savings on TV at Amazon - today only: Daria, How I Met Your Mother

Amazon's been having crazy savings on TV shows on DVD all week, and today the deals are jaw-dropping, and short-lived.  Between now and midnight, save 63% on:

Daria: The Complete Animated Series

It's available today for $26.99, down from its regular price of $72.99.

Amazon's other big TV deal of the day is

The show is available today for $59.49 - down from Amazon's usual price of $159.92.

Dark Horse Resumes Publishing 'Eden' & 'MPD Psycho'

via ICv2

With publishers cutting back on the number of manga volumes they publish a number of great series have gone on hiatus. Perhaps it’s a sign that the market is stabilizing somewhat that Dark Horse has decided to resume publication of two excellent seinen series, Eden: It’s an Endless World by Hiroki Endo and MPD Psycho by Eiji Otsuka and Shou Tajima.


Captain America costume photos surface

via Blog@Newsarama
Are you ready to yield before Cap’s mighty shield? The Daily Mail has some new images up of a stuntman wearing the Red, White and Blue:

Wednesday, September 8, 2010

King's Dark Tower being turned into massive TV/film series

via Blastr

This is one of those ideas that's either going to be crazy successful or an epic failure. NBC Universal just made a deal to turn Stephen King's The Dark Tower saga into three films and a TV series, a lot of which will be written by Akiva Goldsman and directed by Ron Howard.


January Jones is White Hot on X-Men Set

INF Daily spotted Mad Men actress January Jones on the set of X-Men: First Class in Buckinghamshire, England earlier today. January was clad in her sexy head-to-toe “White Queen” costume: a short white coat, knee-high white boots, and a fuzzy white Russian hat. In between takes she added an ankle-length puffy jacket and bright rain boots for a splash of color.
via INF Daily.

Check it out, it's like so totally authentic '60s style as interpreted by our 20-year-old producers' crazy fantasyland imagination!

We're way too busy being awesome to do research or even like, do a Google Image search - so we're gonna assume it was all about Russian babushka hats and just start rolling film!

Uncanny X-Force Trailer

They're uncanny. They're X-Force. They'll do the jobs too dirty for Cyclops and the gang to handle, and throw down the nasty on a world that hates and fears them.

Seriously, I'm very jazzed for every part of this book, especially Rick Remender.

However, while in every other way this trailer is excellent, I am officially volunteering to come out of voiceover retirement to replace the guy voicing Wolverine - is that an intern doing the read or what?

Anyway, here's the official description from Marvel:
After Cyclops disbands Wolverine's black-ops group, Logan assembles a brand new team to face a deadly new threat, courtesy of creators Rick Remender, Jerome Opena and Dean White in UNCANNY X-FORCE #1! Now get an exclusive look at the first issue-and the team's deadly new mission-in this all-new trailer. You can't miss UNCANNY X-FORCE #1, in stores October 6!

Get enchanted with the sexiest witch pin-ups of all time! [NSFW]

Willow bait!

via io9, Sexy Witch.

Pixar eyeing 'Doctor Strange'?

via Digital Spy

Comic artist Brendan McCarthy has claimed that Disney and Pixar are considering a CGI Doctor Strange movie.

In an interview with Bad Librarianship, the illustrator said that he discussed an adaptation of the Marvel Comic during a meeting with Disney.


Variance: Incredible Hulks, Squadron Sinister and the Super Hero Squad!

The Squadron Sinister gets the Super Hero Squad treatment on this awesome variant cover for Incredible Hulks #612!

Oh, and the comic itself, which - as the cover itself points out - features neither the Squadron Sinister or the Super Hero Squad, is pretty damn great too.

I hate to use marketing speak, but seriously - a new era begins here.

25 unexpected lessons we can learn from Tales of the Unexpected [Triviagasm]

via io9

Tales of the Unexpected was a long-running DC scifi/horror series that specialized in stories about stuff nobody anticipated would happen. Its covers were also unexpectedly unexpected, and we can learn a lot about expectations just by looking at them. Unexpected.


Read comics on the iPhone? There's an app update for that.

If you read digital comics on the iPhone, iPod Touch or iPad - whether your tastes run towards Western comics or manga, you might want to pop your head into the app store and see if your reader of choice received an update late yesterday.

Two of the bigs in their respective fields- Madcap Studios' universal app Digital Comics, and the iPhone Manga reader Manga Rock, were updated on Tuesday evening (September 7), both primarily to correct bugs that were causing some errors on devices still running iOS 3.  

Awesome DOCTOR WHO Sonic Screwdriver Wiimote

via GeekTyrant

For Doctor Who fans that own a Nintendo Wii! Here is a pretty cool Sonic Screwdriver Wiimote that comes from the popular sci-fi series.


Tuesday, September 7, 2010

Star Trek 365 Book Sets Phasers on Stunning

via Underwire

Even the most obsessive Trekker will likely uncover fresh details in the thick chunk of photos and text titled Star Trek: The Original Series 365. The new book examines in microscopic detail each of the 79 episodes of Gene Roddenberry's enormously influential sci-fi series, which ran from 1966 to 1969.


Liam Neeson nabs role in Universal's 'Battleship'

Liam Neeson is suiting up to play Admiral Shane in Universal's "Battleship."

Based on the Hasbro board game, the feature, which Peter Berg is directing, centers around a battle on land, sea and the sky between earth's forces and attacking aliens.

Neeson joins a cast that includes Taylor Kitsch, who plays a Naval officer and the admiral's future son-in-law; Brooklyn Decker, as the admiral's daughter; Alexander Skarsgard as a commanding officer and the older brother to Kitsch's character; and Rihanna as a weapons analyst on the USS John Paul Jones.

Set for release on May 18, 2012, "Battleship" is being produced by Scott Stuber through his Universal-based Stuber Pictures; Sarah Aubrey and Peter Berg for Film 44; Brian Goldner and Bennett Schneir of Hasbro and Duncan Henderson.


Heh. He's gonna play the peg with the unconvincing American accent. He is poised to challenge Nicolas Cage for the title of "king of the actors who don't turn down anything".

Six "Buffy: The Vampire Slayer" Stars Among Headliners at Wizard World New England Comic Con, Oct. 15-17 in Boston

Press Release: 

Clare Kramer, Amber Benson, Mercedes McNab Join “Buffyfest;” Fantastic Four's Doug Jones, “Antique Roadshow” Appraiser Gary Sohmers And 100+ Celebrity Guests, Leading Comics Artists, Creative Directors To Attend

- Wizard World New England Comic Con, part of North America’s largest pop-culture tour, is set for Friday through Sunday, October 15-17, at the Hynes Convention Center in Boston.  The event will bring together thousands of fans of all ages and plenty of celebrities and industry professionals to celebrate the best in pop culture: movies, comics, toys, video gaming, television, gaming, original art, collectibles, contests and more.

Six actors who have portrayed beloved characters in “Buffy: The Vampire Slayer” and “Angel” will appear at the event.  James Marsters, Charisma Carpenter, Nicholas Brendon, Amber Benson, Clare Kramer and Mercedes McNab are all scheduled to appear at the “BuffyFest” festival being done in partnership with  The six guests will greet fans, sign autographs, take photographs and participate in panels and discussions that highlight their roles in the popular Joss Whedon television series.

“This is one of the biggest collections of 'Buffy' stars in one place,” said Gareb Shamus, Wizard World CEO.  “New England Comic Con appeals to fans of all aspects of pop culture, from comics to television to movies to music to toys to video games and more.”

Other popular New England Comic Con celebrity guests include Ernie Hudson (GHOSTBUSTERS), Luciana Carro (“Battlestar Galactica,” “Caprica”), Doug Jones (FANTASTIC FOUR, HELLBOY) and Gary Sohmers (appraiser, “Antique Roadshow”).

Fans can also meet their favorite comic creators and artists, including Ethan Van Sciver (“Green Lantern,” “Superman/Batman”), Greg Horn (“Blackest Night,” “Elektra,” “Ms. Marvel”), Michael Golden (“Wolverine: First Class,” “New Exiles”), Mark Texeira (“Moon Knight,” “Ghost Rider”), Arthur Suydam (“Marvel Zombies,” “Batman”), Alé Garza (“Fathom,” “Cable,” “Batgirl”), Renee Witterstaetter (Editor - “She Hulk,” Colorist - “Avengers”) and many other national and local creators.

Children and adult attendees are encouraged to come dressed as their favorite villain, superhero or pop culture personality for the chance to win special prizes in costume contests.  Event-goers may also try their hand interactive product exhibits and shop for collectible comics, movie and television memorabilia, toys and games at more than 100 dealer booths.

Special events at New England Comic Con include the “Magic: The Gathering” card game tournament, professional photo opportunities (Photo Ops) with celebrities and others to be announced.

The Hynes Convention Center is located at 900 Boylston Street in the Back Bay section of Boston.  New England Comic Con is the sixth stop on Wizard’s eight-city 2010 North American tour.  Hours are Friday, Oct. 15, 5-9 p.m.; Saturday, Oct. 16, 10 a.m. - 7 p.m.; and Sunday, Oct. 17, 10 a.m. - 5 p.m. (all times Eastern).  Tickets are available in advance or by calling 1-866-882-5860 and online at at up to a 15% savings over tickets purchased at the door.  Advance adult single-day tickets are $25; three-day weekend tickets are $45, and tickets are free for children age 10 and under when accompanied by a paid adult (limit two children per adult).  VIP packages with special entry and exclusive items are also available.

About Wizard Entertainment:
Gareb Shamus founded Wizard Entertainment in 1991. Today, Shamus publishes consumer magazines Wizard, ToyFare, FunFare and numerous books about pop-culture’s top talent, comic books and toys. Shamus also produces a North American Comic Con tour.  Wizard World Comic Con - The Pop-Culture Capital of the World!

For the most recent event information please visit and become a New England Comic Con Fan on Facebook.

Quickly, old chum! Fetch the Bat- uh, the Bat-Moose Repellent!

Or, I dunno, like a rake to hit it with? Anything! That is a goddamn moose chewing up the Bat-garden right there!

I'm pretty sure they can go feral on you, and not to freak you out, Boy Wonder - but I haven't seen Aunt Harriet in like a week.

Should Have Seen It Coming: Betty White Next For Bluewater Bio Treatment

via Blog@Newsarama

Following her Facebook-fueled Saturday Night Live hosting gig this spring, Betty White is facing an unprecedented career resurgence at the age of 88. In the past year-and-a-half, she’s co-starred in The Proposal, won an Emmy, appeared in commercials, landed a role on Hot in Cleveland, and will guest star this month on the season premiere of Community. Given this newfound cultural relevance, there’s only one logical next step:


17 amazing bodypaint superhero costumes (definitely NSFW)

via Blastr

It's a bird, it's a plane, it's a -- what the heck is that? Oh. Ohhhhh.


16 Great Batman The Dark Knight desktop wallpapers

Check out all 16 super-sweet Dark Knight desktops at The Inquisitr.

Monday, September 6, 2010

Andrew Garfield talks about Landing the Role of SPIDER-MAN

via GeekTyrant

It's been two months since it was announced that Andrew Garfield would take on the role of Peter Parker in Marc Webb's new 3D Spider-Man reboot. Garfield is still an up and coming actor, and before we see him take on the role of Spider-Man, we see him in Mark Romanek's new film Never Let Me go, as well as David Fincher's The Social Network.


Image of the Day: 52 supervillains and their favorite lines

Evildoers and their evil catchphrases!

via blastr, imgur.