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Entries in Uncanny X-Men (6)


Uncanny X-Men #3 Preview

Here's a sneak peek at Uncanny X-Men #3, in stores on December 28.

THE CELESTIALS HAVE ARRIVED! In your first look at Uncanny X-Men #3, from the team of Kieron Gillen, Carlos Pacheco, Paco Diaz, & Rodney Buchemi, Cyclops and his Extinction Team must protect mankind not only from Mr. Sinister…but the world ending space gods! Sinister’s quest for supremacy has doomed the entire world and it’s all crumbling down around the feet of the X-Men. Are the Children of the Atom finally spread too thin? Find out this December in Uncanny X-Men #3!


'Uncanny X-Men' Coming Attractions

The relaunched Uncanny X-Men #1 hits stores today, and closes with a teaser of "things to come". The two-page spread suggests that the Colossus/Juggernaut thing isn't going to end anytime soon, Emma Frost and Namor are going to re-visit their icky sexual past, Hope will face off with some sort of Phoenix-type thing, and Magneto will battle Psylocke. A Celestial watches over the whole tableau, wondering whatever happened to Maggot.


Uncanny X-Men #544 Preview

Uncanny X-Men #544 is the final issue of the series, as Fear Itself and Schism give way to Regenesis. Uncanny will relaunch with a new #1 alongside the new series Wolverine and the X-Men, as the team is split down the middle between those who stay on Utopia with Cyclops and Wolverine's team, which will return to Westchester. But before the new beginning, Uncanny ends in this issue, written by Kieron Gillen with art by - Greg Land? Really? All right, then.

After the hammer-blow of FEAR ITSELF and the violence of SCHISM, it can't go on. It's the end of the Uncanny X-Men. And who better to provide a stirring eulogy than... MISTER SINISTER? Join us for the end of the industry-shaping series with the return of the 19th century's finest morally dubious scientist.


Spoiler-ific Uncanny X-Men #1 Cover, Sans Silhouettes

Spoiler alert!! If you've been enjoying this whole silhouette partial-reveal thing that Marvel's been doing to promote their post-Schism event, Regenesis, and don't want to know who's on the cover of Uncanny X-Men #1, then you'll want to skip this post.


Still here?


All right, then, here's the full cast of the Uncanny X-Men #1 cover:

So that would be Danger, Magneto, Cyclops, Emma Frost, Juggernaut/Colossus, and Magik.

Can I just take a moment to say how disappointed I am in the life choices that the Rasputin children have made? I mean I know they had rough childhoods but I'd hoped that things would have worked out better for them.

Also, does anyone else feel a twinge of nostalgia for Professor X in his chair with the little tartan blanket, giving Cyclops the whole "you had no father until you were like 30, so I can easily manipulate you by offering my approval, which you crave like a junkie craves a fix" routine?

No? Just me, then.


Nate Grey Leads the New Mutants to Utopia

Marvel has released more images for Regenesis, the upcoming post-Schism event which divides the X-Men members and titles into two camps: some will follow Cyclops, presumably on Utopia, spearheaded by the relaunched Uncanny X-Men #1. The others will follow Logan, beginning with the launch of Wolverine and the X-Men #1.

The promotional images continue to be focused on a single character, with silhouettes of their teamates in the background. The most recent image is the most obvious, as Nate Grey (X-Man) leads the New Mutants into Cyclops' camp beginning with New Mutants #33.

New Mutants joins Generation Hope and the Victor Gischler-written X-Men series in the Uncanny camp.

Wolverine and the X-Men, on the other hand, has so far only obtained the allegiance of X-Men: Legacy, not that there's anything wrong with that. More pressingly, I'd like to know where Logan's team is headquartered, and why everything looks like it's on fire. Is that someone's power manifesting, or are they located somewhere blazingly hot?

Thoughts, speculation, etc.? Hit me up with the comments!


Post-Schism 'X-Men' Teaser Images

X-BFFS: Bromance No More!

In the aftermath of Wolverine and Cyclops' falling out in Schism, the X-Men will be split into two teams (and two titles): Wolverine and the X-Men, debuting in October, and Uncanny X-Men, relaunching in November.

Marvel has released teaser images for the two titles, each showing a single team member, with their teammates in silhouette behind them. Wolverine is on the cover of Wolverine and the X-Men #1, launching in October, and curiously, Emma Frost - not Cyclops - is on the cover of Uncanny X-Men #1. Many took it as a given that the obvious team leader of Uncanny would be Cyclops, so his absence on the cover raises quite a few questions and has me anxious to see how Schism plays out.

Any guesses as to who's going to be on which team? or where the heck Cyclops is for that matter? Check out the images below (click to view full-size).