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Entries in Star Wars (184)


Dancing With the Star Wars: Darth Vader, Entertainer [Video]

And now, the best thing you'll see on the Internets today. Darth Vader plays the trombone and dances for the befuddled residents of the Andrew Jackson Senior Center in the Bronx, NYC.

"For this we fought in some war or something probably?" seems to be the initial reaction, but by the end, this singing, dancing Sith tromboner gets a nice big standing O.

The man behind the mask is Jonathan Arons, check him out at


Boba Fett Helmet Lamp [Pic]

See, now this is how you decorate a room, right here. Lamp by Tiffany, helmet by the most feared bounty hunter in the galaxy.


Li'l Star Wars

Dawww little Star Wars babies! Um - does protective services know you're playing with a lightsaber, young man?

Star Wars adorableness by the super-talented mikeydoodles.


Jimi Hendrix: Guitar Legend, Intergalactic Fugitive [Pic]

Lando Calrissian said he could crash at his place, but I guess that didn't pan out.


The Worst Couple in the Universe: Han and Leia

Han Solo and Princess Leia fit the audio from this vintage instructional video like a glove.

Frank and Honey Carson are newlyweds. They're also terrible, terrible people.
Another amazing mashup from OneMinuteGalactica.

The Good, the Bad and the Greedo [Pic]

Because Greedo and Boba Fett are even cooler with ponchos and mustaches. Really, it kind of works, dontcha think? I can see the mustachioed helmet becoming a thing.

Art by Michael Rapa.


Star Wars/Bin Laden Coverage Mashup

Putting aside the discomforting notion of casting Al Qaeda as the Rebel Alliance (shoe does NOT fit), and the concept of America as the evil Empire (uh, I'll have to get back to you on that one), this is a pretty funny parody of the New York Times' coverage of the big Bin Laden announcement..


Tauntaun Carcass Cake [Pic]

I thought... it was tasty... ON THE OUTSIDE!!


Empire Strikes Back Poster: Luke Gets Spanked

This hurts me more than it hurts you, son. But gosh darn it, I WILL teach you the ways of the Dark Side even if it means being a disciplinarian sometimes.

Now go wash up you little scamp, we're having fish sticks for dinner.

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