If Catwoman Actually Behaved Like A Cat

While my cats have never stolen exotic gems or fought heroes and/or villains, I have had a lot of experiences with them pretty much just like this. via Design You Trust … [Read more...]

Bane’s Outtakes Reveal Passion for Dietary Fiber [Video]

Apparently, The Dark Knight Rises villain Bane was originally motivated by an obsession with mans failure to get enough fiber in his diet. Clearly his origin involved some awful bowel obstruction resulting in a traumatic colonoscopy, which frankly … [Read more...]

The Crunchy Nut Rises

The Crunchy Nut is back, keeping the world safe from breakfast villainy. Kellogg's knows a good thing when it sees one, and it knows that it's time for the breakfast hero we deserve. Of course, any hero is going to attract villains, so Crunchy faces … [Read more...]

Deadpool vs. Gangnam Style

An idea whose time has come - Deadpool vs. Gangnam style, a crazy cosplay dance-fest that is more pure fun than any of the comics I've read so far this week. Which is a little sad, but in any case this clip of Deadpool shaking his groove thang, along … [Read more...]

Iron Man’s Drunk Again

Hoo boy. 16-bit Iron Man is up to his old drunken ways, in this Marvel vs. Capcom parody from Dorkly. … [Read more...]

If Joel Schumacher Had Directed ‘The Dark Knight Rises’

We'd have The Nippled Knight Rises. They're the nipples that Gotham deserves! via Vulture … [Read more...]