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Entries in The Amazing Spider-Man (21)


New 'Amazing Spider-Man' NYC Photos

Amazing Spider-Man

Much like the citizens of the Marvel comics universe, I don't know how I'm able to walk around New York City every day without running into one superhero or another. They do seem to frequent this town, and so it's no surprise that Marc Webb's The Amazing Spider-Man rolled into town last week to shoot some scenes for the movie about the hometown hero from Queens. Check out these shots of Andrew Garfield in costume as Peter Parker, and an early trial run of the Spider-Man suit, along with Rhys Ifans decked out with as Curt Connors, complete with icky Lizard-hand.









Rhys Ifans Previews His 'Lizard' Voice

And it's basically Tom Waits. In fact, I wouldn't be shocked if he spontaneously broke into a rendition of "God's Away on Business" right in the middle of the interview. Seriously, how awesome would that be? Would the poor schmoe from MTV have any clue what was going on?

Anyway, take a listen for an idea of what to expect from Rhys Ifans as The Lizard in The Amazing Spider-Man.


New 'Amazing Spider-Man' Promo Pics

Check out these two new promotional images for The Amazing Spider-Man. The costume continues to impress, and Andrew Garfield definitely has the Spidey poses down cold. Those shoes look pretty weird, though huh? Check out the images - which I'll try to update ASAP with new versions without that huge watermark across them - and let me know what you think.


Denis Leary Hints at Capt. Stacy's Fate, Possible Appearance in 'Amazing Spider-Man' Sequel

Denis Leary spoke at the Television Critics Association yesterday, promoting the last few episodes of the acclaimed FX series Rescue Me. However, Leary's next role - that of George Stacy in The Amazing Spider-Man - was a topic of much discussion. Leary dropped a couple of hints suggesting that the movie version of the police captain might in fact survive a bit longer than his ill-fated comics counterpart - in fact, we might see him in the already-announced sequel.

First, he jokingly said that his goal with the franchise was to "ride Spider-Man. I'm doing Spider-Man 4, 5 and 6!"

But perhaps more revealing was his answer when asked whether he would sport a cane, like the much older comic book Stacy:

"No. Not yet anyway!"

So will Captain Stacy live to see a sequel? Let speculation begin!


New Hi-Res Pics from 'The Amazing Spider-Man'

Face front, true believers! Hi-res pictures from The Amazing Spider-Man, featuring Andrew Garfield and Emma Stone, right here! What do you think, do we like the new look? The logo, the shoes, etc.? How excited are you for Spidey's cinematic reboot?

(Click on the images to view full-size)


'Amazing Spider-Man' Comic-Con Panel [Video]

The Amazing Spider-Man Comic-Con panel was so full of genuine passion and enthusiasm for the project from the cast and director Marc Webb, that any doubts I may have had from the initial stills and video that leaked online were pretty well laid to rest. It's clear that Andrew Garfield, in particular, is clearly humbled by the opportunity to portray Spider-Man and I have every confidence he's going to do everything he can to honor the role. Check out the footage, and let me know what you think.


'Amazing Spider-Man' Teaser Poster

Following up on yesterday's HD trailer for The Amazing Spider-Man, here's a teaser poster for the movie from San Diego Comic-Con.

Up close, I realize just how 2099-ish the new Spidey logo looks. What do you think of the new costume design? And for that matter how did you like the trailer? Are you psyched for The Amazing Spider-Man or what?


'The Amazing Spider-Man' Official HD Trailer

This ain't no bootleg, kiddies, this is the gen-u-wine article HD trailer for Marc Webb's The Amazing Spider-Man.

The movie stars Andrew Garfield, Emma Stone, Rhys Ifans, Martin Sheen, Sally Field, Denis Leary and is set to premiere on July 3, 2012. Check out the trailer, and hit me up with those comments!


Close-Up Look at 'Amazing Spider-Man' Costume

(Click here or on the image to view full-size)

We've seen stills, both of an unmasked Andrew Garfield in his his Amazing Spider-Man suit, and of a stuntman shaking his booty in a version of the costume that looks an awful lot like stupid sexy Flanders.

This, however, is our first up-close-and-personal detailed look at the suit, from the mask down to the new, Ben Reilly-ish, Spider-logo on the chest. It looks cool; not particularly comfortable, but it does look as though the designers kept in mind the idea that this is a young, not wealthy, kid, in his first-ever homemade spandex, and added elements to the bazillion-dollar costume to make it appear to be a bit more DIY.

We'll be seeing the full suit, and doubtless loads of other Amazing Spider-Man goodies, at San Diego Comic-Con.

Based on this, I think it looks pretty darn cool, how about you?