Olivier Coipel’s ‘Amazing Spider-Man #700′ Variant Cover

The upcoming Amazing Spider-Man #700 is a big deal indeed, as the final issue before the series reboots as The Superior Spider-Man. Marvel is commemorating the event with variant covers galore, including this one from the excellent artist Olivier … [Read more...]

Amazing Spider-Man #700 Preview Pages

Marvel has released these preview pages from the upcoming Amazing Spider-Man #700. Beware, if you haven't yet read ASM #698 there may be spoilers ahead.         … [Read more...]

Mitt Romney’s (Imaginary) Spider-Man Cover

I know, I know, this is a comics blog and not a political forum. That said, many of us have forgotten that President Barack Obama is, among his other fine qualities, a comics fan. Truth be told, that's far from the only reason I'm relieved these … [Read more...]

Amazing Spider-Man #690 Preview

Here's a look at Amazing Spider-Man #690 from writer Dan Slott and artist Giuseppe Camuncoli, in stores July 25. • There might be more than one Lizard now… • And Spider-Man might notice-- if only he wasn’t so busy trying to save everyone … [Read more...]