Saturday, September 18, 2010

Video: Iron Man 2 Blu-ray Dissects War Machine

This clip of Marvel's Ralph Macchio talking about War Machine's sexy-yet-deadly supersuit, via Wired, is taken from the featurette “Ultimate Iron Man: The Making of Iron Man 2," which is one of the bonuses included in the Iron Man 2 Blu-ray/DVD combo pack.

Iron Man 2 will be released in its many DVD iterations (DVD/Blu-ray combo, two-disc special edition with a digital copy, single-disc DVD and single-disc Blu-ray), on September 28.

Five Favorite Films with Joe Dante


As Piranha 3-D chomps into theaters in all of its glorious B-movie gore, we caught up with the man behind Roger Corman's decidedly more modest 1978 original -- director Joe Dante, then making his third feature film ahead of hits like The Howling, The Twilight Zone and, of course, 1984's horror-comedy classic, Gremlins.

The Gremlins movie maestro takes you to film school! Read Dante's top five faves at Rotten Tomatoes.

Digital Comic App: Panelfly

via Big Shiny Robot!

One of the best full page comic book viewers for the iPad, Panelfly, has added a slew of new publishers to their free app. Joining Darkhorse, Boom! And Marvel, are many independent and creator owned books making Panelfly one of the most diverse outlets for digital comics. I didn’t see this much verity at my local comic book shop today and am very excited to try so many new series that would have been unknown to me otherwise. Download the app and see new books available from Black Line Comics , Heavy Metal and several more. Check for a full list of books or download the app and browse around.

Batman '89: Too Much Anatomy!

Tell me Caped Crusader, have you ever danced with the devil in the pale moon - I'm sorry but could you put on underpants or like a girdle or something? Anything? That sack is just super-distracting.
The awesome Jerry Ordway makes a rare but glaring not-drawn-to-scale error on the cover of DC's Batman: The Movie comic adaptation.

Image via Dial B for Blog.

Read Michael Avon Oeming's Left 4 Dead Comic free online

Comic author and artist Mike Oeming (Powers, Bulletproof Monk) has illustrated a 160-page webcomic about Valve Software's zombie survival video game Left 4 Dead. The first installment debuted this week, and a new one comes out every Tuesday until October 4.

You can read the first part of Left 4 Dead: The Sacrifice here. This comic, which was penned by the game's designers, follows what happened to Francis, Louis, Zoey, and Bill (the survivors from the first Left 4 Dead game) after their rescue in the "Blood Harvest campaign." The next issue goes up September 21.

[Via Newsarama, io9.]

Batman vs. Bible Monster!

Just one of many great 'toons that would send Glenn Beck into a firey rage that can be found on a regular basis at the website of the brilliant Ty Templeton.

Sci-Fi Sexy Time: All-Time Hottest Clones

From Techland, the tastemakers who brought you the list of the All-Time Hottest Robots.'s spinoff site without shame sends in the clones - with sexy results!

17 of our best image galleries: Costumes, lightsabers and more shows off their new gallery system, using a big ol' sexy eyepatch to woo viewers.

Mmm... moist 'n crusty. Clearly I've been going about things the wrong way, using Billy Quizboy to attract fans. When choosing a deformed Venture Bros. supporting character for your posts, you always wanna bet on Molotov.

Thanks for takin' me to school, Blastr! Oh and kudos that new gallery does look super-sweet. Well done.

Archer season two: Cyril's STIR-ing up trouble!

In Archer's first season, we already saw Cyril's dark journey take him from Stir Fry-day to tossing  the salads of ODIN's secretarial staff (with a brief detour to do some Carol/Cheryl chokey stuff along the way).  Turns out we ain't seen nothin' yet, as Chris Parnell tells that Cyril's long dark night of the soul continues in the upcoming second season.

That's super-cool, although frankly I'm just thrilled to get confirmation that there's gonna be a second season, as things at Archerprod have been disturbingly quiet for some time now, and I feared for the awesome animated show's future.  Glad to see that it's secure.  More secure than ISIS HQ, at any rate (password: GUEST).

Star Wars vs. Star Trek Burlesque -- Everybody Wins


Friday, September 17, 2010

DO NOT WANT: Creepy Humanoid Robot


Another day, another deathbot. I didn't realize just how quickly humanoid robot technology was progressing until I watched the video of HRP4 here in action. I found it frightening to say the least.

Current status: peeing self, queuing up "All Along the Watchtower", appraising Edward James Olmos of these latest developments in the evolution of terrifying-yet-sexy humanoid machines.

Guillermo Del Toro Has Turned Down The New Superman Film

via Bleeding Cool

It’s all in the title, folks. Guillermo del Toro was offered the director’s chair for the next Superman film, and he turned it down. And why? It would appear it was to direct At the Mountains of Madness. Can’t say I blame him. Of course, he may have turned it down anyway.


Well, It's no "Sweet Christmas!"...

But on the other hand, it is topical and applies to both current events and the character's mercenary nature.

(By the way, we're gonna bust this kid's balls for using Craigslist but we're totally cool with Silver Sable and Paladin?  Or the Black Cat for that matter WTF?)

Also no tiara, so - you know, there's that.

Anyway, blame my love for everything Fred Van Lente writes if you must, but the new Power Man gets the Comics Cavern seal of approval.

Let's Matriculate!

Seriously, where do I sign up?  Why was my college not this awesome?

Dammit NYU, it's the 21st century, how is the next generation gonna be ready for the zombie apocalypse if you don't start a Department of Undead Studies?

And You Thought the Dethklok Fountain Was Nuts

Yes, Adult Swim is selling a Meatwad Hot air Balloon. For $70,000. Details include: Includes one fully customized hot-air balloon with Meatwad envelope and basket Measures approximately 90,000 cubic feet in size Purchase also includes a piloted, one-hour ride anywhere in the continental U.S. * Consumer keeps balloon after the initial ride* * Purchase is non-refundable, includes shipping (approx. 10 weeks shipping time)

I'm just sayin' - my birthday happens to be December 31, and some people find it more convenient to just buy me one big-ass gift, rather than have to get me something for Christmas and then something else like 6 days later.

Just sayin'.

A video tribute to the greatest drunks in science fiction

This weekend, the international beer-drinkers' holiday, Oktoberfest, kicks off. And to celebrate, we've rounded up our favorite science fiction/fantasy characters doing what they do best: getting wasted. So have a beer on us, and enjoy our video tribute. Cheers!

via io9

Leave it to drunkards to kick off Oktoberfest in September! Enjoy your mood swings and cirrhosis.

Hey check it out Angel fans, it's the actor who plays that dick lawyer from Wolfram & Hart!

Hipster superheroes fight crime, tweet and enjoy a Pabst

via Robot 6 @ Comic Book Resources

H. Caldwell Tanner, Caroline Martin and Michael Christatos imagine several superheroes as hipsters, from an Aquaman who relocated to Portland and a Pabst-drinking Iron Man to a Wonder Woman who drives an Invisible Subaru Outback and a Hulk who shops at American Apparel.


Denton, Hendricks, LaPaglia lend voices to 'All-Star Superman' (exclusive)

via Hollywood Reporter

James Denton, Christina Hendricks and Anthony LaPaglia are lending their pipes to Warner Bros.' "All-Star Superman," the animated adaptation of one of the most acclaimed comics of the past decade.

"All-Star" is the 10th DC Comics story line to be turned into an original PG-13 movie by Warner Premiere, DC Entertainment, Warner Bros. Animation and Warner Home Video. The comic mini-series has won three Eisner Awards, two Harvey Awards and three Eagle Awards.


Thursday, September 16, 2010

New Smallville Season 10 Trailer!

With the tenth and final season of Smallville premiering in just a week (Friday 9/24), I’m cautiously optimistic.

Optimistic because the show, which has experienced several ups and downs, has been firing on all cylinders for the past few years despite the departure of several key cast members.

Cautious because of Warners’ brutal budget cuts, which puts huge moments like when Clark inevitably puts on the Super-suit, at risk of looking like a very well-executed film school production.

Having said that, it’s a great cast a great creative team, and I have to believe that Warners will do what they can to make sure the show goes out with a bang and leaves behind a legacy to be proud of. While we wait, here’s another trailer for Smallville season 10.

So - who's takin' bets on how Chloe dies?  I take Braniac for $1000, who's in?

Edward James Olmos working on Battlestar Galactica sequel

via Blastr

According to Edward James Olmos, we WILL find out what happened to William Adama after the events of the Battlestar Galactica series finale, because he's at work on a sequel we'll all get to see "pretty soon."


Comic Shops To Sell Marvel Digital Subscriptions?

Huge digital comics shake-up from the newsbreakers at Bleeding Cool:

Marvel Digital Comics

Some will see this as being invited to commit hari kiri, others a way to grab some money in the inevitable move to digital, for others a chance to ground digital comics collecting in the narrative of the comic shop.

I understand that Marvel is offering certain comic stores the opportunity to promote its Digital Comics Unlimited service, which allows readers to pay a subscription for access to a library of Marvel comics, past and six-months-before-the-present-(mostly).

Initially, the system with work in a similar manner to Amazon Associates, where retailers will get kickback payments for online readers of their websites who click through to Marvel’s site to subscribe. But it is expected to continue into physical form, with retailers being able to sell such subscriptions to their customers in store at a traditional mark up.

Warning: If You've Purchased a Toy Lightsaber at Wal-Mart Recently, and It Seemed Sticky...

​...let's just say I hope you kept the receipt. From the Smoking Gun:

What kind of a guy goes into Walmart, takes a Sports Illustrated swimsuit issue from the magazine rack, heads to the store's toy section, and proceeds to masturbate to completion in the aisle? Meet William Tyler Black.

The 28-year-old Floridian, a substitute teacher, was arrested yesterday afternoon by Sarasota cops on battery and exposure of sexual organs charges, according to a probable cause affidavit, a copy of which you'll find here.

A store employee told cops that Black "ejaculated onto the floor and wiped his hand on a toy along with rubbing his foot in the suspected semen on the floor." Employees reported that Black "discarded the magazine behind some toys and proceeded to the front of the store."

A police source told TSG that the toy in question was a light saber (apparently of the Star Wars variety), and that the magazine Black used was the 2010 SI swimsuit issue with model Brooklyn Decker on its cover.

via Topless Robot

The ick is strong in this one.

It's A Sign!: Cat With 'Cat' Spelled In Its Fur

via Geekologie

This is a cat with "cat" spelled in on its side in different-colored fur. You know, maybe Adam didn't do such a bad job naming all the animals after all. Except for hippopotamus. He definitely dropped the ball on that one.


Back to the Future - The Awful Truth

Oh. Ooooh. Eew.
Thanks (?) to the always funny, occasionally way-too revelatory

Lady Gaga's Meaty Treat - eeew

Lady Gaga's Meaty Treat

Lady Gaga has caused all kinds off controversy after wearing a meat dress at the MTV Video Music Awards.

I don't see why. I often leave the house covered in my own food. If you have a meat coat people get upset, if you have meat down the front of your Star Wars T-shirt, you're golden.

And I've met women who have had meat underpants. Well, at least it smelt like the... you don't want to hear the rest.

It comes after Gaga recently angered animal rights activists by posing for a Japanese magazine in a 'meat bikini'.

I didn't even know you could get clothes that are made from meat. Although it explains those naked picture of Kerry Katona. Like she could hold off eating.


1. Raise your hand if you were positive that headline meant something else entirely.

2. Bitch totally stole that idea from Deadpool. Why is Marvel suing the Kirby estate for his creations when they could be going after this wealthy entity of questionable gender who actually did rip off their ideas, and who after all is quite comic-litigation happy shimself.

Johns Brings "Larfleeze" For Christmas

via Comic Book Resources

Somewhat like jolly ol' Saint Nick in a baseball cap, DC Comics CCO and "Green Lantern" writer Geoff Johns has got something special for his fans this holiday season. As announced this morning on the publisher's official blog The Source, Johns will team with artist Brett Booth and cover artist Gene Ha this December for the "Larfleeze Christmas Special" featuring the avarice-inspired leader of the Orange Lanterns introduced as part of DC's recent string of GL events.


Image of the Day: 'TMNT Sexy Donatello Deluxe Adult Costume'

via Blastr

Hey, we don't have anything against naughty Halloween costumes -- the Jersey Shore cast will need something to wear this October, after all. But things have gotten out of hand if we're trying to make Donatello, a Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtle, sexy.

8 Superheroes That Turned Evil But Got Better

via Topless Robot

​In case you haven't heard, Daredevil is a bad guy now. In Shadowland, Marvel's street level bonerfest, DD has become an evil ninja lord and is squeezing the crime out of New York City. While this is making for some seriously solid comics, turning a good guy bad isn't a new idea. Not even close, actually. And Daredevil fans aren't particularly worried, because everybody knows it definitely isn't meant to be permanent.

Kind of like professional wrestling -- actually, exactly like in professional wrestling -- good guys take "heel turns" all the time. They turn evil, hopefully for a semi-reasonable cause, wreak a little havok, and then turn good again, usually just before doing something unforgivable evil (or occasionally just after). But whenever a good guy switches sides, its usually meant to bump sales or cause a publicity stir. The nerds may fly into a rage, but the publishers rake in the cash for it. To celebrate the kick assery of Shadowland, here are some other heroes who took a walk on the evil side but made their way back to the side of the angels.

The Guild returns to comics in December with a series of one-shots

via Robot 6 @ Comic Book Resources

Guild cover by Darick Robertson

Following the miniseries from earlier this year, Felicia Day and Dark Horse are teaming up for five one-shots starring the various characters featured in her web series The Guild.


Eric Canete brings forth Doom

via Blog@Newsarama
"I want that power. By right, it is mine. For ultimate power is the ultimate destiny of Doom.”

Leave it to comicdom’s mad scientist, Eric Canete, to draw Marvel’s greatest mad scientist, Dr. Victor Von Doom. Dr. Doom has one of the most iconic looks to him, yet remains one the more simple of designs. Though, with Canete’s eye, nothing is ever just simple. What Canete has done here with the good doctor is really a visual feast. Showing off Doom in some sort of Kirby-esque contraption.


Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Does 'Twilight' Hurt Teen Brains?

A bunch of Twilight aficionados got together last week, but there were no squeals or Edward-induced fainting spells. Rather, a group of scientists, educators and authors met at Cambridge to explore how the vampire craze exemplified by the Twilight series may be shaping young minds, notes MSNBC. Sample session: "What Is It About Good Girls and Vampires?"
via newser

Normally I loathe "brain trusts" such as these who piggyback on popular trends and sieze the moment to become opportunitstic, self-promoting fear-mongers.

However, I don't think it's beyond the realm of possibllity that the Twilight phenom is a dangerous retardinator, to kids and adults alike.

5 weird examples of superheroic identity swapping [Triviagasm]

via io9

Marvel recently announced that Black Panther would replace Daredevil as "The Man Without Fear." This switcheroo isn't the first time a superhero or superteam's had an identity crisis. Here's five of these strange occasions.


Star Trek Urns Boldly Go Into the Afterlife

via Underwire

New Star Trek urns come with etched steel faceplates and an image of the Enterprise.
Photo courtesy Eternal Image
A pair of Star Trek urns will carry the ashes of any cremated Trekker into the real final frontier. The $800 urns, from funeral products retailer Eternal Image, come with one of two inscriptions: “To boldly go” (pictured above) or “The voyage continues.”

Hembeck Puts His Spin on All-Star Comics and the Justice Society

The great Fred Hembeck re-interprets the classic All-Star Comics #12 in his own inimitable manner.  As with most of his work, it is a thing of beauty.


Golden Age JSA:



Hembeck Age JSA: 

via Fred Hembeck

For Whedon and Terminator, The Future Is In 1984

via USA Today

Earlier this year, Dark Horse Comics released Terminator: 2029, a three-part series written by comics and screenwriting veteran Zack Whedon. This month, Whedon returns with a follow-up series to 2029.

Terminator: 1984 picks up where 2029 left off and, especially interesting for fans of the original Terminator movie, offers an alternative perspective on the events that occurred in the film. For Whedon, getting an opportunity to add to the Terminator legacy was something he was excited to do.


Hokey Religions and Ancient Weapons Are No Match for a Good Teddy Bear by Your Side, Kid

via Topless Robot

Star Wars Build-a-Bears. I'm not really a fan of stuffed toys, but I'm not going to kid myself  -- the Han Solo bear is the most pimpingest teddy bear of all time... at least until Build-a-Bear makes a Lando bear.


Image of the Day: Chewbacca on a giant squirrel ... fighting Nazis

via Blastr, Imgur.

Bilbo and Frodo go to Helsinki in the Finnish Lord of the Rings [Found Footage]

via io9

While we're waiting for the live-action adaptation of The Hobbit to figure out what the heck it's doing, here's Hobitit, the 1993 Finnish miniseries that's one of the few live-action adaptations of Middle Earth.


Joker’s Birth Anchors Bio of Batman Artist Jerry Robinson

via Underwire
When he was 17 years old, Jerry Robinson literally got tapped on the shoulder by Batman creator Bob Kane, who asked the skinny, self-taught artist if he wanted to draw comic books. Robinson had caught Kane's attention at a tennis camp in upstate New York by wearing a white jacket covered with his wigged-out illustrations.

BLACK PANTHER Replaces Daredevil As The New Man Without Fear

via Newsarama
As announced Tuesday evening on G4's Attack of the Show, Black Panther will take Daredevil's place as both the guardian of Hell's Kitchen and the "Man Without Fear" starting in December.

Tuesday, September 14, 2010

26 fun, candid and WTF photos of Karen Gillan and Matt Smith

Production is well under way for Doctor Who's sixth season, and yes we're excited about it. It's the first time since the 2005 relaunch of the show that the Doctor and his companion will carry over from one season to the next, and we'll also get to find out more about the "silence" from last season. Except we wont actually see the show return until 2011 (well, there is the Christmas special), so to hold you over until then we've put together a gallery celebrating Karen Gillan and Matt Smith. There's some Who stuff in here, some candid stuff, some professional shots and a few WTF images just to keep things spicy. (Karen in leather? Matt in a dress???) Enjoy.
See the collection of pics at blastr.

Green Lantern GloBalls!

via Big Shiny Robot!

In either a preemptive strike to promote the Green Lantern movie or just some random marketing from Hostess, the company has revealed their latest co-branded cake-creation, Green Lantern GloBalls.

Let the testicle jokes begin!


’70s Marvel Rival Atlas Comics Relaunches

EXCLUSIVE: Atlas Comics, the short-lived 1970s imprint founded by Marvel Comics founder Martin Goodman, is rising from the ashes. Goodman's grandson, Jason, has dusted off the original titles and the characters will relaunch with new story lines that begin with the release of The Grim Ghost and Phoenix. The first two titles will be unveiled at New York Comic-Con next month. According to comic book lore, Martin Goodman sold Marvel to Cadence Industries in 1970 for millions of dollars and the promise that his son Chip would stay on as editorial director. When Stan Lee -- Martin's nephew by marriage -- instead showed Chip the door, Martin and Chip hatched Atlas with the goal of vanquishing its rival. It created a battle for some of the era's top artists, and launched such Marvel-esque Atlas heroes as The Scorpion, The Cougar, Planet of Vampires, Ironjaw and The Grim Ghost. The rivalry dissipated shortly after and Atlas folded, but Goodman is remembered not only for giving Marvel and DC a run, but creating an ownership/profit sharing concept and return of original artwork. These things have become important, particularly as superheroes became huge Hollywood currency.

Oh please oh please tell me that they're bringing back the Atlas magazine line too! Damn but I miss My Secret!

Adult Swim minis yay!

Hey - guess who's got two thumbs, is a grown adult, and is super-excited at all these Adult Swim mini figures he just bought from Kidrobot?

This guy.

By the way, she's super-great and everything, but Paget Brewster will always be Birdgirl to me, no matter how high her career, uh, soars.

Gamer Catches Shiny Pokémon After 25,968 Encounters

In what is quite possibly the happiest outburst ever spurred by a video game, or at least in the top 10, a gamer caught a shiny Pokémon, which is an extremely rare type of Pokémon that is exactly the same as a non-shiny one, except it is a different color and has a sparkling sound effect and glittery animation when summoned.

He's one step closer to catching them all! Dreams do come true, folks!!

Gorillas in the Midst: Grodd Joins DCU Online

It just isn't comics without psychic super-apes - so join me, please, in welcoming Gorilla Grodd to the roster of DC Universe Online baddies!
Shock the monkey!  The Atom will help by, uh, hiding in a corner and shrinking.  Maybe he's gonna give Grodd a... sinus headache!!
Thanks Flash, please show up and get your arch-enemy extra-enraged while  we fight him.  Super-helpful as always, Barry!

Emp's Plea

Empowered: "Don't let me become unpublished?  Pleez?"

(Click on the pic to see the full-size image.)

Joe Mad Gets Mad On For Vampirella

via Bleeding Cool

Dynamite do like a good cover artist don’t they? Alex Ross, John Cassaday, Matt Wagner and now… Joe Madueira for Vampirella #1, with colours by Aron Lusen. Here’s a bit of it. A bit with Vampirella on it. The bit people like.

Image of the Day: Epic Firefly easter egg in Battlestar Galactica

via Blastr

Here's the Serenity making a cameo appearance in the pilot for Battlestar Galactica, via

Batman’s Logo Illusion

In a same way I gave you “Jesus Illusion” and “Glowing Bulb”, here is another negative you stare at for 30 seconds, and then look at some celan white area like your ceiling, piece of paper or your wall. You should see inverted image of Batman’s logo.

Batmans Logo Illusion

Caution: this may give you a total spaz fit and cause you to swallow your tongue. However, its Batman, and therefore cool.
