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Entries in Green Lantern Corps (8)


Awesome Art: The Disney Lantern Corps

There are several reasons why this will never, ever happen in the comics, but that's what fan art is for! Alex Lee M imagined several Disney characters as members of the various Lantern Corps, based on looks and personality, as explained in his descriptions below. I think he nailed it. Click on the images to view hi-res, and let me know what you think!

Red Lantern Stitch-Based off his initial behavior
Orange Lantern Ariel-She's a horder, and incredibly selfish within the context of her own movie
Yellow Lantern Jack Skellington-He likes to inspire fear
Green Lantern Mulan-Most Disney characters fall under Will, so I just picked Mulan and gave her a Jedi ish outfit
Blue Lantern Beast-He has a lot of hope. And don't ask for what smartass
Indigo Lantern Aladdin - he's very compassionate, even more so in the series, so he fits 
Star Sapphire Jessica Rabbit-She has great love for her husband
Black Lantern Flynn/Eugene Ryder-Fitzherbert-He died and came back to life, it's a no brainer
and White Lantern Rapunzel-She brought Flynn back to life, also DUH


DCU Online: Green Lantern DLC Goes Free

The "Fight for the Light" DLC for DC Universe Online went free to play yesterday, down 100% from it's previous price of $10.00. Sony Online Entertainment made the announcement yesterday, and all US players will be able to download the Green Lantern-themed DLC for free when it goes live September 6.

From SOE:

Introducing DC Comics legend The Green Lantern and the game's seventh power set (Light), the "Fight for the Light" pack allows players to join the Green Lantern Corps or Sinestro Corps as reservist members while helping to restore balance to the universe.

Along with interactions with Green Lantern based favorites and foes, players will be launched into multiple action-packed scenarios, including an epic battle for control in S.T.A.R. Labs, a light-to-light showdown with the Red Lantern Corps in Coast City, and a chaotic prison break at Sciencells Prison.

The "Fight for the Light" DLC pack will be available as FREE download to all active subscribers as a way to thank its loyal players on September 6 in the United States.


Chibi Green Lantern Corps T-Shirt

Now that's adorable. Join the Corps, poozers! Whatever your opinion of the Green Lantern movie, you've gotta love Chibi Kilowog.

Click here to buy this super-sweet T-shirt.


The Glee Lantern Corps

Check out this awesome mash-up of Glee and the Green Lantern Corps, by DC Comics colorist Randy Mayor.

Waitasec, where are Hal Jordan and Larfleeze? They think they're too cool to be Gleeks? Maybe the show's insane creator, the megalomaniacal Ryan Murphy, needs to teach them a lesson - nobody turns down Glee, not even fictional characters!

Seriously though, this is pretty awesome, is it not? Now I just wonder what Guy is gonna sing...


New 'Green Lantern' TV Spot Shines a Light on the Corps

There's not much in this new Green Lantern promo in the way of new footage. It's more of a very nice spit-polish; things move along quickly, its more condensed than what we've seen so far, and the spotlight shines on the most iconic GL Corpsmen; Hal Jordan, duh, also Kilowog, Sinestro, Tomar-Re, and Abin Sur.



Esprit de Corps: Meet the Green Lanterns [Hi-Res Pic]

(Click here or on the image to enlarge.)

Well the Green Lantern publicity push is certainly in full effect.

An additional $9 million has been pumped into the VFX budget, Geoffrey Rush and Michael Clark Duncan have been added to the cast (as the voices of Tomar-Re and Kilowog, respectively) and there's a brand-new trailer.

Now comes this killer image of the Green Lantern Corps, posing for a group picture, apparently from their HQ on Oa.

Thoughts? That's what the comment box is there for!


Did Mark Millar write Green Lantern Corps No. 53? [spoiler alert: NO.]

Do you think this "T" on may arm stands for - waitasec, what book is this?

Kyle has an "Ultimates" moment on the cover of GLC #53.


My First Zombie

Gotta admit, did not see that one coming.

Blackest Night invades DC's kids' line in Batman: The Brave and the Bold No.19, written by Adam Schlagman, editor of Green Lantern Corps and veteran of the zombie wars.