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Entries in Comic Book Movies (579)


Avengers Wage War in New Ad

Hulk, and the Helicarrier shine in this latest ad for The Avengers, which continues to look like the best thing ever. I can't wait to actually hear Jeremy Renner (Hawkeye) speak!


New 'Avengers' TV Spot

Avengers tv spot brazil

This latest awesome TV spot for The Avengers comes to us from Brazil, where they are no doubt as pumped for Joss Whedon's superhero slugest as much as we are here in the states and in Europe. We've seen lots of this, but there's some very cool banter from Nick Fury and Tony Stark, not to mention the ever smashing-Huilk. Still no lines for Hawkeye, though.


And You Don't Stop: Avengers Role-Playing Rap

Avengers rap

If you had told me as a youth that one day Joss Whedon would helm an Avengers movie that would feature merchandise tie-ins advertised by twenty-somethings wearing Hulk hands accompanied by sub-Young MC hip-hop… well, I probably would have believed you. But then, I was a very sad, jaded child.

Venture bros hulk hands


LEGO Avengers Assemble

With the impending release of The Avengers, the merry Marvel merchandise machine is cranking out the goodies. There are going to be loads of cool LEGO Avengers tie-ins, the details of which you can see over at And to whet my - I mean your - appetite, here's an awesome representation of the movie poster, starring Avengers minifies.

Avengers lego poster


Soundgarden Reunites for 'Avengers' Soundtrack

Avengers soundgarden promo

The Avengers is tempting fate by raising the specter of the '90s and reuniting Soundgarden. Here's a preview of the band's first new song in 15 years, Live to Rise, from the forthcoming soundtrack, set to debut on iTunes May 1.


'Dark Knight Rises' Standee Gives Us a Look at Batman, Catwoman, and Both Sides of Bane

This standee promotional movie poster shows off the look that Batman will be sporting in The Dark Night Rises. Also shown are Catwoman, and both a poised and a battle-ready Bane.


Awesome 'Avengers' Poster Art


We've featured artist Dave Williams before, on account of this excellent X-Men: First Class poster he did last year. He's still doing great minimalist Marvel work, taking on Captain America, Thor, and of course the big one - The Avengers!





Stan Lee Supercut

Face front, True Believers! This video purports to feature every Stan Lee Marvel movie cameo ever. Check it out. and let me know if you think they missed anything (other than The Trial of the Incredible Hulk - I remember that one, and I don't think it counts as it was a TV movie).


'Amazing Spider-Man' Game Cover Revealed

Courtesy of Comic Book Movie, here's a first look at the cover for The Amazing Spider-Man PS3 game.