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Entries in Birds of Prey (2)


Angry Birds of Prey

Two of the best things in comics today - Gail Simone, one of the greatest creators in comics today, Birds of Prey in particular being a comic whose characters she's displayed a remarkable affinity for - and Angry Birds, the biggest thing in gaming addiction since World of Warcraft.

I would buy the hell out of this. I would even go so far as to buy the inevitable Black Lantern pig variant.

Another brilliant idea from the comic geniuses at The Gutters. DC, make this happen!


Aquaman: hung like a brine shrimp?

I think Gail Simone's a little sick of hearing how awesome her comics are. So Gail, allow me to take a moment to mention that your animated teleplays are freakin' hysterical as well. Last week's episode of Batman: The Brave and the Bold featured one of the many teams Gail's well-known for writing, The Birds of Prey, performing a little number in which they rate the sexy score of the DCU characters as portrayed in the Brave and the Bold-verse - musically. No punches are pulled. Gah if only the Spider-Man musical had a prayer of being anywhere near this good - but then again, U2 aren't going to be making fun of Aquaman's weenis, so really Spidey just doesn't stand a chance.

Even by the high standards of this seriously underrated show, this was an instant classic.

(Spoiler alert: The Flash and and Green Arrow take it on the chin pretty hard in this number too.)