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Entries in Captain America (100)


New 'Muppets' Poster Pokes Gentle Fun at Captain America

The fact that both Jim Henson's and Joe Simon and Jack Kirby's creations now fall under the auspices of the giant Disney corporate umbrella takes a breather from being creepy to be briefly adorable in this poster for The Muppets, featuring Sam the Eagle as Captain America. The timing is brilliant on a couple of levels, what with this being a great new poster to showcase at Comic-Con, and yesterday being the official U.S. premiere of Captain America: The First Avenger

The Muppets, starring Jason Segel, Amy Adams, Chris Cooper, Rashida Jones, Zach Galifianakis, Jack Black, Ed Helms, Neil Patrick Harris, Katy Perry and Donald Glover, is scheduled to open on November 23.


Avengers Promo Posters - Captain America and Iron Man

Just because Marvel Studios is rumored to be giving Comic-Con a pass in favor of Disney's D23, you didn't think they weren't gonna be promoting The Avengers, did you? Come on, it's Comic-Con! Check out this sweet concept art for Captain America and Iron Man, and begin counting down to next summer!



Win a Captain America Costume and Shield! [Contest]

With Captain America: The First Avenger premiering on Friday, I've got a Cap Costume to give away courtesy of the good people at Also, the above super-sweet Captain America movie shield. Nice, right?

Take a look over at's Captain America page, you'll see they've got a great selection for men, women and kids, so whoever wins, there's a Cap suit with your name on it.

Here's how to win: leave a comment, telling me either:

1) Captain America means to you, or 

2) Your favorite Captain America storyline ever, and why.

Now, the fine print: you've got to be a U.S. resident, and whichever costume you choose has to be $60.00 or under (that's not counting the shield, the shield is a bonus because is awesome). And finally, allow 3-4 weeks for delivery. Contest ends Wednesday, July 27.

Good luck!


'Captain America' Extended TV Spot

This extended TV spot for Captain America: The First Avenger is packed with the best scenes we've seen to date and a few more besides, including - if you watch carefully - one of the most important moments in Cap's history (hint: in the comics it involved Baron Zemo). Check it out, and let me know what you think!

Courtesy of PARAMOUNT PICTURES and MARVEL STUDIOS/ Entertainment. CAPTAIN AMERICA: THE FIRST AVENGER focuses on the early days of the Marvel Universe when Steve Rogers volunteers to participate in an experimental program that turns him into the Super Soldier known as Captain America. As Captain America, Rogers joins forces with Bucky Barnes and Peggy Carter to wage war on the evil HYDRA organization, led by the villainous Red Skull. Starring Chris Evans, Sebastian Stan, Tommy Lee Jones, Hayley Atwell, Samuel L. Jackson, Stanley Tucci and Hugo Weaving, the film releases July 22, 2011.


Mondo's 'Captain America' Propaganda Posters

Mondo, the pop art poster wing of the Alamo Drafthouse theaters, is set to release a series of posters for Captain America: The First Avenger. In addition to the above poster by Tyler Stout in what has become Mondo's signature style, they are releasing two sets of posers in the style of vintage wartime propaganda - both ours, and the axis.

In case you're new to the Mondo way, here's the deal: the on-sale date for these beauties has not been announced, and when it is, they will go quickly because they're super-sweet limited editions. You're going to want to follow @MondoNews for updates. Mondo will also be at Comic-Con, booth #433, and I wouldn't be surprised if they save a few of these posters for their inaugural trip to SDCC, in addition to who knows what other cool stuff they'll have on offer.

Here's the first set of propaganda posters, by Olly Moss:


Now admittedly, "A" does not literally stand for "Victory," anymore than it stands for France, but that detracts nothing from the awesomeness of the above posters. Seriously, they're gorgeous am I right?

Here's the second set of propaganda posters, by Eric Tan:



Build Your Own Captain America Flying Shield

Instructables user seamster designed this killer Captain America flying shield, and was kind enough to provide directions on how you can build your own. Seriously, look at this sucker fly, it's pretty badass. Click here for the tutorial.


'Avengers' Scene Showing After 'Captain America' Credits: Spoiler-ific Details!

It wasn't long ago that Chris Evans and Sam Jackson shot a scene smack dab in the middle of Times Square, just as The Avengers was going into production. This of course, sparked rampant speculation since Sam Jackson's Nick Fury has become synonymous with plot devices tying the Marvel franchises together, and building his Avengers team.

Badass Digest said at the time:

This weekend Chris Evans and Samuel L Jackson showed up in crowded Times Square to shoot some material for an upcoming Marvel movie. All reports say it was for Captain America: The First Avenger, and some say that Joe Johnston was there. But here’s what’s interesting: there’s a Cap being confused in modern Times Square scene in the script for The Avengers!

Speculation appears to have been right on the money. Read the following description of the scene that rolls at the end of the Captain America: The First Avenger credits at your own peril. Mega-spoiler alert!

A new scene opened with Cap awaking in the present day. I think we all know what happens here, Cap starts to get confused and runs out in NYC where he meets NIck Fury. Now on to the post-credits scene. 

It starts out with Captain America punching a punching bag until it flies off into a wall, and then enters Nick Fury. They briefly talked about a mission and that they needed to get ready, but they never explained what the mission was. And then it happened. As the music kicked in, scenes of SHIELD, Iron Man, Thor, Black Widow, Hawkeye, Bruce Banner (Mark Ruffalo), & Loki were shown!! It showed a hell of a lot of action! Thor had a brief costume change, just no chainmail under armor and his hair was a bit longer. Iron Man was shown in what looked like the Mark VI or maybe a new Mark VII armor!! I don't recall who was fighting who or what, but it was a lot of kick-assery!! And at the end of it all, Thor threw Mjolnir and then it flashed... The Avengers! 

Well at first there was the Avengers themselves in what looked to be a meeting room, Thor was leaning against wall with arms crossed and Cap was sitting down, as Tony Stark and Nick Fury were most likely talking about the mission that was discussed earlier with Cap and Fury and also a shot of Bruce Banner. The action scenes were confusing but from what I remember, scenes with Iron Man flying in the air, and Hawkeye shooting an arrow, along with some explosions and Black Widow kicking ass. As for Captain America only his shield and part of his Costume was shown, so I wasn't able to tell what suit he appeared in. The last part was in a forest, Iron Man and Thor fighting, but I couldn't tell if it was against each other or someone or something else. And then, Thor threw his hammer, similar to the way he threw it at the Frost Giants, and then flashed "The Avengers, coming May 2012"


'Captain America' Behind-the-Scenes Footage

Check out this compilation of B-roll from the upcoming Captain America: The First Avenger. It's essentially a series of very short clips of behind-the-scenes footage, alternate takes, and there's even a "what's my motivation for holding this compass?" moment.


Final 'Captain America' Poster Revealed

With just one week to go until the premiere of Captain America: The First Avenger, Paramount Pictures has released this final poster for the film, with Cap at the forefront of a huge cast of characters, surrounded by action, fire and watched over by the grim visage of the Red Skull.

So cool. I'm really psyched for this movie.

Captain America: The First Avenger hits theaters on July 22.

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