Saturday, August 7, 2010

6 ways Torchwood's new season will change everything

via Blastr Atom Feed

Torchwood: The New World doesn't even start filming until next year, but did we get big news today!

Series creator Russell T. Davies attended the Television Critics Association fall press tour to preview his return to Torchwood and revealed six ways the newTorchwood will be bigger and better than ever before.


Daredevil's Replacement - Kraven the Hunter?!?


An undead male stripper with cats-eyes on his man-boobs is gonna replace Daredevil as guardian of Hell's Kitchen?  Freakazoid with a Ted Nugent hunting fetish running around New York City in bare feet?

Murdock better be thankful he's blind, and can't watch his dignity trickling away.

Oh, and Kraven?  The most garish male prostitute ever called, he asked you to tone it down a bit.

Superman Vs. Jesus!

And you Supes' Muhammad Ali fight was bad-ass!

Dr Who fans campaign for the Timelord to appear on The Simpsons | The Sun |Showbiz|TV


Ohhhh my lord Jebus yes pleez! And have a Dalek open up and it turns out the pilot is Hans Moleman, instead of a little squid-thing .

Marvel miniseries heads straight for app

via Comics - Digital Spy - News
Marvel Comics are continuing to push their iPhone/iPad app as a viable new medium for reading comics by releasing issues of a new miniseries onto the app only a week after they are published in print.

Heroic Age: One Month to Live will be a five-issue weekly series, and will become one of the few titles Marvel will release on the app only shortly after it appears in print.


Supernatural Anime Trailer

Let the squee-ing commence!  Lots of details and cool pics and stuff can be found here.

The new Torchwood reboot gets a title (and a plot synopsis from Russell T. Davies) [Breaking News]

via io9

After yesterday's news about Torchwood's new writing team, we've now learned that Starz's ten-episode Torchwood reboot will be titled Torchwood: The New World. Also, Russell T. Davies himself dropped some hints about the series' plot.

Comics Fans Love The '90s The Way Republicans Love the '50s

That is, they love the imaginary-super-crazy-never-happened version of it that exists only in their minds, as carefully crafted by the media merchants at MTV and VH1 (or Fox News, for the Republicans).

Lea Hernandez was kind enough to take a moment and remind us of why we do not want to go down this wacky-ass nostalgia road that comics seem hell-bent on (am I really the only one who remembers that this was the era in which comics came a hairs-breath away from literally ceasing to exist as a business?), and Bleeding Cool was kind enough to share it with the world.

I'm kind enough to, well, keep on spreading the gospel.  This wacky-ass nostalgia shit permeates all aspects of pop culture and does a great job of stifling new ideas and innovation by perpetuating a false cloud of  cotton-candy wonderfulness on all things old, safe and stale.

Suicide Squad Video Game!!

Be still mah beatin' heart!  Seriously, not to spoil the Geoff Johns clip from the good folks over at Comic Book Resources, but the words "hardcore violent" and "John Ostrander" are used.

I'm gonna go exercise my joystick hand right now.  You can go ahead and feel free to interpret that any way you like.

Great Moments In Marvel History: Taint Misbehavin'

Scientist Supreme and guy with size issues Hank Pym is known for many inventions, but among his many unsung accomplishments are his proudest moment: the very first "Paris-Hilton-getting-out-of-a-limo-shot", a pose which he struck for one proud young Daily Bugle photographer way back in the Silver Age.

Pym: I'm dressed to the left!  Seriously, from a different angle this would be a Tale to Astonish!

Friday, August 6, 2010

Why Marvel picked Joss Whedon over Jon Favreau for Avengers

via Blastr Atom Feed
Jon Favreau killed with the first Iron Man movie. So why isn't he directing The Avengers? And why was Iron Man 2 so ... well ... disappointing? Turns out both of those questions have the same answer: Blame Marvel!


Uh - I'm gonna go with "because one is Joss Whedon and the other, no offense, is Jon Favreau". I mean he seems like he'd be fun to play cards with and everything but come on!

Ultimate Douche Chill

Ultimate Hank Pym has the uncanny supernatural ability to make me throw up a little bit in my mouth.

Colleen Doran’s sites hacked but will return

via The Beat

Both of artist Colleen Doran’s sites — A Distant Soil and have been hacked, she confirmed in a phone call. Luckily all her sites — which host her webcomic serialization of A Distant Soil and her popular, pithy blog- had been backed up and have been moved to a new host and should be available over the weekend. Read More >>

Who shall rise in November? (Probably Thunderstrike)

via Robot 6 @ Comic Book Resources - Covering Comic Book News and Entertainment has posted a teaser on their site for something kicking off in November. The headline reads "The World Still Needs Heroes," with the tag "One shall rise in November." Based on the artwork and the fact that word leaked out already that Tom DeFalco and Ron Frenz are working on a Thunderstrike comic, it's probably a safe bet that's what it is for. Read More >>

Neal Adams' Batman Rage Therapy

You see what I was talking about?

Check out that vivid description, look at the verbal and artistic detail that went into this crazy bullet-dance.

Neal Adams is like, really letting off steam here and taking it out on poor Batman.  This page reads like it was written by a serial killer.

How in the holy Hell is Batman alive?  This is like, 500 times worse than Darkseid eye-beams.

Marvel considering 'S.H.I.E.L.D.' movie

via Comics - Digital Spy - News

Marvel Studios chief Kevin Feige has revealed that the firm has provisional plans for a S.H.I.E.L.D. movie.

Speaking to MTV, the exec hinted that Samuel Jackson's Nick Fury could be given his own spinoff series following the release of The Avengers. Read More >>

David Hasselhoff, your future is calling! Will you accept the charges?

Here We Go Again: YoGimp Bear

via Bleeding Cool Comic Book News and Rumors

Just a quick image post because I know how much you’ve been enjoying the Yogi Bear marketing materials. Read More >>

Odyssey of Agony

So based on the first two covers, Batman: Odyssey appears to be a 12-issue exercise in perforating Bats as often and painfully as possible.

The plot would seem to support this theory.  Comic book legend Neal Adams - who did some of his career defining work creating a darker Batman back in the days of the campy television show - would seem to be developing a sadistic streak in his old age.  I mean, look at those painstakingly horrific entrance and exit wounds.

Dude's really, like, working the pain here.

Scott Pilgrim dominates bookstore

via Comics - Digital Spy - News

Nielsen's Bookscan graphic novel chart for July featured all six Scott Pilgrim volumes, it has been revealed.

The sixth and final volume of Bryan Lee O'Malley's series, which was only released on July 20, top the list. The other five volumes fall within the top nine slots.

Make Mine a 'Spider-Man Pizza'!

via ICv2 RSS Web Feed

Marvel Entertainment has announced an expansion of its licensing agreement with Decopac of Anoka, Minnesota, which will now create a line of edible images that can be used to decorate pizzas.  The first products in the line will feature classic Spider-Man images followed by products based on other Marvel stalwarts including Wolverine as well as Marvel Studios characters, Iron Man 2, Super Hero Squad, Thor, and Captain America: The First Avenger.  Read More >>

Mmm-mmmm-mmmm, I can't wait to have an Iron Fist thick crust pie with all, the trimmings!

Nom nom nom that's gooooood product placement!

Comic Art Collecting 101

via Blog@Newsarama

This is Spider-Man former love interest Gwen Stacy. The artist is legendary Brian Stelfreeze, which can be noted by his signature on the right side. This is in my first sketchbook and was drawn at DragonCon two years ago (Brian being an Atlanta artist, it’s almost a pre-requisite to make it to that show). I hadn’t been collecting art that long, just a few sketches here and there, mainly at one-day conventions like the, now defunct, Atlanta Comics Expo. Read More >>

Willing to Cross the Line

Is it just me, or does it seem as though Dark Wolverine is like always ready - eager even - to cross this particular line?

Grumpy Old Fan | The value of bad comics

via Robot 6 @ Comic Book Resources - Covering Comic Book News and Entertainment

Last week I talked about rediscovering the ‘70s series Secret Society of Super-Villains. As you might have guessed, this was made possible largely by the Internet. Without it, I would have had to scour back-issue boxes at regional comics shops and/or at the occasional convention. After all, that’s what I grew up doing.


Thursday, August 5, 2010


via Mania News Feed

From a press release...

BURBANK, CA (August 5, 2010) - Warner Premiere, DC Entertainment, Warner Bros. Animation and Warner Home Video have expanded the realm of superhero storytelling beyond the popular DC Universe Animated Original PG-13 Movies with the introduction of the DC Showcase, a series of animated shorts featuring characters from the celebrated DC Comics vault. On November 9, 2010, Warner Home Video will distribute the DC Showcase Original Shorts Collection, the first quartet of animated adventures featuring the never-before-seen Superman/Shazam! The Return of Black Adam, as a Special Edition Blu-Ray for $29.99 (SRP) and single disc DVD for $19.98 (SRP).

DC Showcase animated shorts initially appeared as special bonus content on the 2010 slate of DC Universe Animated Original Movies. The 10- to 12-minute films include The Spectre, Jonah Hex and Green Arrow. All three titles will be presented in extended formats along with the first-ever release of Superman/Shazam! The Return of Black Adam.

In Superman/Shazam! The Return of Black Adam, Clark Kent’s latest interview subject is street kid Billy Batson. What Clark doesn’t know is that Billy is more than a feisty kid with a lot of heart - he has been chosen by an ancient wizard to represent the good of man as the World’s Mightiest Mortal just by invoking the name of the wizard, "Shazam!" Billy's powers come none-too-soon, as he also discovers he's being pursued by a centuries' old, murderous villain, Black Adam - a foe so powerful, even Superman can’t stop him alone. The all-star cast of Superman/Shazam! The Return of Black Adam is led by Jerry O’Connell (Crossing Jordan) as Captain Marvel, George Newbern reprising his Justice League role as Superman, Arnold Vosloo (The Mummy) as Black Adam and two-time Emmy Award winner James Garner (8 Simple Rules) as The Wizard.

Bruce Timm (Superman Doomsday) is executive producer and Joaquim Dos Santos (Justice League, Avatar: The Last Airbender) is director of the first series of DC Showcase titles. Michael Jelenic (Wonder Woman) wrote the 22-minute script.


Deadshot and Hawkgirl in Kansas!

You don't have to look much farther than the header to guess how excited I am at the news that Deadshot will be featured in the upcoming tenth - and final - season of Smallville.  I've been anxiously awaiting such news ever since Checkmate showed up last season, and it was confirmed today that Floyd will indeed be paying a visit to that little Kansas farmtown that is a hotspot for super-crazy-magic stuff that has not yet replaced science in the school system's textbooks.

Give it time.

The Suicide Squad vet, Secret Six stalwart, and kinda-sorta Batman wannabe will be portrayed by actor Bradley Stryker.

The other big Smallville casting news was that Michael Shanks' Hawkman, already confirmed for a return visit, will be accompanied by Hawkgirl.

Shayera will be played by Sahar Biniaz - you can check out her thespianism in this clip from the ScyFy Channel series Sanctuary.

Good Lord, it's James Stokoe's Galactus

via Robot 6 @ Comic Book Resources - Covering Comic Book News and Entertainment

"If you do warmup inks every day, you will eventually draw 4 square feet of GALACTUS!" tweeted Orc Stain writer/artist James Stokoe... Read More >>

Again With The Creepy Taglines!

For cripes' sake, just keep him away from Boo-Boo!

Yogi Bear Poster (And Possibly More) Revealed

via Blog@Newsarama
Last week, the world bore witness to the trailer of the Yogi Bear feature film. As these things tend to happen, a new movie poster was released this week. And, um, well: Read More >>

The Return Of Alpha Flight?!?

I understand that we may be about to see the return of Canadian supergroup Alpha Flight appearing in an upconing Marvel comic. Maybe we’ll find out just how dead they all are…

And the man spearheading the return is Marvel-suit-turned-writer Jim McCann!

Jim McCann - our businessman with a writin' pen over at Marvel, bringing back all the characters nobody was clamoring for. First Dazzler, now Alpha Flight? Oh thank you Mutant Jesus!!!

Just 'cause taking Peter David out of the Sales Department and making him a writer was one of the best decisions in Marvel history doesn't mean every bean-counter needs to be charting the creative course over at the house of ideas, though I can understand why Disney might feel the natural instinct to put number-crunchers in charge of everything.

Who Knew?: Zombies Are Classy People

via Geekologie - Gadgets, Gizmos, and Awesome

This is a little cartoon by Sean Bieri proving that some zombies are about more than just eating brains -- some actually use theirs. Read More >>

15 Fantastic Doctor Who Mash-Ups and Works of Fan Art

via Geekosystem
When you’re a pop culture sensation like The Doctor, people are going to idolize you. And with a phenomenon like Doctor Who, thou shalt totally make unto thee lots of graven images, andmany likenesses of any thing that is in the TARDIS. Thou shalt definitely bow down thyself to them. That’s the second commandment of die-hard Doctor Who fandom, after all.

Hipster Heroes

Is it terrible that I'm hoping Doctor Doom just shows up out of nowhere and feeds them their still-beating hearts?

Green Lantern filmmakers are already talking TRILOGY

via Blastr Atom Feed

It might have just been the alcohol talking, but an unnamed production staffer was overheard bragging in a bar in New Orleans, ... Read More >>

The Nice Thing About Being Sick

I get to catch up on DVDs I've ordered on a whim but haven't gotten around to yet - like Saturday Morning Cartoons: 1980s, Vol. 1.  Currently watching Chuck Norris Karate Kommandos vs. the Deadly Dolphins - swear to god - with zero guilt.

Goldie Gold, the World's Richest Girl did kind of make me nauseous, especially when she sought info from her helpful stoolpigeon "Hobo Joe".  But Mr. T.'s coming up soon to make everything better, fool!

Star Wars Trilogy: De-Mastered

Hmm... needs more vilainous handlebar moustaches.

Other than that, this anti-CGI masterpiece is pretty much sheer perfection.

Paul Dini Joins 'Ultimate Spider-Man' Team

via ICv2 RSS Web Feed

Veteran animation producer (and comic book writer) Paul Dini (Batman Animated) is joining the production team for the Ultimate Spider-Man animated series that is slated to debut on the Disney XD cable channel in the fall of 2011.

Is It Hot In Here, Or...?

Nope, it's definitely not Iceman! It's your confused young hormones!

Whole lotta bromance goin' on over at Xavier's! You kids are so lucky Jean hasn't yet attainted the "explode a guy's brain for like no reason" level of power and mental instability or you'd just be one big, cold, ruby-quartz blood smear on the wall.

Daredevil: Black and White #1

via IGN Comics

Daredevil gets the Black and White treatment in Marvel's latest anthology, and the fit is so natural it makes you wonder what took the publisher so long to give the Man of Fear the same treatment DC gave the Dark Knight in the masterful Batman: Black and White. Sadly, none of the stories in Daredevil: Black and White come anywhere near the level of greatness of the best of the Batman anthology, and only Peter Milligan and Jason Latour seems to capture the same bold spirit of the original. Read More >>

Batman: Arkham City - The Madness Gets Political?

via Bleeding Cool Comic Book News and Rumors
Explaining a whole host of URLs registered recently by Warner Bros, the sequel to the smash breakout videogame Batman: Arkham Asylum is to be called Batman: Arkham City.


Mutant Drama Map

As one cycle of X-books and crossovers comes to an end, several new cycles are beginning, including relaunched titles for Wolverine and X-Force, a new direction with mutants appearing for the first time since the House of M days, and - of course - vampires.

Lots of backstory is always part and parcel of Marvel's Mutant-verse, especially in times of transition and turmoil.  Like, more than usual even.  To that end, here's a handy X-Men relationship map that might help you steer through the murky emotional waters that lay ahead in, like 40% of all Marvel books for the foreseeable future.

Click here or on the picture for a the full-sized view.  You're gonna need it.

Wednesday, August 4, 2010

Okay -- I'll Pretend I'm A Sarlacc, You Throw All These Star Wars Cupcakes Down My Gullet

via Geekologie - Gadgets, Gizmos, and Awesome

Note: Slightly larger image HERE.

These are some impressive looking Star Wars cupcakes by Flickr user lclllc. They kind of have a LEGO vibe to them but maybe that's just me. Read More >>

Cartoon Perspective Sculptures

via The Awesomer
These unassuming sculptures of popular cartoon characters were made by artist John Hopkins. They’re actually made of several disproportionate parts. See more of Hopkins’ work here.

Joss Whedon Avengers Teaser Promo!

Yeah, it's not long enough for me to call it a full-on trailer. But it's a teaser! Hey, it's short OK? But so is Ant-Man! Whedon's Avengers! Commence geeky orgasmic freakout... now!

Glenn Beck and I Are Pissed!

As a patriotic American, I demand to know why the liberal socialist media isn't report on all the good news coming out of Hulk-ravaged Washington, DC.

Stan vs. Stan at Comic-Con!

Which one's the skrull?!?

Kill 'em both, Spock!

Image of the Day: Megan Fox disses Bay, wears a Voltron T-shirt

via Blastr Atom Feed
Will we ever know the truth about the feud between Megan Fox and Michael Bay over the Transformers franchise?Read More >>

Oh, no she di-int!

Oh. Apparently she did.  Well I'd be pissed too if I was informed that I wasn't sufficiently talented to share screen space with Bumblebee.   Nice rug burn on that elbow though; adds  little touch of class to the ensemble.

Venture Bros. Season 4-and-a-Half Trailer!

Pick yourself up and wet-nap the vomit off of your speed-suit, junior science cadet!  It's time for more Venture Bros.!

It's time... to save the world.

Anime - Nature's LSD

This potato committing Japanese ritual suicide, or Seppuku (literal English translation: "stomach-cutting"), is brought to you by the freaky-deaky anime series Dai Mahou Touge.

Matt Fraction Doesn't Care About Blue People!

That's right, I went there!  Just look at those happy comrades-in... arms.

Never again.  And the dead one - of course - s the happy, faithful, optimistic, cheer-everyone-up  one.   The one who had the mini-series,, with the Fairy Tales and pirates and stuff.  The "life is pain, I'm the best there is at stuff that sucks, weep weep growl" guy is cursed to walk the earth forever.

In, like, 40 concurrent books at a time.

What kind of Heroic Age is it going to be without the fuzzy elf?  Can't Hope like, I dunno, "Phoenix" him back or something?  Or Dracula, if that vampire thing is still happening?

With Beast departing for the Secret Avengers, and Nightcrawler for that great circus where your sister is your girlfriend in the sky, the X-Men's color palette is sadly lacking in blue.  

'Inception' Plot Stolen From 'Uncle Scrooge'?

via ICv2 RSS Web Feed

The Internet is abuzz with rumors that Christopher Nolan ripped off the concept for Inception from an Uncle Scrooge comic. Read More >>

1938 Superman comic saves family's home from foreclosure

via Blastr Atom Feed

They were about to lose the home that had been in their family since the 1950s. They were doing one of the most difficult things a person can do—packing up their possessions before seeing their house lost to foreclosure. They needed a hero. They found one—hiding in the basement.Read More >>

Tuesday, August 3, 2010

Larsen Pulls a Sim

... it seems patently unfair that Neil could claim ownership of "Spawn on a horse" much less that an all woman jury, charmed by his English accent and sad story would award him that.
Ooooh what a dick.

Mind you, if in all-female jury were to be involved in a case involving Gambit, I'd totally have your back, Erik. But you're kinda coming off like a douche here.

We really want to keep those "the legal system is too important to be trusted to people with girl parts" quotes to a minimum. 

Did Syfy borrow its latest "aliens among us" premise from a Buffy star? [Great Minds Think Alike]

via io9
Controversy erupted over the weekend when Amber Benson, who played Tara on Buffy The Vampire Slayer, claimed one of Syfy's newly greenlit shows, Human Relations, was awfully similar to Drones, a film she made with Adam Bush (Warren on Buffy.) Read More >>

Ooh real-life Buffy drama!  Hey check it out, it's that guy who briefly enjoyed a Nathan Fillion-ish relationship with Joss Whedon, but who unlike Nathan Fillion, we don't remember his name! 

Dang Google, You So Crazy!

Here's a random sampling of few search terms that brought visitors to Comics Cavern today.

Hello and welcome, new friends!

I hope the prostate guy stuck around to read up on comics and stuff.

Good luck, buddy! Best advice I can give you: close your eyes and think of England.