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Entries in Star Wars (184)


Dark Horse: Star Wars Comics Go Digital

Dark Horse Comics continues their to make their comics available on all platforms, and as they announced yesterday, Star Wars comics are the newest addition to their growing digital library.

From the press release:

The wait is finally over, as Dark Horse and Lucasfilm announce the arrival of Star Wars comics in the Dark Horse digital store! At the start of the Dark Horse Star Wars Comics 20TH Anniversary panel today, news of digital Star Wars comics was delivered to a packed house of fans, media and industry professionals.

Now, fans are encouraged to head over to to download their favorite Star Wars titles today, with over 50 comics available for purchase!

Fans can now download, the original Star Wars: Crimson Empire series, Marvel’s adaptation of Episode IV: A New Hope, The Clone Wars, Knights of the Old Republic, Legacy: War, Knight Errant, The Old Republic, Jedi: The Dark Side, and the top-selling Darth Vader and the Lost Command. Most single issues will be priced at the standard $1.99, with KOTOR #1 and Clone Wars #1 available for free download! Additionally, Crimson Empire #1, Knight Errant #1, and The Old Republic #1 will be just $.99!

Going forward, Dark Horse will release a mix of new and backlist titles weekly. Stay in the know on all of your favorite titles, and sign up for the Dark Horse Digital newsletter at today!

  • Star Wars: Legacy
  • Crimson Empire
  • Darth Vader and the Lost Command
  • Episode IV: A New Hope
  • Jedi: The Dark Side
  • Knight Errant: Aflame
  • Knights of the Old Republic
  • The Clone Wars
  • The Old Republic: Blood of the Empire
  • The Old Republic: Threat of Peace

Kenneth Williams as Darth Vader


Here's a fun Friday Star Wars thing. British comic actor Kenneth Williams of the Carry On movies, as Darth Vader in his introductory confrontation with Princess Leia. Kinda gives the whole scene a very different tone, huh?


Princess Leia Dressed as Darth Vader

"Why," you ask? I dunno, maybe because that family's got issues?? Also, its awesome, so just go with it. Like you never tried on Dad's lightsaber!


Sesame Sith [Pic]

Big Bird on the Death Star! Shit officially just got real.


Batman/Star Wars Mash-Up Art

Because Batman and Star Wars are still the coolest things ever - not even all those SW prequels and Batman's upcoming new pad-tastic costume could change that - check out these awesome images placing the Dark Knight of Gotham in a galaxy far, far away.

Artist: Andy Hunter

Artist: Paul Hargraves

Artist: Plinio Pinto

Artist: Adam Carlson

Artist: Justin Larocca Hansen

Artist: Joey Marsella

Artist: Alex Ryan

Artist: Jason Welborn


Li'l Supergirl vs. Stormtrooper [Pic]

The poor trooper doesn't stand a chance. One shot from her cute little x-ray vision and he's going down.


George Lucas Strikes Back [HD Video]

Prequels? Jar-Jar? Chewbacca dancing to "Welcome to the Jungle?" Who is this douchewang and what has he done with George Lucas?

Funny you should ask... George would like to know the same thing.

Brett Favre says "Hi," beeyotches!


'Star Wars' Meets 'Withnail and I' [Video]

"Luke - you must go to the Dagobah system. There you will meet the Jedi master who trained me - in the art of rare herbs and prescribed chemicals. They will tend to make you very high."


Princess Leias in the TARDIS

Sweet merciful mash-up! Better hope that thing is bigger on the inside, it's full of Princess Leias from all over the multiverse. Here hoping that Daleks, like Stormtroopers, die after taking a single shot from a blaster.