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Entries in Wolverine (51)


Iron Man Anime Clip

The English dubs of the Iron Man and Wolverine anime series are set to debut on G4 July 29, and Marvel has released this brief teaser clip for Iron Man - guest starring, appropriately enough, Wolverine. Synergy in motion, folks!


Batman vs. Wolverine! [Video]

Don't let the title Batman: Deliverance fool you - or, ya know, TERRIFY you - nobody in this video has a purty mouth.

No, this spectacularly made French fan-film pits the Dark Knight Detective against the ol' Canucklehead. Batman vs. Wolverine!

The dialogue is French with English subtitles, and yes, the first three minutes are so are fairly expository. But soon the talking stops, the action starts, and things get very awesome. Enjoy!


X-Men: Schism #2 Pages from Frank Cho

These two pages from X-Men: Schism #2 look absolutely stellar, which isn't surprising coming as they do from the great Frank Cho.

Grrr Cyclops is such a dorkus! He used to be cool, but now he totally sucks!

An argument over hair ensues. It is too evenly matched, there is no winner. FORESHADOWING...


Li'l Jim Lee Draws Wolverine

Aww I remember gems like this from Marvel Age magazine! It was a simpler time, when Marvel editors didn't bank on nerd rage (sigh) for sales. Though the mag may be gone, Jim Lee is still around, and he reprinted this gem from his youth via Twitter.

13 years old and one of the best Wolverine illos I've seen this year! This kid just might have a future in comics.


Spider-Man and Wolverine: Face-Off!

See what I did there? Spider-Man vs. Wolverine go head-to-head on this guy's face, as brilliantly painted by Nicola Shilson.


Wolverine vs. T-Rex

Yeah, yeah, insert punchline here. I'll start. "Meanwhile, in a Kansas public school textbook..."

Funny aside, how awesome is this? I'd love to see Wolverine go nuts in the Savage Land, or the past or something, taking on the King of the Dinosaurs.

This piece of badassery comes courtesy of Andre Hou.


Wolvie Fett

Weeks after the event, amazing pics of cosplay awesomeness continue to pour in from Wondercon. Here we see the mashup of our dreams, Wolverine and Boba Fett.

Low Budget Wolverine

Another low-budget mutant makeover from Vó Maria. If you're looking to form a bargain basement team of misfits to protect a world that hates and fears you, check out his low-budget Magneto and Cyclops.


Wolverine Anime Preview [Video]

As previously reported, Heroes' Milo Ventimiglia has been cast as the voice of Marvel's English-language translation of the Wolverine anime, set to air on G4. The channel screened this promotional clip of the show, although as it's taken from the preexisting Japanese footage you won't hear Ventimiglia's take on the ol' Canucklehead. Instead, it's a good example of the show's action and pacing, and a chance to see Logan's controversial new look.

Logan's height, grace and popped collar aside, it's pretty badass. There's also a lesson here: don't bring an invisibility suit to a fight with a guy who has a keen sense of smell. It's pretty much useless.