Apparently, The Dark Knight Rises villain Bane was originally motivated by an obsession with mans failure to get enough fiber in his diet. Clearly his origin involved some awful bowel obstruction resulting in a traumatic colonoscopy, which frankly … [Read more...]
If Joel Schumacher Had Directed ‘The Dark Knight Rises’
We'd have The Nippled Knight Rises. They're the nipples that Gotham deserves! via Vulture … [Read more...]
Everyone Looks Scarier With A Bane Mask
"When Downton is in ashes, you have my permission to die." Check out O'Brien with a Bane mask, and see the face of evil. Dalek Bane might just be the scariest thing I've ever seen. For more villains looking even more villain-y with the … [Read more...]
Rush Limbaugh Angry That Batman Villain Shares Name With Romney’s Shame: Bane
The real issue is why, as Americans, the opinion of a racist, sexist, pill-popping blowhard is of consequence to the national dialog. But since clearly we're crazy and this guy has terrifying amounts of influence, let's hear Rush's … [Read more...]
The Catwoman of Shanghai
A fan-favorite in the making, the upcoming DC Nation 3-part short 'The Batman of Shanghai', was premiered at Comic-Con. There's loads to love about this, from the setting of 1930 China to the all-too-brief appearance by Bane. But … [Read more...]