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Entries in Comic Book Apparel (13)


At Long Last! Superhero Socks With Attached Capes

I - I would wear these. Superhero socks, with capes. Wonder Woman, Batman and Superman varieties are all available from '80s Tees.


Alec Baldwin With Superman Underpants [Pic]

Mr. Baldwin apparently shopping in the Men's Essentials department.


Li'l Chibi Galactus T-Shirt

Chibi Galactus noms on planets on this adorable T-shirt, available here.


Men's Essentials [Pic]

Setting aside for the moment the implications of placing the "Flash" logo over the pee-pee hole, I can't tell if this heralds the triumph of geek culture or the beginning of the end times.


Deadpool/Watchmen Mash-Up T-Shirt

deadpool watchmen t-shirt

Who watches the Wade-men? This awesome combo of Watchmen and Deadpool, designed by artist SevenHundred, is available as a T-shirt.

Click here for more info, or to order.


Crisis of Infinite Offices T-Shirt

Screw Earth-1 and Earth-2, and don''t even get me started on the 52-world universe, and whatever the heck will be left standing after Flashpoint. These days, the real battle is between which version of The Office is better: the American adaptation, or the original British series?

Whichever show you prefer, you've gotta love this Crisis on infinite Offices T-shirt. It's a brilliant re-imagining of DC's Crisis of Infinite Earths, the original event by which all events are judged, pitting the American cast versus the Brits.

You can get it here.


Angry Superman and Batman Birds T-Shirt

The Angry Brids/superhero mash-up trend shows no signs of slowing down; from Angry Spider-Bird vs. Venom-Pig to Angry Birds of Prey it's clearly a match made in heaven.

Yet another example of how comic heroes and Angry Birds are two great tastes that taste great together is this T-shirt, an Angry Birds take on the Worlds' Finest team of Superman and Batman.

You can order this awesome T-shirt here.


Lego Batman Minifig T-Shirt

Batman and Lego - two great tastes that taste great together. When Gotham is falling apart, you can count on Lego Batman to pick up the pieces.

You can get this stylin' T-shirt here.


Marvel Whales

So this is pretty awesome. SevenHundred, the designer of the Deadpool Lantern Corps T-shirt (and tons of other cool stuff) is part of a group of designers re-imagining the heroes and villains of the Marvel Universe as whales.

SevenHundred also created the Narwhal-verine T-shirt pictured above, one of many Marvel Whales tees available at RedBubble.

Check out the Marvel Whales Flickr page for more undersea awesomeness.

The Next Epic Event… takes place Under the Sea!

After Marvel Zombies and Marvel Apes – why not Marvel Whales?!

All part of the twitter #marvelwhales #collabollection