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Potentially Spoiler-ific 'Avengers' Set Pics Featuring Chris Evans

You've been warned! Proceed at your own risk - mind you, ever single pop culture news outlet, from Ain't-it-Cool to the New York frickin' Times will be posting this sort of stuff as The Avengers continues filming, and not all of them will be as nice as me, giving you warnings and what not. So.

The Avengers is currently shooting a climactic battle scene in Cleveland (made up to resemble New York's Times Square, where the scene is set), featuring an as-yet unknown bad guy. You may have seen the set pics I posted on Sunday, featuring the wreckage in the aftermath of the big fight. Yesterday, new photos surfaced of the Cleveland shoot, featuring Chris Evans in his modern-day Captain America outfit, a guy in a CGI suit, and a prop that will doubtless fuel the already rampant speculation as to the identity of the second world-threatening Avengers villain (the first one, obviously, being Loki). Check out the pics below, and feel free to hit me up with your speculation in the comments!

What the heck is that?

Who the heck is he?

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