Video: Jeph Loeb Talks to CBR's Jonah Weiland at NYCC
As many Daleks, Wolverines and Steampunk Hello Kitties as one saw at this years's New York Comic Con, the Comic Book Resources Tiki Room still stood out as kind of weird. It's New York City, business convention center, and smack dab in the middle there's a big area covered with fishing net and filled with dudes wearing leighs. It's charming, it's fun, but it's odd.
But it's where much of the action happens, like this great interview with Jeph Loeb by CBR honcho Jonah Weiland. Jeph dishes the dirt on his feelings about DC's New 52, the future of Marvel movie and TV , and even some very specific stuff involving Agent Coulson's role in the upcoming Ultimate Spider-Man animated series. Check it out, and let me know what you think!