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Entries in The Lizard (4)


Another Look at The Lizard as He Appears in 'The Amazing Spider-Man'

Amazing Spider-Man Lizard

After first seeing an image of Rhys Ifans as The Lizard in in Pez dispenser form, here's another piece of movie merch adorned with what appears to be an actual photo of the actor as he'll appear in The Amazing Spider-Man. What do you think of the Lizard's look, and how are you feeling about the 2012 Marc Webb-helmed reboot of the Spider-Man film franchise?

Let me know what you think, in the meantime here's another of these plastic thingermabobs that probably cost like 30 bucks, this time featuring Spider-Man.

Amazing Spider-Man


Reported 'Amazing Spider-Man' Concept Art of The Lizard

Yesterday saw the first public unveiling of The Lizard as he will appear in next year's The Amazing Spider-Man, in the form of a Pez dispenser. Now comes word from a Russian Spider-Man website of art of concept art, depicting The Lizard at some stage of his transformation from Rhys Ifans' Curt Connors into what looks to be a very CGI villain.

In Russia, picture clicks to enlarge you!


'Amazing Spider-Man' Lizard Revealed! Um, As a Pez Dispenser.

Amazing Spider-Man Lizard Pez Dispenser

At last we get a look at how Rhys Ifans will look as The Lizard in the forthcoming Amazing Spider-Man. As with all great revelations, this one comes via Pez. The leaked image of Spider-Man and Lizard Pez dispensers is the first we've seen of Ifans as he'll appear in the Spider-Man reboot, due in theaters next year. It might be the angle of the photo, but The Lizard looks a tiny bit feminine to me. Like, a little bit chesty. Am I crazy? What do you think of the Lizard's look? Are you psyched for The Amazing Spider-Man? Hit me up in the comments.


Rhys Ifans Previews His 'Lizard' Voice

And it's basically Tom Waits. In fact, I wouldn't be shocked if he spontaneously broke into a rendition of "God's Away on Business" right in the middle of the interview. Seriously, how awesome would that be? Would the poor schmoe from MTV have any clue what was going on?

Anyway, take a listen for an idea of what to expect from Rhys Ifans as The Lizard in The Amazing Spider-Man.