Saturday, October 30, 2010

'Smallville' debut for Goodness revealed

via Digital Spy

The CW has released further details about the debut of supervillainess Granny Goodness in an upcoming episode of Smallville.

According to CBR Christine Willes will make her first appearance as Goodness in the eighth episode of the show's final series.Read More >>

Sinestro Corps Keeps Fear Alive at Stewart/Colbert Rally

via Bleeding Cool

With key congressional elections just days away, Jon Stewart and Stephen Colbert staged a rally to — in the Washington Post’s words — “redeclare Americans’ ability to get along and work together, regardless of their ideological differences,”  and poke fun at the typically overheated media conversation that surrounds US politics in the process.


"Saw 3-D": Horror's self-help franchise comes to an end

via Salon

Anyone who uses the term "torture porn" to describe a certain strain of violent horror movies -- one exemplified by the maybe-concluded "Saw" franchise -- runs the immediate risk of becoming a person in spectacles proclaiming that the latest forms of entertainment are degrading the culture and ruining children's minds. This tradition existed long before Fredric Wertham, the 1950s psychologist who wrote the notorious and utterly unscientific "Seduction of the Innocent," which found the cause of that decade's purported wave of juvenile delinquency: comic books!


REVIEW: ‘Walking Dead’ and ‘Dead Set’ take zombies to next level

via Hero Complex - Los Angeles Times

Zombies are back in a big way this Halloween, with “The Walking Dead” premiering on AMC and the British miniseries “Dead Set” on IFC. Frankly, it’s not a moment too soon. We’ve all but ruined all the other good monsters, turning perfectly decent vampires and werewolves into sad-eyed pin-up boys (and girls), reducing the dimensions of evil and corruption they once represented to eternal adolescent angst.


Obi-Wan never told you about your father… [Cartoon]

Sour on Syfy, Caprica Fans Launch Apple Uprising

via Underwire

Angry viewers brought Jericho back on the air in 2007 by sending 20 tons of peanuts to CBS headquarters. Now distraught fans of Caprica are urging fellow loyalists to deluge Syfy execs with apples to protest the series’ Wednesday cancellation.


Evan Rachel Wood Done Dating True Blood Co-stars

via Vulture

Last night, to celebrate the 35th anniversary of The Rocky Horror Picture Show, producer Lou Adler called in a few favors to get stars like Jack Nicholson, Danny DeVito, Evan Rachel Wood, Lea Michele, Matthew Morrison, George Lopez, and Jorge Garcia (along with original cast members Barry Bostwick and Tim Curry) to perform in an all-star, Kenny Ortega-directed tribute to Rocky to benefit Paul Newman's Painted Turtle charity, which provides a camp for seriously ill children. After the show, we spoke with True Blood star Wood, who told us that her casting as Magenta in the Rocky tribute was something of a coincidence: "This was going to be my costume for Halloween, and then they asked me to do this," she said. "I can't believe this is my real hair."


Friday, October 29, 2010

The Most Awesome Homemade Sci-Fi Halloween Costumes of 2010

via Urlesque

Homemade Halloween costumes came under attack in a Target ad last week, but that didn't stop enterprising geeks from creating some truly astounding outfits this year. In fact, it only made us want to work harder to prove that the internet can build a better version of anything.


Felicia Day on werewolf hunting and her new role on Eureka [Exclusive]

via io9

We talked werewolf slaying with this year's modern-day Red Riding Hood, Felicia Day. Plus she revealed a tiny bit more about her recurring Eureka character, Dr. Holly Marten.


Drama abounds on a new Stargate Universe

Tuesday's episode of Stargate Universe has no shortage of tension.  It's all about Colonel Young and Tamara.

While they debate the pros and cons of keeping Chloe and Lt. Scott in isoloation due to their blood tests, the subject changes - to the Colonel's pending divorce!


OK, enough with the speculating on what's gonna happen, let's make with the sneak peek preview of the episode, titled Trial and Error:

Stargate Universe airs Tuesday, November 2 at 9:00 p.m./8:00 p.m. Central on SyFy.

'Goonies' Broadway Musical Picking Up Steam

via Cinematical

There seems to be one thing that director Richard Donner and actors Corey Feldman and Jonathan Ke Quan have made abundantly clear to Collider while doing the press thing for the upcoming Blu-ray release of their 1985 family favorite 'The Goonies': a sequel is not happening. It almost happened a few years ago, but due to all sorts of conflicts and concerns, it didn't. A 'Goonies 2' is now officially beyond the realm of possibility. It will not happen. Ever. Never, ever, never.

But you shouldn't rule out that long-gestating 'Goonies' Broadway musical.


Images of the Costume Sculpts from Tim Burton’s Failed Superman Adaptation, SUPERMAN LIVES

via Collider

As you may or may not know, in the late 90s, Tim Burton was hired to direct a new Superman movie.  Entitled Superman Lives, the project was set to star Nicolas Cage as The Man of Steel.  Warner Bros. reportedly spent over $50 million on the movie and then dumped it without ever shooting a single frame.  Visual Effects artist Steve Johnson has now posted costume sculpts from the failed project.  In Jake Rossen’s enjoyable book Superman vs. Hollywood, Kevin Smith (who was brought on to write Superman before Tim Burton was hired and has this fantastic anecdote about producer Jon Peters) joked, “Maybe [Burton] wanted to see Superman in all black.  With scissors for hands.”  It turns out that Smith wasn’t that far off.  When Warner execs were reportedly horrified saw screen tests of Cage in the finished costume.  After seeing these images, I think you’ll understand why.


Jennifer Lawrence on her Mystique role in X-Men: First Class

via Coventry Telegraph - The Geek Files

MATTHEW VAUGHN'S mutant prequel X-Men: First Class is now in production, with a cast including Jennifer Lawrence as the young version of Raven Darkholme, aka the shapeshifter Mystique.


Actor in Spider-Man musical breaks wrists during failed stunt

via Robot 6 @ Comic Book Resources

Just as the long-troubled musical Spider-Man: Turn Off the Dark appeared back on track, an accident has raised concerns about the safety of the big-budget Broadway production.

The New York Post reports that last week dancer Kevin Aubin, one of several performers who doubles as Spider-Man, broke both of his wrists when he was catapulted through the air to the lip of the stage, where he landed with bone-snapping force. The New York Times notes that on his Facebook page, now set to private, Aubin wrote: “well i dont know what im allowed to say. but something went wrong and i fell on my hands from a high distance. It happens, no one to blame. I’m alive and ok.”


Did Mark Millar Have His Comic Photoshopped Into President Obama’s Hands?

via Geekosystem

We know our President is a little bit of a geek, having admitted to once collecting comics, and threading Superman jokes into a speech at the Alfred E. Smith Dinner.  But he’s not this much of a geek.  He’s not actually reading Mark Millar’s Superior.  That’s a photoshop.  A photoshop that seems to be the weapon of a badly managed unsubtle grab at attention from somebody.


Joss Whedon's Hulk will be more like Bill Bixby

via Blastr

Who doesn't have fond memories of The Incredible Hulk TV series starring Bill Bixby as David Bruce Banner and Lou Ferrigno as his angry green alter ego? We bet everyone does, and it seems that The Avengers' Mark Ruffalo also feels that way, as he and geek icon director Joss Whedon are looking to Bixby's take on the character for inspiration!


Thursday, October 28, 2010

Inside secrets of two of Supernatural's most pivotal episodes [Exclusive]

via io9

How did Supernatural get a fake herpes commercial on the air? How did Supernatural manage to end all its storylines without ending the show? Check out two exclusive excerpts from Supernatural's season five companion, on "Changing Channels" and "Swan Song."


Capcom bringing social Smurf game to iDevices

via Joystiq

What the smurf? Did you hear that Capcom is set to release a social Smurf game for the iPod, iPhone and iPad this November? We couldn't smurfing believe it either. Promoting the upcoming Smurf movie, the game is called Smurfs' Village and has players rebuilding (what else?) a Smurf village that's been sacked by Gargamel. Players begin the game with a single mushroom house and a plot of land and are allowed to rebuild the village as they see fit (sounds familiar).


oakely offers limited edition tron 3d glasses

via Technabob

One of my favorite movies as a kid was TRON. I loved that movie and I am going to see the new 3D one as soon as the film hits theaters. If you like 3D movies, but you have a hard time with the ugly and uncomfortable 3D glasses they give you at the theater, Oakley has some sweet 3D glasses for you.


Captain America EW Cover

via Blog@Newsarama

From the cover of the forthcoming Entertainment Weekly. Speak now, Blog@ nation! What say you?

THE FUTURAMA HOLIDAY SPECTACULAR Premieres on Comedy Central November 21st

via Collider

Though the series’ 100th episode a little while back served as a sort of season finale, the final episode in the most recent run of Futurama will actually air in the form of The Futurama Holiday Spectacular. Comedy Central announced today via press release that the three-part holiday episode will premire on the cable channel on Sunday, November 21st at 10/9c.


See Margaret Atwood’s Superhero Illustrations

via Vulture

The celebrated author gets inspired by Twitter followers' handles, draws suggested outfits for them.

Who will be the villain and love interest of The Dark Knight sequel?

via Coventry Telegraph - The Geek Files

CHRISTOPHER NOLAN'S mind-bending thriller Inception is probably the best film of 2010 so far (an honour it will likely retain at year's end) and we can all remember the mystery that surrounded the movie in the build-up to its release.


Boba Fett's Invoice for Jabba the Hutt

via Neatorama

Illustrator Brock Davis made this invoice. It’s one that bounty hunter Boba Fett would have sent to Jabba the Hutt for capturing Han Solo.

Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Hellboy Goes to the Dogs in Beasts of Burden

via Underwire

Earth’s most hilarious hellspawn deals with a clueless Nosferatu and a pack of weird but wise dogs in Beasts of Burden/Hellboy, out Wednesday from Dark Horse Comics.

The darkly comedic one-shot merges Mike Mignola’s paranormal hero Hellboy with the supernatural cats and canines of Jill Thompson and Evan Dorkin’s occult graphic hardcover Beasts of Burden: Animal Rites, published by Dark Horse in June.


Bank job goes South on new episode of Sanctuary

Well Caprica has gone the way of all flesh, but SyFy still has many great series on its roster, including the excellent Sanctuary.

The fan favorite show is back with a new episode Friday (Ocrober 29) - here's the official description, courtesy of SyFy:

In the midst of trying to stage a bank heist to capture more than cash, the team looks to trap an abnormal creature. A lock box is opened but what the team finds isn’t money. The abnormal has infiltrated another human to and the team is put into a sticky situation. Does the abnormal live in one of them? Will they be able to take their own team member down?

Aaaand here's a sneak peek:

Sanctuary airs Fridays at 10:00 p.m./9:00 p.m. Central on SyFy.

Caprica has been ripped from our bleeding fingers [Rip]

via io9

Troubled Battlestar Galactica spinoff Caprica has been nuked by Syfy. Not only will the show not be getting a second season, the remaining episodes of this season won't be aired until next year.


6 Free Sites for Creating Your Own Animations

via Mashable!

The long and illustrious history of moving pictures all started with the zoetrope. Then there was the thaumatrope, the flip book, and my personal favorite, the phenakistoscope. And now we have (drumroll please): The Internet.


Image of the Day: Prototype Star Wars battle droid hidden in Trek

via Blastr

Presented without comment.

(via reddit)

Christopher Nolan reveals title of third Batman film and that ‘it won’t be the Riddler’

via Hero Complex - Los Angeles Times

Christopher Nolan’s third Batman film will be called “The Dark Knight Rises” and though the Gotham City auteur isn’t ready to reveal the villain of his 2012 film, he did eliminate one of the big contenders: “It won’t be the Riddler,” Nolan said in an exclusive interview with Hero Complex.


So should we have Everybody Draw Bill O’Reilly Day?

via Robot 6 @ Comic Book Resources

If you follow the national news, you may have heard that Juan Williams was let go from NPR for, NPR claims, a variety of offenses, just the most recent of which was stating on the air that he got nervous when he saw Muslims in Muslim garb on airplanes. This caused a firestorm over at Fox News, where Bill O’Reilly and other commentators complained that NPR was stomping all over Williams’s right to speak his mind.


Tuesday, October 26, 2010

SPINOFF: "Ghost Rider 2" is a Go

via Comic Book Resources

Here’s the good news: Sony has greenlit the second Ghost Rider movie, and Nic Cage will be back as Johnny Blaze. Here’s the potentially bad: The movie’s budget may have been slashed almost in half in order to make it happen.


Old Beastie Boys Are Old

"We're on the soundtrack to the sequel to Gattaca,
'Cause Adam needs to pay the bills for his sciatica!"

Uncover new secrets of True Blood season four [Vampires And Sex]

via io9

Spoilers from the new season of True Blood are spilling out. Get the inside scoop on all the new characters, whom we'll undoubtedly be seeing naked at some point or another.


The top 7 S&M covers of Lois Lane. Seriously.

via Blastr

Come with us on a journey of discovery you will not soon forget. Venture forth with the knowledge that once a thing is seen, it cannot be unseen. Embark on a sojourn not only of sight and sound, but of mind, that will taint your childhood, and alter your DNA. Enter, if you dare, the erotic sub/dom world of Superman's Kinky Girlfriend in the Top Seven S&M; Covers of Lois Lane.


Cosmic DLC shatters Spider-Man's dimensions today on XBLM

via Joystiq

You're playing Spider-Man: Shattered Dimensions and you're thinking, "Man, all these different Spider-Men are confusing." Get ready to ease your addled mind: The Cosmic Spidey costume pack conveniently unifies all Spider-Men into one "Cosmic" being ... uh, with slightly different "universal" looks.


'Star Trek 2' Villain Will be a "Classic Character," but Not Khan

via Cinematical

After months of rumors and speculation, Devin Faraci over at Badass Digest has put a nail in the "Khan Will Be The Villain In The Sequel To The 'Star Trek' Reboot" coffin. The word from an "informant placed close to the production" is that JJ Abrams' sequel to his surprisingly great 2008 film will not feature the genetically altered superhuman Khan Noonien Singh, but rather another "classic 'Trek' character."


Cinematic Superman: Earth One Reboots Man of Steel

via Underwire

J. Michael Straczynski’s cinematic comic Superman: Earth One reads like a blockbuster film while rebooting the Man of Steel’s origin story for a 21st century desensitized to supertropes.


Walking Dead gets app, weekly reprints

via The Beat

Sunday is not only Halloween, it’s the debut of the Walking Dead TV show, and it looks like we’re going to have tons of Walking Dead-related announcements and content this week.


The WB To Make Film Set in Looney Tunes' ACME Warehouse

via GeekTyrant

Warner Bros. has bought a Looney Tunes movie pitch from Kevin and Dan Hageman where the story is set in the famous ACME Warehouse, which is were Wile E. Coyote does most of his shopping.


First Look at a Frost Giant Action Figure from Kenneth Branagh’s THOR Movie

via Collider

While Marvel showcased many action figures from both Thor and Captain America: The First Avenger at this year’s Comic-Con, you knew they had to be holding at least a few things back.  Now, thanks to the magic of eBay, the first image of a Frost Giant action figure has been released.


Monday, October 25, 2010

Self-appointed guardians of TV decency fall on hard times

via Ars Technica

It appears that the decency group that targets dirty tweeters, naughty Android apps, and anything else that gets between its Victorian cross hairs is having a rough patch. The New York Times reports that the Parents Television Council's salad days are over. The recession has caught up with the PTC, as have internal troubles and the fact that things just aren't going the Southern California nonprofit's way in the federal courts.


stitched together fry from futurama: i see what you did there

via Technabob

Futurama’s Philip J. Fry has found his way into the embroidery ring. That’s right, they still have embroidery in the 31st century.


5 Reasons Lucas Should Film a New Star Wars Trilogy

via Underwire

Heard the big sci-fi rumor? Messages boards went wild over the weekend based on an unsourced report that George Lucas might be making another Star Wars trilogy, timed to land after the planned 3-D re-release of the first six episodes.

Some fans swooned over the possibility while others — still seething over the second batch of Star Wars films and other gripes — spewed bile on the idea. While Lucasfilm predictably denied the rumor, we think Lucas should reconsider.


Rob Liefeld’s Zombie Jesus is Official

via Geekosystem

Rob Liefeld is best known for the incredible feat of becoming a professional comic book writer and artist despite a known reputation for missing deadlines and being disproportionately egotistical, and an inability to draw the following things: feet, hands, women, muscles, and perspective.

What’s next on the docket for the comic book world’s greatest successful troll?  A comic about the zombie uprising that corresponded with the death of Jesus, according (sort of) to the Book of Matthew.


The New York Post on Superman: Earth One

If the goal here was to get me excited for DC's Earth One books, mission not accomplished.

The Return Of Dragon Ball

via Bleeding Cool

This morning we received word that Shueisha Publishing Company of Tokyo has convinced legendary manga creator Akira Toriyama to come back and restart the Dragon Ball comics franchise.


Star Wars: A New Hope - As Retold on Facebook

via Geeks are Sexy

[Via Dorkly]

6 Free Sites for Creating Your Own Comics

via Mashable!

In the days of cold, hard newsprint, only people who could draw were successful comic strip authors. In some cases, this resulted in comic strips that had very nice pictures, but weren’t all that funny (cough, Blondie). Thankfully, the Internet has taught us not to accept an inferior form of comic artistry, but a more flexible one.


'Family Guy's Alex Borstein Signs Deal With 20th TV For Live-Action & Animated Projects


20th Century Fox TV has big plans for Alex Borstein, who voices Lois on the studio's hit animated comedy Family Guy. The actress-writer has signed a deal with the studio to develop, write and executive produce two comedy projects that she would potentially star in - one animated and one live-action. Additionally, 20th TV has signed a talent holding deal with Borstein so other writers would be developing for her too, and she could be cast in an existing project. Borstein has been in the Fox family for the past 13 years - as a writer-performer on the network's late-night sketch comedy Mad TV where she created such memorable characters as Miss Swan, and as a key cast member on the 20th/Fox comedy Family Guy, on which she also served as a writer-producer. She also did a variety show with Family Guy creator Seth MacFarlane, which aired on Fox as a special.


Sunday, October 24, 2010

What we can expect from the Deadpool film - and why it must get made

via Coventry Telegraph - The Geek Files

SO far we've had various tantalising pieces of information about the planned Deadpool movie featuring Ryan Reynolds' character from X-Men Origins: Wolverine.

Last month, Reynolds revealed the movie was going to be "a nasty piece of work", explaining: "The script is going to be a little harder than the comic. If you were going to assign a rating, the comic books are PG-13 and the script is right now walking a tightrope between that and an R-rating."


Previously on LOST: Cowboys and Islands