Young Justice: Invasion - Destiny Calling, the DVD collection featuring the first 10 episodes of YJ season 2, hits stores on Tuesday, January 22. I'm a big fan of the animated Young Justice series, from day one I've thought of it as extremely high … [Read more...]
‘Amethyst Princess of Gemworld’ Debuts On DC Nation
'DC Nation' returned to Cartoon Network on Saturday, and in addition to an excellent new episode of Young Justice we finally saw the first installment of the Amethyst Princess of Gemworld short features. The 8-bit gaming homage definitely is a good … [Read more...]
Check Out the Trailer for Animated ‘Amethyst’
DC Nation, abruptly pulled from the air last falls returns to Cartoon Network this Saturday, January 5. Along with longform programming like Green Lantern: The Animated Series and Young Justice (and the forthcoming Beware the Batman), the excellent … [Read more...]
‘Young Justice’ Promo Teases January Return
I don't know what the future holds in store for DC Nation's Young Justice, abruptly pulled from the airwaves and (along with the rest of the Cartoon Network's DC Nation programming), but whatever the long-term future holds, the show will return. … [Read more...]
‘Beware the Batman’ Teaser Shows the Good, the Bat and the Ugly of Gotham
It's not yet known why DC Nation was abruptly (albeit temporarily) pulled from the air, but it looks as though it will be returning with a vengeance. Batman has a long history of balancing classic storytelling with modern animation, and Cartoon … [Read more...]
The Super B.F.F.s Vs. Solomon Grundy
This weekend sees the season finale of the excellent 'DC Nation' short Super Best Friends Forever. Check it out as Supergirl, Batgirl and Wonder Girl take on Solomon Grundy. via Bleeding Cool … [Read more...]
Promo Gives Us a Look at New DC Nation Shorts
I'm loving DC Nation's animated shorts, which have featured fun interpretations of great characters like Animal Man, Plastic Man, and the return of the much-loved Teen Titans. This promo clip is a taste of things to come, we get a look at new shorts … [Read more...]
New ‘Beware the Batman’ Image Revealed in DC Solicits
DC's November solicits give us a sneak peek at Batman as he'll appear in Cartoon Network's Beware the Batman. Here's the solicit for DC Nation #2: Written by VARIOUSArt by VARIOUSMontage coverOn sale NOVEMBER 7 • 64 pg, FC, 8” x 10.5”, … [Read more...]
The Catwoman of Shanghai
A fan-favorite in the making, the upcoming DC Nation 3-part short 'The Batman of Shanghai', was premiered at Comic-Con. There's loads to love about this, from the setting of 1930 China to the all-too-brief appearance by Bane. But … [Read more...]