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Entries in Regenesis (11)


X-Club #1 Preview

Here's a preview of X-Club #1, written by Simon Spurrier with art by Paul Davidson, in stores December 7.

'WE DO SCIENCE!' In the wake of SCHISM, the X-Men's Science Team takes it upon themselves to make a gesture of goodwill on behalf of mutantkind and better the world...using SCIENCE. But just as construction of the X-Club's state of the art space elevator nears completion, chaos erupts! And it appears to the world that mutants are to blame. Can Dr. Nemesis, Madison Jeffries, Kavita Rao and Danger clear the X-Men's name before their experiment backfires? Don't miss this new limited series that will surely change how you look at the X-Men and the Periodic Table of Elements FOREVER!


Uncanny X-Men #3 Preview

Here's a sneak peek at Uncanny X-Men #3, in stores on December 28.

THE CELESTIALS HAVE ARRIVED! In your first look at Uncanny X-Men #3, from the team of Kieron Gillen, Carlos Pacheco, Paco Diaz, & Rodney Buchemi, Cyclops and his Extinction Team must protect mankind not only from Mr. Sinister…but the world ending space gods! Sinister’s quest for supremacy has doomed the entire world and it’s all crumbling down around the feet of the X-Men. Are the Children of the Atom finally spread too thin? Find out this December in Uncanny X-Men #3!


X-Men Legacy #259 Preview

Here's a sneak peek at X-Men Legacy #259, in stores next Wednesday (November 30), which sees the last undecided X-Men facing big choices in the wake of Schism.

Written by MIKE CAREY
Pencils by KHOI PHAM
Cover by CLAY MANN
Regenesis Gold Variant by NICK BRADSHAW
Marvel Comics 50th Anniversary Variant by DAVID YARDIN
The X-Men are divided. As the teams part ways, Rogue, Magneto and Gambit attend to unfinished business, hoping to avoid answering the question: Whose side are they on?


'Uncanny X-Men' Coming Attractions

The relaunched Uncanny X-Men #1 hits stores today, and closes with a teaser of "things to come". The two-page spread suggests that the Colossus/Juggernaut thing isn't going to end anytime soon, Emma Frost and Namor are going to re-visit their icky sexual past, Hope will face off with some sort of Phoenix-type thing, and Magneto will battle Psylocke. A Celestial watches over the whole tableau, wondering whatever happened to Maggot.


Blink Returns in New Mutants #34

Apparently someone at Marvel has been reading my letters - because Blink is back! The fan-favorite returns in New Mutants #34 by writers Dan Abnett & Andy Lanning and artist David Lopez.

The fan-demanded return of Blink drags Dani Moonstar and her team of New Mutants right into the heart of "X-Men: Regenesis"! Beginning in NEW MUTANTS #34, from the critically acclaimed writing team of Dan Abnett & Andy Lanning and artist David Lopez, Cyclops gives the New Mutants no time to rest as he sends them on a wild goose chase across the Marvel Universe. What has Blink done to require immediate extraction and is she to blame? Sinister things are afoot this November, in NEW MUTANTS#34!




Wolverine and the X-Men #1 Preview

From the ashes of Schism, comes Regenesis. All of which is brand-speak for "Wolverine has had it with Cyclops so he's taking a bunch of X-Men back to Westchester, rebuilding the school, and in case that's too subtle a gesture, putting a huge statue of Cykes' dead ex-girlfriend in the quad."

He's the best there is at bromance breakups, Bub.

Check out this advance preview of Wolverine and the X-Men #1 from writer Jason Aaron and artist Chris Bachalo, in stores October 26!

Spinning directly out of X-MEN: SCHISM, the X-Men are split in two. In the oversized debut issue of the new ongoing flagship X-series, Wolverine takes one half of the X-Men back to?Westchester to start over again. But the new Hellfire Club outlast its first day?

Join Marvel Architect Jason Aaron (X-MEN: SCHISM,?WOLVERINE) and legendary X-Artist Chris Bachalo (AMAZING SPIDER-MAN, GENERATION X) for a brand new action-packed take on the X-Men that will set a new standard for the Children of the Atom.


Pass/Fail/Kill: Wolverine Becomes a Headmaster in Regenesis

"I've got your Dead Poet's Society right here, Bub."

He's the best there is at what he does - and what he does is put the 'pal' in 'Principal'??

Meet Headmaster Wolverine, who will apparently be molding young minds at the Jean Grey School of Higher Learning, a name that will doubtless serve as insult to injury to Scott Summers, as Regenesis sees the two X-Men split up into two factions. Cyclops will remain on Utopia in the relaunched Uncanny X-Men, while Logan will set up shop in Westchester with his team - that happens to include pretty much all of Cyke's family, and heading up the new school, in Wolverine and the X-Men.

Heavy stuff. So apparently I'm not the only one who thinks that Scott Summers has evolved into a huge tool.

Class is in session when Wolverine and the X-Men #1 hits stores next month.


Uncanny X-Men #544 Preview

Uncanny X-Men #544 is the final issue of the series, as Fear Itself and Schism give way to Regenesis. Uncanny will relaunch with a new #1 alongside the new series Wolverine and the X-Men, as the team is split down the middle between those who stay on Utopia with Cyclops and Wolverine's team, which will return to Westchester. But before the new beginning, Uncanny ends in this issue, written by Kieron Gillen with art by - Greg Land? Really? All right, then.

After the hammer-blow of FEAR ITSELF and the violence of SCHISM, it can't go on. It's the end of the Uncanny X-Men. And who better to provide a stirring eulogy than... MISTER SINISTER? Join us for the end of the industry-shaping series with the return of the 19th century's finest morally dubious scientist.


Regenesis: Meet Wolverine's X-Men

After one of the longest teases ever, the X-teams who will be leaving Utopia for Westchester under Wolverine's leadership after the events of Schism - also known as the 'Gold Team' - have been revealed.

Wolverine seems to have made off with Cyclops' entire family, that's gotta sting.

Whose side are you on? Which team will you choose?

(Click image to view full-size)

Written by JASON AARON 
Art & Cover by CHRIS BACHALO 
Variant Cover by NICK BRADSHAW 

Written by MIKE CAREY 
Cover by CLAY MANN 
Variant Cover by NICK BRADSHAW 

Variant Cover by NICK BRADSHAW 

X-FACTOR #230 
Written by PETER DAVID 
Variant Cover by NICK BRADSHAW