The Lion King Rises
Disney meets Batman, an unholy corporate alliance that could only happen on YouTube! Check out this brilliant mashup of audio from the trailer for The Dark Knight Rises with video from The Lion King.
Disney meets Batman, an unholy corporate alliance that could only happen on YouTube! Check out this brilliant mashup of audio from the trailer for The Dark Knight Rises with video from The Lion King.
There are several reasons why this will never, ever happen in the comics, but that's what fan art is for! Alex Lee M imagined several Disney characters as members of the various Lantern Corps, based on looks and personality, as explained in his descriptions below. I think he nailed it. Click on the images to view hi-res, and let me know what you think!
Red Lantern Stitch-Based off his initial behavior
Orange Lantern Ariel-She's a horder, and incredibly selfish within the context of her own movie
Yellow Lantern Jack Skellington-He likes to inspire fear
Green Lantern Mulan-Most Disney characters fall under Will, so I just picked Mulan and gave her a Jedi ish outfit
Blue Lantern Beast-He has a lot of hope. And don't ask for what smartass
Indigo Lantern Aladdin - he's very compassionate, even more so in the series, so he fits
Star Sapphire Jessica Rabbit-She has great love for her husband
Black Lantern Flynn/Eugene Ryder-Fitzherbert-He died and came back to life, it's a no brainer
and White Lantern Rapunzel-She brought Flynn back to life, also DUH
It's been years since I've been what you'd call an avid Disney comics fan, but I do have an abiding love and respect for the classics. So to hear the fans refer to DuckTales #3, published by Kaboom!, as the "worst Disney comic of all time," well I had to check it out. It is, in fact, pretty remarkable for its utter lack of basic comic storytelling, as welll as a blatantly swiped cover, as noted by Cartoon Brew.
It's also pretty darn disrespectful to - or possibly just ignorant of - the Disney universe and its characters.
I'm hoping that the outrage over this leads to something positive - if Kaboom! can't cut it on DuckTales, I see no reason why Disney doesn't send it to Boom! Studios or, for that matter, to their fully owned subsidiary Marvel, who have some 70 years of proven success and a stable of incredibly talented creators at the ready.
I don't know what DuckTales was doing at Kaboom! in the first place, but I respectully suggest that Disney finds another home for it.
What do you think, Disney fans?
Oh, and by the way the issue has inspired a song parody. That's never a good sign.
Because tragically, nothing grounds a tour of imagination and wonder in the real world like an INVASIVE PAT-DOWN.
Oh, brave new world. From the description of the revamped Star Tours Disney World attraction:
The second room of the queue is now a security check area, similar to a TSA checkpoint. The two G-series droids are still there, G2-9T scanning luggage and G2-4T scanning passengers. For those attraction junkies, you'll remember that the G-series droids are so named because in the original Disneyland Park version of the ride, they were created by removing the "skins" from two of the goose animatronics from the soon-to-close America Sings attraction (Goose = "G" series). While we won't tell you why, you'll enjoy paying a lot of attention to what the scans of the luggage show is inside. When it's your turn to go through the passenger scan (a thermal body scan), you may be verbally accosted by a security droid. Also, keep an eye out in the queue for an earlier version of RX-24 ("Captain Rex") from the original Star Tours; he's labeled "defective" and has some familiar dialogue.
via Perez Hilton
For the record, I'm not at all certain that I share Perez Hilton's unbridled enthusiasm about this, or whether i agree that it would be "rad". It is, however, an interesting bit of news (well, gossip really).
Comic artist Brendan McCarthy has claimed that Disney and Pixar are considering a CGI Doctor Strange movie.
In an interview with Bad Librarianship, the illustrator said that he discussed an adaptation of the Marvel Comic during a meeting with Disney.
Weird things happen when Disney buys you. Watch yourself, Marvel - you are flying higher than ever and deservedly so.
Just, you know - Miramax was pretty badass for a while there too. Watch that corporate ass, that's all I'm sayin'.