There have been many Justice League redesigns over the years, both in mainstream DC comics and various ElseWorlds iterations. However I don't think I've seen them as 1920s vigilantes until now, in this excellent re-imagining by deviantARTist … [Read more...]
Nailed It: Comic Characters As Manicure Art
Redditor Lumity posted these tributes to some of her favorite comics in the form of fingernail art. They're all pretty great, but I think Aquaman is my favorite. Zatanna's pretty sweet too. Which one do you like best? … [Read more...]
Deadpie: Food For Your Merc Mouth
It's pie that breaks the fourth wall - of your stomach lining! Just kidding, I'm sure Deadpie is delicious. Get the recipe here and make your own, and send me the pics! Better yet, send me some pie. via That's Nerdalicious … [Read more...]
DC Heroes Get Old West Makeover
We've seen Batman do the cowboy thing before, and it was pretty sweet. Here, artist Denis Medri - who really needs to be working in comics - gives Old West makeovers to Bats, Superman, John Stewart, Green Arrow and The … [Read more...]
Epic ‘Dark Knight Rises’ Street Art
We're all celebrating the release of The Dark Knight Rises in our own ways. In Madrid, some mad genius created this breathtaking 3D street art depicting Gotham City falling into ruin. via Obvious Winner … [Read more...]
Epic Bat-Villain Chart
From the good people at Pop Chart Lab comes this exhaustive chart of the many miscreants of Gotham City. Batman's sparring partners, organized by name, theme, and M.O. - 'The Myriad Monikers of Gotham's Villains'. This massive taxonomy charts the … [Read more...]
Captain Biggie
Well this would pretty much be the best movie ever. And you know, with holograms and whatnot, it doesn't seem impossible.For now, Captain Biggie exists only on cool merch by artist Chris Piascik, who has emblazoned the Big Poppa of … [Read more...]