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Entries in Captain America (100)


Potentially Spoiler-ific 'Avengers' Set Pics Featuring Chris Evans

You've been warned! Proceed at your own risk - mind you, ever single pop culture news outlet, from Ain't-it-Cool to the New York frickin' Times will be posting this sort of stuff as The Avengers continues filming, and not all of them will be as nice as me, giving you warnings and what not. So.

The Avengers is currently shooting a climactic battle scene in Cleveland (made up to resemble New York's Times Square, where the scene is set), featuring an as-yet unknown bad guy. You may have seen the set pics I posted on Sunday, featuring the wreckage in the aftermath of the big fight. Yesterday, new photos surfaced of the Cleveland shoot, featuring Chris Evans in his modern-day Captain America outfit, a guy in a CGI suit, and a prop that will doubtless fuel the already rampant speculation as to the identity of the second world-threatening Avengers villain (the first one, obviously, being Loki). Check out the pics below, and feel free to hit me up with your speculation in the comments!

What the heck is that?

Who the heck is he?


Captain America x Pokemon

HYDRA agents - gotta catch 'em all!


Captain America Rides a Harley

Captain America has a long history with riding a hog. Why, one of my first-ever memories as a comics-loving youth was watching the rather awful Captain America movie of the '70s, but even that pencil-thin plot and way-too-revealing costume couldn't keep the smile off my face when Cap burst out the back of a van, shield strapped to his back, riding a motorcycle off to - do whatever the heck he did in that less-than-impressive period in his cinematic history. In fact, let's roll the clip!

Huh. I could have sworn he strapped the shield to his back. That would have made a hell of a lot more sense then using it to OBSTRUCT HIS VIEW OF THE ROAD. What the hell kind of superhero doesn't obey basic safety rules?

But I digress. Cap loves him some bikes, and for the much more impressive movie Captain America: The First Avenger, he rides a much more impressive motorcycle - a custom Harley-Davidson. Check out this featurette discussing Marvel's decision to go with the bike, and the ideas that went into its use and design.


'Captain America' Featurette Spotlights the Red Skull

Bring on the Bad Guys! A hero is judged by his nemesis, and Hugo Weaving embodied villainy quite nicely as the Red Skull in Captain America: The First Avenger. Perhaps unsurprisingly, he embraced the character's nastiness and apparently had a blast. Check it out as Weaving and the cast and crew of Captain America discuss how they brought Johann Schmidt's yucky face of evil from the page to the screen in this video featurette.


'Captain America' Final Scene and 'Avengers' Trailer

Well, at least Marvel waited a week after the film's release to post the entire final scene of Captain America: The First Avenger online. For those of us who are used to them spoiling the climactic final act of  comic book events to the press days before the comics hit stores, this is actually progress.

So, caveat emptor. The following is the excellent final scene of Captain America, followed by a trailer for The Avengers. If you haven't seen Cap yet, I'd advise you hold off on watching this. If you've already seen it, check out the awesomeness and enjoy!



'Captain America' Extended Bully Scene

What if skinny Brooklyn kid Steve Rogers really never knew when to quit? The war, and Captain America: The First Avenger, would have gone quite differently, as shown in this brutally funny clip from Team Tiger Awesome.


Awesome Art: 'The Avengers' by Matt Norton

(Click here or on the image to view full-size)

A decidedly different take on The Avengers than the concept art released over the weekend at Comic-Con. Sadly less complete, lacking both Black Widow and Nick Fury, but very cool and iconic nonetheless.


New Captain America T-Shirts from Crazy Dog

Crazy Dog Shirts has released two sweet new Captain America T-Shirts, to celebrate the movie's release and total weekend Box Office domination.

'70s Cap - Classic Bronze Age logo, Captain America charging into action, flanked by The Falcon and Black Panther. [Product page]


Captain America Lives - Vintage Captain America, up close and personal. [Product page]


'Avengers' Character Posters - Some Assembly Still Required

(click here or on the image to view full-size)

All six Avengers promotional posters released over the weekend at Comic-Con, combining to form an almost complete mega-poster. From left to right, that's the Black Widow, Iron Man, Captain America, Thor, Hawkeye, and Nick Fury. The gap between is reserved for The Hulk, one of whose hands appears to be visible in the background of the Captain America poster - I wonder if Marvel might release one more poster before the Con is through to complete this image?

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